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Lets talk about belief.

I dont believe in God, and I believe that is because I am brave enough to face
eternity and know that its bigger than me. I believe that Aliens exist, but I dont believe that it would
be worth their time to stop by our planet. I believe that it is possible to get from point A to point B
faster than a photon, because I believe that life refuses to be contained. I believe that cruelty to ones
fellow man is poison to the soul, and I believe that there is no greater cruelty that one can inflict on
generations yet to come than to continue to live in the now with no though to the future. I believe
that the world is bigger than us, and I believe that we should get used to the idea. I believe that the
world does not particularly care about you or me, and I believe that there is power in that. I believe
that the future of mankind is vast and wondrous, filled with amazing potential and possibilities, but I
dont know if I believe that we are ready to face that yet. I believe that humans are the most
unfortunate mixture of brilliantly intelligent, and fantastically stupid, but I believe that we can
overcome this flaw if we could just see the bigger picture for one god damn minute. I believe that my
opinions matter, but Im not so foolish as to believe that they matter to anyone but me. So now you
know what I believe, I would ask you the think, REALLY think about what you believe and why. And I
believe that if you do, we will be one step further from what we are, and one step closer to what we
could one day be.

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