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Special Terrorism Threat Report

Part 3



All Australia State Police Forces
Police Commissioners and Senior Staff


Counter Terrorism Terrorism Units

Toby Robinson
Andrew B Werner

Australians Most Senior Experienced Person


Government Corruption and False Flag Terrorism

Dear Police Commissioners

And Senior Staff, who have not been compromised,
corrupted and turned to the dark evil side of helping to
carry out False Flag Terrorism against your fellow

So how infiltrated corrupted have our Police and
Intelligence Services, Politicians and Mainstream Media

By the same people who were behind Sept 11
Terrorist Attacks in New York, Madrid, London, Bali etc?
By my calculations the following have been infiltrated and
corrupted and are now compromised I base these claims
on the following 76 Pages of Evidence & Proof.
The below people since 11
Sept 2001 have stopped all
and any Israeli Mossad, IDF information from coming to
light and reaching the day of light.
The following people have lied, deliberately told stories
feed to them by the Americans & Israel and have even
tried to silence anybody who disclosed Israel involvement
with 11
Sept 2001 Terrorist Attack.
And any False information Israel was feeding to America
about the Iraq War. As far as Australia is concerned
please see the following Video by Carmel Travers at the
end she talks about 3 goons from Ex Attorney General
Phillip Ruddock in the John Howard Government went
and tried to silence Carmel by busting up her computer
and then threatening her.
To charge her on Fake False Terrorism chargers.
Truth, Lies & Intelligence
Listen to Carmel at the end as she asked these Zionist
Goon Thugs how many other people have they done the
same thing to and they brag about 72 other Journalist,
TV Producers, 911 Truthers and Australian Bloggers, Web
Site Owners.
Anyone who tried to expose Israel involvement in feeding
the Americans through their US Military Pentagon Fake
/ False information about Iraq and Weapons of Mass
These Zionist Goons in some western countries with the
blessing from our own Government, Ministers went
around threatening people with Fake False Terrorism
chargers all done under immunity given to them by the
Office Of National Assessments
Australian Federal Police
Federal Attorney General Office
Australian Military
Foreign Affairs Dept
NSW State Police Force (Terrorism Counter Terrorism
Unit) and right up to the Police Commissioners Office.
Victorian State Police Force (Terrorism Counter
Terrorism Unit) and right up to the Police Commissioners

Both State Attorney General Office and DPP sections.
Julia Gillard MHR - Prime Minister
Kevin Rudd MHR - Foreign Affairs Minister
Craig Emerson MHR Acting Foreign Affairs
Stephen Smith MHR - Defense Minister
Robert McClelland MHR Attorney General
Tony Abbott MHR Opposition Leader
Julie Bishop MHR Deputy Opposition Leader
& Shadow Foreign Affairs
Senator George Brandis - Shadow Attorney-General
Senator David Johnson - Shadow Defense
All these people staff in their Offices, Advisers can be
considered corrupted & compromised.
Australia is in deep s*** for Terrorism and an Terrorist
Attack to occur as you can see by the list above, all these
people have sold their country Australia out.
They are compromised & corrupted to the evil side of
letting these Zionist Goon Thugs go about threaten
people, assassinate people and do anything they want.
The Australian Media both Newspaper groups Fairfax &
News Corp Editors, Journalist cannot be trusted to report
the truth.
The same can be said for TV Stations 10, 9, 7, 2, SBS.
What you are going to read in the next 76 Pages of
Evidence and Proof can be found openly on the Internet,
all the information is confirmed true and correct and the
above shame list of traitors, treasonous scum have been
hiding from the Australian General Public.
God Help Us All
Not only are we the people of the World at War with
these Zionist Goons Thugs, trying to stop them attacking
us, but the above list of people, agencies, police have
sold us all out lock, stock and barrel.
Israel, Mossad And Dual Citizens Traitors Did 9/11 -
All The Proof
Did religious fanatic Muslims commit the acts of
September 11, 2001?

Or could some other form of religious fanaticism be at

Continue reading for the answer!

The ZIO-RATS did 9/11

For a more in-depth look at the attacks I recommend you
read Chris Bollyn's book Solving 9/11: The Deception
That Changed the World, or have a look at this piece
entitled Stranger Than Fiction.

