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Austen Siebenaler

Continents (Smart Board) Lesson Plan Introduction Lesson topic: Introduction to History and Social Science: Geography Length of Lesson: 45 minutes VA Standards of Learning The student will develop map skills by locating the equator, the seven continents, and the five oceans on maps and globes (2.5a). Context Third lesson within the Geography unit- following lesson reviewing the oceans, as well as former instruction regarding the cardinal directions and the globes grid system of latitude and longitude and hemispheres. Global Themes The globe is composed of large bodies of water and land masses. Knowledge of these geographic features precedes an understanding of the various cultures and details which define each continent, as well as our global relationships/interdependence. Content Objectives Students will: Identify the 7 continents on a globe Recognize the shape and position of each continent on the globe Construct a map of the world which includes all of the oceans and continents Assessment Aligned to Objectives Identify the 7 continents on a globe Recognize the shape and position of each continent on the globe Construct a map of the world which includes all of the oceans and continents Formative Students will construct the definition of a continent and list the 7 continents as they are indicated on a globe. Students will orally describe the location of each continent. Students will use clues to identify continents by their shape, location, and landmarks Students will create a world map of the continents and oceans Summative Students will identify the 7 continents by their shapes and positions on the globe. Students will create their own clues describing and comparing the shapes and positions of each continent on the globe using directional vocabulary (i.e. the cardinal directions). Students will position the continents on a map and label the 5 oceans and 7 continents Students will construct a map of the world, positioning and labeling each continent on a paper plate globe. Materials/Technology and Advanced Preparation Computer/projector with accompanying Where in the World is Pancake? smartboard presentation Personal History Journals Giant Post-it notes (for 4-Corner Vocabulary Charts) Class set of blank world maps (attached) Class set of individual white boards and expo pens Index cards Paper Plates Cut-Outs of each continent (class set) Volunteer cup of popsicle sticks with students names (the teacher will select volunteers from the cup- it is always optional to come to the board but encouraged)- every time a volunteer is selected,

Austen Siebenaler

he/she is selected from the cup, and their name is subsequently removed from the cup until everyone has had a chance to participate. Teaching and Learning Sequence TIME TEACHER ACTIONS Introduction/Anticipatory Set 5 minutes Instruct students to have a seat at their desks Introduce the SmartBoard presentation by telling students that today, we are going to follow our pet guinea pig, Pancake, as she travels around the globe. However, first we must know: what is a continent? Instruct students to work with their table groups to create a definition of the word, continent using the 4-Corners Vocabulary Chart as modeled on the board (students will complete theirs on giant post-it paper). Students have five minutes. Collect the 4 Corners Vocabulary Charts Gather students on the rug with pencils, expo pens, white boards, and individual world maps from the previous days instruction (oceans are already labeled). Lesson Development 15 What is a continent? minutes Allow each group to share their definition, illustration, and sentence from the 4 Corners Chart. Reveal the definition, illustration, and sentence from the model on the Smartboard (slide 3). Instruct students to turn to an elbow partner and compare the word continent with the word ocean. Ask for volunteers to share their comparison of continents and oceans Add the word, continent to the word wall. Instruct students to watch the video/listen to the Continents Song, and pay close attention to the names of the different continents: watch?v=Lf--PQNDn7g Play Continent or Not on slide 4. Ask students to look at the board and share with an elbow partner one example of a continent and one non-continent from the

STUDENT ACTIONS Students return to their desks/tables Students will work in their table groups to define a continent. Students will create an illustration, use the word in a sentence, and write their proposed definition in the 4-Corner Vocabulary Chart (on giant postit notes) Students will turn in their 4 Corner Vocabulary Charts and bring a clipboard, a pencil, and individual world maps to the rug for whole-group instruction.

Each table group will share their 4 Corners Vocabulary Chart. With a partner, students will compare the definition of a continent to the definition of an ocean. Volunteers will share comparisons of continents and oceans. Students will watch the continent video and listen for the names of specific continents. With an elbow partner, students will identify continents and noncontinents using the examples on the smartboard. Volunteers will come up to the board and sort the names of continents and non-continents. Students will pull out their personal maps. Volunteers will read the descriptions of each continent aloud. Students will

Austen Siebenaler

15 minutes

list on the board. consult with a partner to locate the described continent on their Select volunteers to come to the board personal maps. A volunteer will and choose a continent/non-continent locate the continent on the and sort it according to whether it is a Smartboard. continent or not. Students will drag and drop the Instruct students that Pancake is going to continent names on the world describe each continents position on the map (slide 12). Each volunteer map, and it is our job to locate the should orally describe the continent by sliding the shade that covers location of the continent by each continents name. Demonstrate identifying the surrounding with Africa on slide 5. Ask a student to oceans. Students will check the orally read the description of the labels on their personal maps. continent to the class, while another Students will write the name of student finds Africa on the map. each continent as it is indicated All students should turn to their elbow on the Smartboard on their partner, and help locate Africa on their personal whiteboards. Students individual world maps, and then label the will display their responses. continent accordingly. Students will indicate their Display slides 5-11 describing the confidence with identifying the positions of Africa, Antarctica, Asia, continents via a thumbsAustralia, Europe, North America, and up/sideways/down survey. South America respectively. With each slide, a volunteer should read the Students who feel uncertain about description aloud, another student should the material will be moved to sit identify the continent on the map, and all next to individuals who feel students should work with an elbow confident about the continents. partner to label the continent on their individual maps. Allow students to drag and drop the continent names on slide 12 to put it all together. Ask each volunteer to describe their continents location by identifying the surrounding oceans. Students should check the labels on their individual world maps. For review, instruct students to pull out their white boards. As the teacher points to the shape of a specific continent (slide 13), students should write the name of the indicated continent on their white boards. Students will display their answers, and the teacher will reveal the continents name. Conduct a thumbs-up survey to assess readiness to begin our journey following Pancake around the globe. If a student needs additional guidance, instruct student to sit with a partner who feels ready and confident with the material. Where in the World is Pancake? Where in the world is Pancake?

