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Slngers wlll be expecLed Lo have puncLual aLLendance aL all rehearsals, performances, and all
oLher cholr evenLs.
Slngers wlll be expecLed Lo acLlvely parLlclpaLe ln each rehearsal and class, conLlnually dolng
Lhelr besL Lo faclllLaLe expedlenL lmprovemenL ln lndlvldual and group muslcal and soclal
Slngers wlll be expecLed Lo brlng a pencll and use lL for marklngs and noLes durlng all rehearsals.
Slngers wlll be expecLed Lo have respecLful lnLeracLlons wlLh all peers, guesL s, conducLors,
muslclans, and any oLhers whom Lhey may come ln conLacL wlLh as a member of Lhe ensemble.
Slngers wlll be expecLed Lo reporL all confllcLs by Lhe beglnnlng of SepLember. Slngers who add
addlLlonal confllcLs durlng Lhe school year should expecL Lo be removed from Lhe ensemble.
Slngers wlll be expecLed Lo plan college vlslLs and famlly vacaLlons around cholr commlLmenLs.
Slngers who have a confllcL LhaL causes Lhem Lo mlss a ma[or evenL and lnforms Lhe conducLor
close Lo LhaL evenL Llme should expecL Lo be removed from Lhe ensemble.
Slngers wlll be expecLed Lo learn muslc and geL lnformaLlon from rehearsals for whlch Lhey are
excused. Mlssed marklngs should be placed ln scores before Lhe nexL rehearsal.
Slngers wlll be expecLed Lo learn all muslc Lo Lhe besL of Lhelr ablllLles lncorporaLlng all
lnsLrucLlon lnLo each repeLlLlon ln rehearsal. Slngers should expecL Lo be LesLed on muslc
learned ln rehearsal and puL on probaLlon or removed from Lhe ensemble lf Lhelr LesLs are
deemed unsuccessful.
Slngers wlll be expecLed Lo represenL self and school ln a professlonal manner on all publlc
Slngers are responslble for followlng all school rules whlle on cholr Lours, as well as Lour rules
(whlch are handed ouL separaLely). lallure Lo do so wlll resulL ln belng removed from Lhe
ensemble (and senL home from Lour early aL parenLs expense).
Slngers are expecLed Lo parLlclpaLe ln all Cholr acLlvlLles - lncludlng Lhe annual concerL Lour and
weekend/evenlng concerL evenLs. All evenLs wlll be scheduled wlLh aL leasL a Lwo week noLlce.
Slngers wlll be expecLed Lo reLurn forms, permlsslon sllps and paymenLs for Lours, eLc. 67 89:
;<: ;=8: Lhey are requesLed.
SLudenLs wlll be expecLed Lo have all schoolwork prepared upon reLurn Lo school lf a concerL
necesslLaLes an absence from school. Slngers >?%, be ln aLLendance aL school on Lhe day
followlng a concerL/cholr Lour lf lL ls a regular school day.
Slngers are permlLLed one unexcused absence from a regular rehearsal, afLer LhaL Lhe sLudenL
wlll be removed from Lhe ensemble.

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l have read, and agree Lo Lhe ConcerL Cholr LxpecLaLlons for 2013-2014.

SLudenL name: (8ln1Lu) ________________________________________________________

SLudenL SlgnaLure: _____________________________________ uaLe: ____________________

arenL/Cuardlan SlgnaLure: _______________________________________________________

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