9/11 Missing Links

War by Deception 2011 The Shadow Government
And Shadow Economy

The Jew Doesn't Fight His Own Battles

World Zionism is the architect of global
terrorism, the man behind the curtain if you

Ever since the establishment of the criminal Zionist terror
state (Israel) in the middle-east via terrorism, murder,
land theft and ethnic cleansing in 1948, there has been a
major increase in violent terrorist acts across the globe,
beginning with the Jewish attack upon the King David
Hotel in 1946, disguised as Arabs.

Zionist Bombing In Jerusalem 1946

Israel and its loyalists abroad have been engaged in a
concerted effort to demonize the Muslim/Arab world and
nations which get in the way of Israeli hegemony in the
middle east, such as Iraq.

Israel never fights its own battles because Jews are weak
and cowardly (albeit sneaky, ruthless and deceptive), so
it must trick western powers into doing the dirty work.
This is done through the use of false-flag terrorism.

Former Mossad case officer, Victor Ostrovsky, wrote two
books detailing the Israeli terrorist agency's relentless
use of 'false-flags' to set up Arabs and Muslim countries
as targets for the United States military. (See: By Way
of Deception)

Watch the videos below for a brief history of Israeli false-
flag terrorism and covert operations that have, in the
past, tricked Western powers (particularly the USA) into
attacking a country which Israel didn't like whom had
been framed for a terrorist incident covertly perpetrated
by the Mossad, Israel's state-terrorist organ.

Israel's attack on 9/11 was primarily designed to turn
public opinion against the enemies of Israel (Arabs) and
to induce the Western powers to take out Israel's
regional enemies.

The codename for the 9/11 attacks was "the big
wedding" which could be interpreted as a reference to
the planned coagulation of US and Israeli foreign policy -
- making Israel's evil ambitions America's too.

Like all Israeli false-flag attacks Muslims were scape
goated for this Jewish crime.

The only beneficiary of such an event was Israel, as well
as the international Jewish bankers who thrive off of
wars and conflicts.

You can see this Jewish agenda being played out clearly
in the mainstream media broadcasts on the very day of
9/11 and in the weeks that followed.

Here are a few revealing clips for your consideration:
The name of "Bin Laden" first rolled off the tongue of
hideous Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak on a BBC
broadcast before the dust even settled.

A false-flag always requires a pre-determined fall guy, of

Ehud Barak interview, BBC, 11:29am 9/11

A Zionist Jew by the name of Jerome Hauer was one of
the first to blame the attacks on "Al Qaeda" and even
went so far as to attribute the astonishing free-fall
collapses of the twin towers

As the result of "the impact of the planes and the
'intense heat' from the ensuing fires", which later became
the laughable and physically impossible official

How did he just happen to know what
would become the entire official story on
the very day of 9/11?

The 9-11 Solution -How The Myth Was Sold

Later in the day the President of Israel and venomous
worm, Ariel Sharon, held a press conference in which
he called for an "international war on terror".

Ehud Barak and other Zionist rats also spoke this kind of
language on media broadcasts, making their pre-planned
Jewish war agenda quite obvious to say the least.

9/11 Ariel Sharon "Turning Point on Terror" Press
Conference 5:00 pm

Here are yet more calls for a "war on terror" and "swift
action on part of the USA" by Zionists on the BBC.

Several Jewish-Zionist slime balls Ehud Barak &
Richard Perle led the warmongering, on behalf of
Israel, along with a few of their Goyim pets.

Israel was clearly trying to shape the U.S.'s response to

The Jewish-controlled media was hitting us over the head
with videos of Palestinians supposedly celebrating in the
West Bank.

Meanwhile the controlled media completely neglected to
mention the fact that five Israeli Mossad agents
were witnessed videotaping, celebrating, high-
fifing and laughing as the WTC was hit, from a
rooftop in New Jersey.

Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11

After watching the above videos it should be all too
obvious that the Zionist Jews were ready to sell their pre-
written propaganda script to a gullible American public.

Within an hour of the second tower being hit several
Zionist-Jewish criminal personalities were announcing
that Osama Bin Laden had done it.

This PR effort was designed to create an instant mindset,
put public opinion in a trance, and prevent even
intelligent people from thinking for themselves.

A planned piece of disinformation by the real

This alone is a strong indication that the Zionists
engineered the attacks.

