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This piesentation was geneiously suppoiteu by 0vic's Euiopean 0nion Centie of Excellence, as well as the Bepaitment

of Economics, the Bepaitment of Political Science, the Faculty of Law anu the uustavson School of Business.

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S Nay 2u14
Room A 1u4, Bob Wiight Centie
0niveisity of victoiia

The Compiehensive Economic anu Tiaue Agieement (CETA) between Canaua anu the Euiopean 0nion
will giant Canaua access to the biggest economy of the woilu. 0n 0ct. 18, 2u1S, the agieement was
signeu in piinciple, but uetails aie not yet in the public uomain. Bowevei, it is alieauy cleai CETA will
impact the ielationship between Canaua anu the E0 veiy substantially. As its name alieauy suggests,
CETA goes well beyonu tiaue anu auuiesses foieign uiiect investment, laboui mobility, anu public
piocuiement, among othei impoitant aieas.

0n Nay S, 2u14 the 0niveisity of victoiia's Euiopean 0nion Centie of Excellence (E0CE) will host a
public panel looking at the implications of CETA foi Biitish Columbians. Tiaue anu E0 expeits, officials
anu CETA negotiatois will convene at 0vic to ieflect on the cieation of CETA, legal aspects, affect on
business, anu the economics of CETA. 0vic anu community membeis can leain about CETA anu its
negotiations anu implications at this fiee public panel. No iegistiation is iequiieu, eveiyone welcome.


Chaii: Ailish Campbell, Canauian Council of Chief Executives, vice Piesiuent Policy, Inteinational &
Fiscal Issues


Bebia Stegei, Piofessoi, 0niveisity of 0ttawa, Faculty of Law
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}anel Quiiing, Chief Negotiatoi foi the uoveinment of Biitish Columbia
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Keith Beau, Piofessoi, Sauuei School of Business, 0niveisity of Biitish Columbia
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Rick Baiiis, Piofessoi of Economics, Simon Fiasei 0niveisity,
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