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ArL lnLegraLlon Lesson lan 1emplaLe 1

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L1C 4240: ArL for Chlldren

Lesson 1lLle & 8lg ldea*: 1orn aper PablLaLs/CompeLlLlon Crade Level*: 3rd
Lesson Cvervlew/Summary*:
1he sLudenLs wlll use Lhe sLory 1he Crouchy Ladybug by Lrlc Carle Lo sLudy Lhe process he uses Lo creaLe hls lllusLraLlons
and Lo lnLroduce how anlmals compeLe wlLh each oLher ln Lhelr respecLlve hablLaLs for food and ln Lurn llfe.

Class erlods 8equlred:
!"#$%&$ ()*(#$+

1 2 3
key ConcepLs (3-4): WhaL you wanL Lhe sLudenLs Lo ,-./.*
1. vlsual ArL: use Lorn paper collage Lechnlque Lo creaLe hablLaLs and anlmals
2. LlLeracy: relaLe dlscusslon polnLs from Lhe read aloud sLory Lo
characLerlsLlcs of anlmals
3. Sclence: descrlbe characLerlsLlcs of anlmals LhaL provlde advanLages ln
survlvlng (flndlng maLes, food, reproduclng)

LssenLlal CuesLlons (3-4)*:
WhaL are characLerlsLlcs of anlmals LhaL glve Lhem advanLages or
dlsadvanLages over oLher anlmals Lo survlve?
WhaL are dlfferenL ways LhaL anlmals compeLe for food?
WhaL aspecLs of an anlmal's hablLaL play a role ln Lhelr survlval?

Lesson Cb[ecLlves: (LxcellenL resource aL hLLp:// WhaL you wanL Lhe sLudenLs Lo 0.. *
1. vlsual ArL: 1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo uLlllze Lhe Lorn paper Lechnlque Lo creaLe collages represenLlng dlfferenL hablLaLs ln our envlronmenL.
2. LlLeracy: 1he sLudenLs wlll be able Lo make connecLlons beLween Lhe deLalls ln Lhe LexL and Lhe maln concepL abouL compeLlLlon wlLhln hablLaLs.
3. Sclence: SLudenLs wlll be able Lo analyze characLerlsLlcs of chosen anlmals LhaL asslsL ln Lhe anlmal's survlval ln lLs parLlcular hablLaL.

Crade Level LxpecLaLlons (CLLs) (3-4) (hLLp://
1. vlsual ArL:
ulfferenLlaLe beLween shapes and forms
ldenLlfy and use mlddle ground, over-lapplng, and change of slze Lo creaLe
llluslon of space
2. LlLeracy:
Apply posL-readlng skllls Lo demonsLraLe comprehenslon of LexL:
a. ldenLlfy and explaln Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe maln ldea and supporLlng
b. make predlcLlons
3. Sclence:
use evldence Lo consLrucL an explanaLlon for how Lhe varlaLlons ln
characLerlsLlcs among lndlvlduals of Lhe same specles may provlde advanLages
ln survlvlng, flndlng maLes, and reproduclng.
ConsLrucL an argumenL wlLh evldence LhaL ln a parLlcular hablLaL some
ldenLlfy & deflne 3+11+& 4+3)56/)"7 LhaL connecL Lhe arL form wlLh Lhe
oLher ldenLlfled conLenL areas:
1orn aper collage - made uslng small pleces of paper whlch are glued onLo
a surface Lo creaLe an lmage
PablLaL - Lhe naLural envlronmenL of an organlsm, place LhaL ls naLural for
Lhe llfe and growLh of an organlsm: a Lroplcal hablLaL

ArL lnLegraLlon Lesson lan 1emplaLe 2

organlsms can survlve well, some survlve less well, and some cannoL survlve
aL all.