It was reported that in the months leading up to 9/11
Israeli intelligence gave a general warning to the CIA
saying a network of 200 "terrorists" were operating on
American soil and were planning a major terror attack
although they were conveniently unspecific about any of
the details of the planned attack.

***** Comment anybody want to guess who the 200
Terrorist really were?

Originally posted at

The Austin American-Statesman, November 25, 2001, pg.

The Israeli intelligence sources also went on to lead
American officials in the direction of Osama Bin Laden
and Iraq being the authors of this upcoming terror

This was not a warning, it was planted

Yet another strong indication that the Israelis were
planning a false-flag operation in which Al Qaeda and
Iraq were to be blamed.

The next few years after 9/11 saw a heavy amount of
Zionist/Neo-Con media propaganda promulgating this
erroneous Iraq-Al Qaeda connection.

Thus fulfilling the lies of this phony
Mossad "warning".

The pieces of the puzzle fit right into


Jews Control American Mass Media & Hollywood

Without the mass media as a willing co-conspirator, the
Zionist Jew terrorists would never have been able to pull
off a 9/11-style event without getting caught.

The American (and global) media is not merely
"incompetent", it is criminally biased in favor of the Jews
and Israel because that's who owns it, obviously.

The Jewish-owned Mass Media and Zionist fifth-columnist
political pundits masquerading as "experts on terrorism"
were mobilized to immediately pin the crime on 19
incompetent Arab patsies who were working for a
fictional terror group called "Al Qaeda".

They did this well using all the tried and true techniques
that you can find in the Jew Edward Bernays' book,

Do Jews Control the Media? -- The LA Times Says

Israel Did 9/11 - All The Proof

It can be said that terrorism has been a tool of the
Jewish people since time immemorial.

But ever since the invention of explosives it has become
somewhat of an art form for them.

Since Jews are fond of blaming other people for their

More often than not many of the large-scale terror
attacks that have been blamed on Muslims & Arabs by
the controlled media, were actually perpetrated by
Zionist Jews and their henchmen.

Some of the earliest examples of Jewish political
terrorism goes back to the mid- late 1800's when radical
Jewish Marxists from the Pale of Settlement were
engaged in non-stop attempts to assassinate the
Christian Czar's of Russia, which eventually culminated in
the insidious and ruthless savagery of the Bolshevik
Revolution (a Jewish brainchild).

Some of the more modern day examples of Jewish false-
flag terrorist spectacles include the Kind David Hotel
bombing (1946), the Lavon Affair (1954) and the USS
Liberty attack (1967), among many others.

Figuring out exactly how 9/11 was done is the work of
crime investigators or conspiracy hobbyists who will
endlessly go on discussing and debating every minuscule
and intricate detail of the event to no avail.

It doesn't take a structural engineer to tell you that two
110 story buildings and a 47 story steel skyscraper
plummeting to the ground at nearly free-fall speed
requires the assistance of explosives.

All you need is two eyes that can see and a brain that
thinks to come to that sound conclusion.

This is why it is of my opinion that more emphasis should
be placed on the "who" instead of the "how".

It should be obvious to anyone that discovering who did
9/11 is infinitely more important than discovering how
they did it.

Zero: An Investigation Into 9/11 (for the "how")

Pictured is Isser Harel. Born in Russia, Harel became
Israels pre-eminent spy and founder of the infamous
Mossad. He predicted the events September 11, 2001
with uncanny accuracy, twenty-one years prior to 9/11.

On September 23, 1979, Michael Evans, an American
supporter of Zionism.

Visited Harel at his home in Israel and had dinner with
him and Dr. Reuven Hecht, a senior adviser to then
Prime Minister Menachem Begin.

At dinner Michael Evans asked Harel, Do you think
terrorism will come to America, and if so, where and

Harel told Evans; New York City is the symbol of
freedom and capitalism.

Its likely they will strike your tallest building,
because it is a phallic symbol.

The fact that 9/11 was planned by the Mossad through
the admittance of Isser Harel is well documented and
appears in a book written by Michael Evans. (Belief Net,
7th Paragraph)

WTC Controlled By Zionists

The first step in the preparation of the 9/11 attacks was
to secure the control of the WTC into private hands.

This was crucial to the success of 9/11 because without
complete control over this complex there would be no
opportunity or possibility of setting explosive charges in
place as the coup de grce in bringing the towers to the

In steps five key Jewish crime network assets

Jew Silverstein

1) Larry Silverstein - Larry is a Jewish American
businessman from New York.

