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Lesson Plan For: Drug Integrated

Name: Christa Koep

Content area: Early Childhood Education (CFS) Grade level: Preschool Unit: Literacy (Shapes and Color) Integrated health topic: What is safe and not safe to put in your mouth (prescriptions) Lesson Plan Name: Mouse Shapes o Resource: 15 November, 2012. Literacy Activity: Mouse Shapes. Lesson Planet. Retrieved from: o Lesson Background: They are in the middle of the unit. So far students have covered different shapes and colors. And have completed a survey of the class finding out what each persons favorite shape and color is. After this lesson the kids will work on identifying colors and shapes in the world around them, to see the connection between academics and general life. Learning Objectives o Content: Given different shapes, students will be able to create new objects by following instructions with 80% accuracy as corrected by the teacher. o Health: When asked which items are safe to put in their mouth students will answer with a five out of six correctness as recorded by the teacher. o Health Standard(s): 7.2.2 Demonstrate behaviors that avoid or reduce health risks 8.2.1 Make requests to promote personal health 8.2.2 Encourage peers to make positive health choices Procedure o Introduction: -Ask children to list off the shapes they remember learning from the day before. -Ask students to list off as many colors as they can think of. -Introduce the book Mouse Shapes by: Ellen Stoll Walsh and ask the children to predict what they believe the book is about. o Steps:

Read the book Mouse Shapes to the children; ask them throughout the book what shapes are shown in the illustrations. Discuss the outcome of the book and how it relates to the theme of shapes. Have children return to their desks and explain the art activity.

o Closure:

Have children cut out each shape carefully and then use a glue stick to put the shapes on a new piece of paper to create a new object like the mice did in the book. Gather children together once everyone has completed the art lesson. Have children brainstorm different shapes and colors of the medicines they have at home. Discuss with children what is safe and unsafe for them to put in their mouth. Complete the Some Drugs are Harmful activity. Discuss the activity and how knowing what is safe and unsafe to put in their mouths will keep them healthy.

-Have children write/draw in their journals of the activities they have done today. -Ask some students to volunteer to share what they have put into their journals. -Ask students to volunteer to come up and draw their favorite shape on the large isle in front of the class. -Ask the students to identify one safe and one unsafe thing to put in their mouths. -Explain to students that tomorrow they will be learning about the different shapes that are a part of the community such as road signs and certain furniture that is their homes.

o Assessment: Throughout the art lesson ask children individually to identify the different shapes they are cutting out and mark it down to go into their personal portfolio. Make sure to mark down both correct and incorrect answers. This assessment will show whether or not the child has made progress from the beginning of the year.

Interactive Activity/Concept:

Some Drugs are Harmful o Resource: 15, November, 2013. Manual Lesson Plans for Drug Prevention. Preschool Drugs. Retrieved from: vdi9wZGYvbmNvZGMvZG9jcy9tYW51YWxfZHJ1Z19wcmV2ZW50aW9uX2d yZW5hZGEucGRmCk1BTlVBTDogTEVTU09OIFBMQU5TIEZPUiBEUlVHIF BSRVZFTlRJT04gRURVQ0FUSU9OOiBQUkVTQ0hPT0wgLi4u

Concept: This activity relates to the health portion of the lesson plan by having children determining harmful drugs. Children will be able to identify at least two harmful drugs and be able to write a sentence about them. Materials Needed: Pictures of harmful drugs, yarn


- Have children brainstorm different shapes and colors of the medicines they have at home. -Discuss the difference between helpful medicines and harmful drugs. -Discuss with children what is safe and unsafe for them to put in their mouth. - Discuss with children what they know about harmful drugs and ask them to identify as many examples as possible. -Together make a list of harmful drugs on the large isle. -Show the children the variety of pictures and have them identify as safe and unsafe. -Explain the harmful effects of using these drugs. -Lay pictures flat and have students work together to lay the yarn over the pictures connecting the harmful drugs. -Ask them to identify each picture as they lay the yarn across. -Ask students to share why they must not use those drugs.

Instructional Strategy Category: Experimental Learning o Specific Teaching Strategy: Active Learning

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