ConLenL Areas lnLegraLed*:
1. vlsual ArL (lnsplraLlon ArLlsL: Lrlc Carle)
2. LlLeracy
3. Sclence

Lesson AcLlvlLles & rocedure(s) !"#$%&$ 1$ 2$*3 &"$()4)(+:
uay 1:
1. AfLer showlng Lhe Lrlc Carle vldeo, as a class we are golng Lo read aloud
hls sLory 1he Crouchy Ladybug.
2. We wlll use Lhls sLory as an example of Lhe pro[ecL Lhe sLudenLs are golng
Lo perform uslng a dlfferenL hablLaL. l wlll ask Lhe sLudenLs prompLlng
quesLlons abouL whaL oLher anlmals Lhe ladybug encounLered, why she
moved on, and whaL Lhey noLlced abouL Lhe hablLaLs LhaL Lhe ladybug
3. We wlll make some concluslons abouL whaL characLerlsLlcs of Lhe ladybug
lLself and whaL aspecLs of Lhe hablLaL made lL easler for Lhe ladybug Lo geL
Lhe food she needed and whaL she needed Lo survlve.
4. AfLer flnallzlng our class dlscusslon, l wlll spllL Lhe groups lnLo 2 groups
and asslgn each group a dlfferenL hablLaL. l wlll choose Lhese hablLaLs or
3. Palf of Lhe sLudenLs ln each group wlll be responslble for Lhe anlmals LhaL
llve ln LhaL parLlcular hablLaL and Lhe oLher half wlll be responslble Lo oLher
key ob[ecLs (planLs, LemperaLure, landscape, eLc.) of Lhelr hablLaL. Lach
sLudenL wlll Lhen choose on speclflc ob[ecL from Lhelr hablLaL Lo furLher
uay 2:
6. AfLer each sLudenL has selecLed Lhelr key player ln Lhelr hablLaL, Lhey wlll
be glven Llme Lo research uslng Lhe naLlonal geographlc klds webslLes and
classroom books. Lach sLudenL wlll Lake noLes and choose Lhe Lhree mosL
lmporLanL facLs relaLed Lo characLerlsLlcs of Lhelr ob[ecL LhaL plays a ma[or
role ln Lhe hablLaL as a whole Lo share wlLh Lhe class aL Lhe very end of Lhe
uay 3:
7. We wlll begln Lhe day by revlslLlng Lhe vldeo we waLched on Lrlc Carle's
lllusLraLlons LhaL he creaLes and uses ln hls sLorles.
7. Cnce a sLudenL's Lhree facLs have been approved by Lhe Leacher, Lhey wlll
ArL lnLegraLlon Lesson lan 1emplaLe 3

be able Lo move onLo Lhe arL porLlon of Lhe lesson. Lach sLudenL wlll creaLe
hls or her anlmal or hablLaL feaLure uslng Lhe Lorn paper collage Lechnlque,
whlch ls slmllar Lo whaL we saw Lrlc Carle use.
8. Lach of Lhe Lwo large groups, ln Lhe end, wlll place all of Lhelr hablLaL
feaLures LogeLher on a large plece of buLcher paper Lo creaLe a scene LhaL
Lhey would llkely see wlLhln Lhelr hablLaL.
9. Cnce Lhe Lwo hablLaL scenes are flnallzed, each sLudenL wlll geL Lo share
Lhelr 3 facLs and Lhelr arLwork Lo Lhe resL of Lhe class.
AnLlclpaLory SeL (Calnlng ALLenLlon)*:


Closure (8eflecLlng AnLlclpaLory SeL):

We wlll end Lhe lesson dlscusslng how ln general every hablLaL has lLs own
speclal characLerlsLlcs and each anlmal has lLs own speclal characLerlsLlcs
LhaL ald ln lLs survlval.

8+"1)#*4' !--'--1'&# sLraLegy:

1he sLudenLs research and 3 facLs abouL Lhelr anlmal or hablLaL feaLure

9611)#*4' !--'--1'&# sLraLegy*:

Lach sLudenL wlll wrlLe a couple senLences abouL Lhe characLerlsLlcs of an
anlmal or feaLure from Lhe oLher hablLaL LhaL Lhe heard abouL.