Larry obtained a 99-year lease on the entire world trade
center complex on 24 July 2001.

The towers were nearly worthless, being that needed
removal, yet Larry felt a compelling urge to own them.

Larry had breakfast in "Windows on the World"
restaurant (107th Floor North Tower) every single

Larry was absent from this routine meeting on the
morning of September the 11th.
Larrys two children, who also worked in the WTC,
conveniently decided to take the day off as well.

Larry Silverstein scored more than $4.5 Billion in
insurance money as a result of the destruction of his
complex. Silverstein was personal friends with Zionist
media-magnate Rupert Murdock, former Israeli president
& infamous Zionist war criminal Ariel Sharon, as well as
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu.

Silverstein was such good friends with Benjamin
Netanyahu that he would speak with him on the phone
every single Sunday.

(MUST SEE) 911 More LIES Exposed - Larry
Silverstein (REMINDER)

2) Frank Lowy - Lowy, a Czech-born Jew, was the
owner of Westfield America, one of the biggest
shopping mall conglomerates in the world.

Lowy leased the shopping concourse area called the Mall
at the World Trade Center, made up of approximately
427,000 square feet of retail floor space.

Frank Lowy has quite an interesting history.

He was a member of the Golani Brigade, and fought in
the Israeli war of independence.

Before this he was a member of Haganah, a Jewish
terrorist network.

Frank Lowy spends three months of the year at his home
in Israel and has been described by the Sydney Morning
Herald as "a self-made man with a strong interest in the
Holocaust and Israeli politics."

He funded and launched the Israeli Institute for National
Strategy and Policy, which will "operate within the
framework of Tel Aviv University" in Israel.

He is an also close friend with many top Israeli officials
such as Ehud Olmert, Ariel Sharon, Bibi Netanyahu, and
Ehud Barak.

He was also implicated in an Israeli Bank Scandal with

Frank Lowy steered clear of the WTC on 9/11.

More information about Lowy can be further researched

Jew Lowy

3) Lewis Eisenberg -This Jewish criminal
personality was the head of the Port Authority of
New York and authorized the lease transfer to his
Zionist brethren Larry and Lowy.

Eisenberg was a large contributor to the Bush-Cheney
presidential campaign, as well as a partner in the Jewish
bank Goldman-Sachs.

Eisenberg has been both a member of the Planning
Board of the United Jewish Appeal/United Jewish
Federation pro-Israeli government pressure group in the

Jew Eisenberg

4) Ronald Lauder - Billionaire Este Lauder
Cosmetics magnate.

He was the chairman of NY Governor George Pataki's
commission on privatization.

He is the key individual who lobbied for the privatization
of the WTC (Source) -- but he also got the former
Stewart Air Force Base to become privatized.

Oddly, the flight paths of flight 175 and flight 11
converged directly over this airport.
Lauder is active in the following organizations:
Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish
Organizations, Jewish National Fund, World Jewish
Congress, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee,
Anti-Defamation League, Jewish Theological Seminary.

Ronald Lauder was elected president of the World Jewish
Congress on 10 June 2007.

Lauder founded a school for the Mossad in Herzliya,
Israel called the Lauder School of Government Diplomacy
and Strategy.

He is the key Sayan involved in the preparation of 9/11.

Jew Lauder

5) Jerome Hauer - Jerome Hauer was the
managing director of Kroll Associates on 9/11.

The company, known as the CIA of Wall street,
provided security for the World Trade Complex.

Hauer had previously administered Mayor Rudy Guilianis
office of emergency management, located in Silversteins
building 7, from 1996 to 2000.

On the morning of September 11th, Hauer was on
national television, trying to convince Dan Rather, (and
the rest of us), that jet fuel fires had collapsed the

Somehow he knew the entire 911
official story, the very day it happened.

Perhaps because he authored the

Jerome Hauer also advised the White House to go on
Cipro, the anti-biotic effective against Anthrax, one week
prior to the first anthrax mailings.

Jerome Hauer is Jewish and a staunch Zionist.

Hauers mother is the Honorary President of the New
York Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of Zion.

Jew Hauer

Zion Incorporated

Ptech Software Systems

Most national security computerized systems that would
have responded to the 9/11 hijackings by scrambling jets
were running on Ptech software.