Austen Siebenaler

10 minutes

Introduce continent (in-flight) video by Students will watch the continent instructing students to pay close attention informational/in-flight video and to the facts given about each continent. listen for facts which may be These facts will be useful later to useful in the search for Pancake. determine Where in the world is After the teacher reads aloud Pancake? Pancakes clue, students will with an elbow partner to E determine which continent Instruct students that they are going to go Pancake is visiting. Slides on a global scavenger hunt searching for alternate between the shape and Pancake (the class guinea pig). Pancake the name of each continent, thus was going on a trip to visit his sister, but students may consult their he ended up on the wrong flight. The personal maps, as well. students are to track Pancakes new Students will raise their hands flight schedule as he traverses the globe. when the teacher indicates the The objective of this activity is to answer that they selected. practice using map skills to locate the A volunteer will come to the continents on the globe. board and select their answer. Direct students to use the clues to Students will explain their choice determine which continent Pancake is and why or why not it was visiting. There are 2 clues (slides) that correct. must be solved prior to discovering Once students have arrived in Pancakes location: Students must South America, the last continent determine the shape and then the name in the presentation, students will of each continent based upon the return to their tables/desks and description provided in each clue. For place their personal maps in their each clue, students should confer with history journals. their elbow partner and share where they think Pancake is landing next. They may refer to their individual maps. The teacher will conduct a survey of raised hands to determine which answer was the most popular. The teacher will select one volunteer (from the cup) to come to the board for each slide/clue and select the appropriate answer. Incorrect answers link to slides with descriptions and useful information for future clues. Once students arrive in South America, instruct students to return to their seats and place their personal maps in their history journals. Classroom Continents: Classroom Continents: Instruct students that it is now their turn Students will receive an index to create clues about the continents. card and choose a continent Distribute blank index cards Students will write a clue about their continents location using Each student should choose a continent. one sentence To prevent everyone from choosing the same continent, the teacher may assign Students will turn in their clues

Austen Siebenaler

Closure 5-10 minutes

students at each table to a different hemisphere. Instruct students to write a clue on the index card based upon their continents location, surroundings, and bordering oceans. The clue should be one sentence. The teacher will collect the clue cards. As students finish writing their clues, they may begin working on their paper plate globes (see below). Once everyone has turned in their clue cards, the teacher will redistribute the index cards. Instruct students to look around the room. There are seven labeled pictures/maps representing the seven continents. Each index card indicates a fact concerning a specific continent. Students should move to the poster/continent that relates to the fact on their index card. Once students have moved to their continent, instruct students to share their fact and their reasons for selecting said continent with a partner. Students should tape their facts to their respective continent posters/labels. Instruct students to return to their seats.

and receive someone elses clue. Students must determine the continent described in their assigned clue Students find the area of the classroom labeled with their respective answer/continent. Students will share their assigned clue with a partner and discuss why it describes their specific continent. Students will tape their clues to the giant post-it labeled with the specific continent. Students will return to their seats.

Distribute cut-outs of each continent to each table Instruct students to identify and label each continent as they glue the continents onto their paper plates. Instruct students to create a paper plate globe. Positioning and labeling the continents according to their correct locations. Homework (If applicable)

Students identify and label continent cut-outs Students create a paper plate globe by positioning and labeling continents according to their realistic locations on the earth.

References (for videos, images, and the shuffle activity in smartboard) watch?v=Lf--PQNDn7g

Austen Siebenaler

Lesson Organizer Prior Knowledge and NEW Instructional Content Prior Knowledge: The Equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the Earth that divides it into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The equator and the prime meridian divide the globe into four hemispheres. The four hemispheres are Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western. A hemisphere represents half of a sphere (globe) There are five oceans. Students have learned the names and relative locations of the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Artic, and Southern Oceans New Content: A continent represents a main continuous expanse of land. There are seven continents: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica The physical shapes and positions of the continents on the globes.

Instructional Modifications to ASSIST Students Students will use their individual world maps throughout instruction as a visual tool and reference, in addition to the maps in the Smartboard presentation. Students will receive opportunities to work with their group members in defining the term, continent. Students will receive multiple opportunities to work with partners- to locate and label the continents on the board. Students who do not feel confident with the material may work with a partner during the Where in the World is Pancake? Activity. These students will be paired with students who feel comfortable with the material.

Main Events of Instruction -Anticipatory Set: 4 Corners Vocabulary Chart -Continents Song/Video -Continent Or Not Activity -Labeling the Continents on the Map -White Board Review (teacher points to a continents shape, students write the name on their white boards) -Informational/In-Flight Video on the Continents -Where in the World is Pancake? Activity -Students create their own Where in the World is Pancake? Clues. Teacher redistributes clues, and students find their continent post-it in the classroom -Closing: Paper Plate Globes

Instructional Modifications to CHALLENGE Students Students who are confident with the material will receive multiple opportunities to share and assist partners and group members. Students who are comfortable with the material may express their understanding by creating detailed clues in the Classroom Continent activity. These students may not need to refer to their personal maps when determining Where in the World is Pancake? Students who finish writing their clues early may begin working on their paper plate globes.

Austen Siebenaler

The teacher will closely monitor progress and understanding by conducting answer surveys throughout the Where in the World is Pancake? Activity. Students will consult and share with partners during the Classroom Continent Activity. For English Language Learners and struggling readers, assign group members who speak the same language and who are comfortable reading (scaffold seating groups). Also, provide picture books and the word wall as references for continents and map awareness.

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