WhaL sLudenL 2"*+" :&+;/'<(' wlll Lhls lesson requlre/draw upon?
-SLudenLs wlll have Lo use Lhelr prlor knowledge abouL naLure and Lhe envlronmenL
-SLudenLs wlll use whaL Lhey already know abouL cerLaln anlmals Lo spark new ldeas and make new connecLlons
-SLudenLs wlll use Lhelr llLeracy comprehenslon and acLlve llsLenlng skllls

Pow wlll you engage sLudenLs ln *1)(*&*&(= '>2/+"*&(= and/or '>2'"*1'&#*&( ln Lhls lesson?
-sLudenLs wlll geL Lo explore dlfferenL anlmals and hablLaL feaLures ln order Lo choose one LhaL sounds lnLeresLlng Lo Lhem for Lhem Lo furLher research
-sLudenLs wlll explore ln depLh abouL Lhelr chosen plece of Lhe hablLaL
-sLudenLs wlll experlmenL wlLh Lhe Lorn paper collage Lechnlque and flnd a procedure LhaL works effecLlvely for Lhelr plece

Pow wlll Lhls lesson allow for/encourage sLudenLs Lo -+/4' 2"+5/'1- *& <*4'"('&# ;)7-?
-afLer sLudenLs flnlsh researchlng Lhelr anlmal or plece of Lhe hablLaL, Lhey wlll have Lo work LogeLher Lo flgure ouL how all Lhe pleces of Lhe hablLaL work
LogeLher Lo creaLe a larger plece of naLure and our envlronmenL

Pow wlll you engage sLudenLs ln "+6#*&'/7 "'?/'3#*&( on Lhelr learnlng?
-sLudenLs wlll reflecL on Lhelr learnlng aL Lhe end of Lhe lesson by llsLenlng Lo whaL oLher sLudenLs researched and reflecLlng on whaL Lhey Look away from
Lhelr peers
ArL lnLegraLlon Lesson lan 1emplaLe 4

Pow wlll you adapL Lhe varlous aspecLs of Lhe lesson Lo <*??'"'&#/7@/)5'/'< -#6<'&#-?
-lf lL ls necessary, l could allow Lhe sLudenLs Lo work LogeLher ln groups LhaL area asslgned by me so LhaL lf Lhere are sLudenLs who sLruggle, Lhey can be
placed wlLh a sLudenL LhaL wlll be helpful Lo Lhem.

WhaL opporLunlLles/acLlvlLles wlll sLudenLs be glven Lo "'4*-' )&< *12"+4' Lhelr undersLandlngs and Lhelr work?
-8y Lhe Llme Lhe sLudenLs are up Lo share Lhelr facLs, Lhey wlll have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo pracLlce wlLh a parLner and see lf Lhere ls anyLhlng LhaL doesn'L make
sense or needs Lo be changed
- ln Lhe arL maklng process Lhe sLudenLs wlll be able Lo be crlLlcal of Lhelr own work so Lhey can revlse and lmprove Lhelr work as needed.

WhaL opporLunlLles/acLlvlLles wlll you provlde for sLudenLs Lo -A)"' Lhelr learnlng ln Lhls lesson?
- once Lhe Lwo hablLaLs have been flnallzed and compleLed, Lhe sLudenLs wlll geL Lo share Lhelr arL and each sLudenL wlll geL Lo share Lhelr Lhree facLs abouL
whaL Lhey researched

Lesson 8esources/8eferences !"#$%&$ 1$ 2$*3 &"$()4)( 13 "*.2)0)-5 #)-,&6 %789.*&6 8)8#$&6 $8(:+:
- hLLp://
- hLLp://

* lnclude Lhls lnformaLlon durlng Lhe oppleL presenLaLlon.
SllversLeln, L. 8. & Layne, S. (n.d.). ueflnlng arLs lnLegraLlon. 8eLrleved from

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