A list of Ptech clients includes the FAA, N.A.T.O, United
States Armed Forces, Congress, Dept. Of Energy, Dept.
of Justice, FBI, Customs, the IRS, the Secret Service, and
even the White House.

Zionist Jew Michael S. Goff was marketing manager at
Ptech and also worked for Israeli database company
Guardium (Director Amit Yoran) Guardium has been
funded by Cedar Fund, Veritas Venture Partners, and
StageOne, all Mossad funding outfits.

Now why would a young American lawyer working with a
good law firm, (Sedar & Chandler), in his home town
suddenly leave the practice of law and work with a dodgy
start-up software company owned and financed by a
Lebanese and a Saudi?

Under Goff, Ptech software loaded with trapdoors and
Trojan Horses was sold and loaded onto the most
sensitive computer systems in the US Defense

International Consultants on Targeted Security

ICTS International, and their US subsidiary Huntleigh
USA, are owned by Ezra Harel and Menachem Atzmon,
both Israeli Jews.

Most of the companys employees are Israeli, and have
close ties to the Mossad.

Both flights that struck the twin towers originated at
Bostons Logan Airport, while the plane that allegedly
crashed in Pennsylvania departed from Newark.

ICTS was responsible for security at both airports, yet
the company will not release surveillance tapes that
would prove the hijackers actually boarded their flights.

On December 22nd, 2001, Richard Reid attempted to
create an explosion on a flight from Paris to Miami by
mixing, then igniting explosives hidden in his shoes.
The shoe bomber only managed to light a few matches
before being subdued by passengers and arrested.

ICTS controlled security at Charles de Gaulle Airport in
Paris, where Reid was allowed to board his flight.

On Christmas Day, 2009, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab
boarded a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit with
explosives hidden in his underwear.

Umars makeshift bomb contained the same combination
of explosives as Reids, and as he attempted to detonate
them he too was subdued.

ICTS International controlled security at Amsterdams
Schiphol Airport, and once again they allowed a
terrorist to board an aircraft.

Menachem Atzmon, former Likud treasurer in the 80s,
was involved in an Israeli political scandal involving Ehud
Olmert and other Likudnits in Israel.

He was convicted of fraud, falsifying documents, as well
as breaching Party Funding Law.

In 2003 both Era Herel and Menachem Atzmon became
suspects in a criminal investigation.

Harel was accused of bribing the Director of the Israel
Electric Company, (IEC). Shortly thereafter, Ezra Harel
died of a sudden heart attack on his yacht, even though
he was in his early 50s.

Just hours before the Patriot Act went before Congress,
technical corrections were written into the legislation
granting foreign security companies, like ICTS
International, immunity from lawsuits related to 9/11.

ZIM Integrated Shipping Services

ZIM is another front company owned and controlled by
the Israeli government.

The company vacated its 10,000 sqaure feet office in the
North WTC tower just one week before 9/11.

Zims offices in the Trade center had been leased until
the end of 2001 and the company lost $50,000 when it
suddenly pulled out at the beginning of September.

FBI agent Michael Dick was investigating Israeli spying
before and after 9/11.

After he began looking at Zims suspicious move he was
removed from his duties by the head of the Justice
Departments criminal division, Michael Chertoff.

According to a non-official cover, (or N.O.C.), CIA source
who worked closely with Dick, the Israeli movers moved
in explosives when ZIM moved out.

With ZIM Israel bailing out just in time, this left one
Israeli company, Clearforest, with 19 employees, in the
WTC on 9/11.

Of the five employees in the building all managed to


Odigo was an Israeli owned company that operated an
instant text messaging service.

Odigo had a unique feature that allowed messages to
pass through a search filter based on nationality, such as

Odigo admitted that two of its employees received
instant messages warning of the impeding attack two
hours prior to the first plane hitting the North Tower.

Had this warning been passed on to authorities,
thousands of lives could have been saved.

Knowing these two particular Israelis were forewarned, it
is very likely they passed the message on to other
Israelis considering that out of the 4000 Israelis believed
to be in and around the WTC and the Pentagon only five
Yes, only five Israeli citizens lost their lives on 9/11, and
two of them were allegedly on the aircraft that were
allegedly hijacked.

Odigo has offices in New York, and Herzliya,

Herzliya happens to be the Headquarters of the

Odigo was later bought up by another Israeli company
called Comverse.

The CEO of Comverse was Kobi Alexander, a dual
Israeli-US citizen with connections to Mossad.

He has been charged with several counts of fraud.

Sims Metals Management

Alan D. Ratners Metals Management and the SIMS group
were responsible for quickly scooping up the rubble from
the towers and shipping it off to Asian smelters.

Ratner made a handsome profit selling over 50,000 tons
of crime scene evidence steel to a Chinese company at
$120 per ton.

Ratner had obtained them for $70 per ton.

More research on this illegal destruction of crime scene
evidence can be found here.

This Story no Longer Exists

In late 2000 and throughout 2001, over 200 Israelis were
arrested for suspected espionage.

This was the largest spyring ever uncovered in the United

These suspected spies targeted or penetrated Military
bases, DEA, FBI, Secret Service, ATF, U.S. Customs, IRS,
INS, EPA, Interior Dept., U.S. Marshals Service, various
U.S. Attorneys Offices, Secret government offices, and
unlisted private homes of law enforcement/intelligence

Most of the suspects served in military intelligence,
electronic surveillance intercept and/or explosive
ordinance units.

Dozens of Israelis were arrested in American mall kiosks
selling toys, acting as a front for a spying operation.

Some were posing as Art students.

60 detained suspects worked for the Israeli company
AMDOCS which provides most directory assistance calls
and almost all call records and billings services for the

At least ninety Israelis were arrested for spying after
9/11 and we know that some of them were detained in
connection to the September 11th attacks.

Following 9/11, over 60 Israelis were detained either
under the Patriot Anti-Terrorism Act or for immigration

Some were active Israeli military personnel.

A number of them failed polygraph examinations when
questioned about their surveillance activities.

This was the biggest spy scandal in our countrys history,
and right on the heels of 9/11.

Yet most of us did not hear this news because the
mainstream press refused to publicize this story.

The exception was Carl Cameron of Fox News channel,
his excellent four-part investigative series covered most
aspects of the allegations against Israel.

Fox News soon came under immense pressure from the
zionists who own the network, and retracted the story.

They even removed the written transcript from the Fox
News Channel web page, replacing the news report with
the following orwellian message: This story no longer

Fortunately, someone saved a digital copy of the series
before the story disappeared, and the video is still
available on the internet.

Here is Camerons four part series on the Israeli spy ring

Notice however that the reporters will not go so far as to
actually accuse Israel of complicity in the September 11th

Five Dancing Israelis

Of the 90 or so detained Israelis there were five, now
widely known as the dancing Israelis, who were
spotted in multiple locations filming, and celebrating the

The men were detained by NYPD.

The police and FBI field agents became very suspicious
when they found maps of the city with certain places
highlighted, box cutters (the same items that the
hijackers supposedly used), $4700 cash stuffed in a sock,
and foreign passports.

Police also told the Bergen Record that when bomb-
sniffing dogs were brought to the van they reacted as if
they had smelled explosives.

Witnesses reported they were set up to film the attacks
prior to the first plane strike, and were seen
congratulating one another afterward.

The five jubilant Israelis were also seen photographing
one another.

The FBI seized and developed their photos, one of which
shows Sivan Kurzberg flicking a cigarette lighter in front
of the smoldering ruins in an apparently celebratory


Three of the five dancing Jews telling their hideous tale
on Israeli TV

According to ABC News 20/20, after the group of Israelis
were detained, the driver of the van Sivan Kurzberg
told the officers:

We are Israeli.

We are not your problem.

Your problems are our problems.

The Palestinians are the problem.

After their deportation back to Israel, three of them
appeared on an Israeli talk show.

Where one of them stated The fact of the matter is,
we are coming from a country that experiences
terror daily. Our purpose was to document the

The Mural Van

One of the more bizarre events of the day came in the
form of a mysterious white van parked a few blocks away
from the twin towers on 6th and King Street, with a
mural painted on the side that literally depicted a jetliner
crashing into the twin towers and exploding.

Artist's sketch based on police recording describing the
mural van

***** Comment its only a coincidence Israelis
were driving around in a white van, with a picture
on the side of a plane flying into the Twin Towers
and they even got the carrier right American

This police audio transmission indicates that the two
suspects in the van started to run away when the van
was stopped and were apprehended shortly thereafter in
some sort of struggle.

The police recording also indicates that the mural van
subsequently exploded following the detainment of the
two suspects

Further corroboration of this incident came in the form of
a reference in the February 2006 Norman Y. Mineta
International Institute for Surface Transportation Policy
Studies (MTI) report entitled: Saving City Lifelines:
Lessons Learned in the 9-11 Terrorist Attacks.

Although the existence of the mural van is confirmed by
this report, it basically amounts to a whitewash of the
actual incident.

The last sentence of the relevant quote concludes that
this truck that had a painting of the 9/11 attacks on it, on
9/11, was just an "innocent delivery truck".

They also scrubbed out the part about the subsquent
explosion of the truck, which the NYPD recording above
It is said that the truck was rented to a group of ethnic
middle eastern people who didn't speak english.

Israelis just happen to be ethnic
middle eastern people.

If the apprehended suspects were Arabs this incident
would have been plastered all over the media as proof of
an "Arab Al Qaeda conspiracy".

The fact that this incident was never mentioned in the
official 9/11 commission report, and completely ignored
by the mass media, is a strong indication that these
ethnic middle easterners, who had painted up a truck
with the future 9/11 attack scenario on it, were in fact

Truck Bombs

It was reported by multiple sources that a van was
stopped approaching the George Washington Bridge that
was packed with explosives.

The occupants were not Muslims or Arabs, but in fact

Had the ploy worked Palestinians were
to be blamed.

Urban Moving Systems

All of the white vans were working for the ostensible
moving company Urban Moving Systems under the
direction of Dominic Suter, an Israeli Spy who
immediately fled to Israel days after the attacks.

It was confirmed by two former CIA officers that this
Israeli moving company was a front operation for the

The two CIA sources noted that movers vans are a
common intelligence cover.

After FBI raids on Urban Moving Systems' headquarters
in New Jersey, and the confiscation of computer
hardrives and other materials, Suter was placed on the
FBI's 911 suspects list.

However, the case against Suter, Urban Moving Systems,
the dancing Israelis, the Israelis caught with an
explosive-laden van at the George Washington Bridge,
the Israelis caught with a mural van depicting the 911
attacks on it, the Israeli art-student spies, and the over
60 other active-duty Israeli military officers arrested after
9/11 was not pursued.
Behind the scenes maneuvering by highly placed Zionist
agents in the U.S. government, led by head of the U.S.
Justice Department's criminal division at the time (later
appointed Homeland Security chief) and Jewish/Israeli
Mossad asset, Michael Chertoff, quashed ALL
investigations into Israelis connected to the 9/11 attacks.

Al Qaeda is Zionist Fiction

The well known translation of Al-Qaeda is The Base.
However, al-Qaeda also translates to The Toilet.

Ana raicha Al Qaeda is a colloquial expression for Im
going to the toilet.

Hardly a title a genuine Islamic terrorist fighting force
would adopt.

Al Qaeda is not a real organization but had once been
the "database" of internatinal mujahideen, arms
smugglers and terrorists used by the CIA and Saudis to
funnel guerillas, arms and money into Soviet-occupied

The Al Qaeda presented to us via the Zionist Mass Media
is altogether mythical, a mere invention of the CIA and
the Mossad -- an instrument of covert intelligence

In 1979 the CIA & Mossad (with Saudi/Pakistani
assistance) created, funded and armed the Afghan
Mujahideen in order to overthrow the Pro-Soviet
Communist Regime in Afghanistan, and induce a Soviet

Osama Bin Laden was the CIA's point man in Afghanistan
in the proxy war against the Soviets; he even had a CIA
stage name "Tim Osman".

When the Soviets invaded Afghanistan the CIA (and
Mossad) poured billions of US taxpayers dollars into the
Afghan Jihad hoping to bog down the Russians in a
Vietnam War-type quagmire situation which would
exhaust the Red Army, destabalize the Soviet economy
and collapse the Soviet union. Everything went as

Since the fall of the Soviet Union and thus Communism
globally, the Zionist Jews who run the US needed a new
"external enemy" in order to justify to the American
people huge military budgets as well as an aggressive
foriegn policy in order to capture mid-east oil, resources
and launch wars against Israel's regional enemies.

In steps "Al Qaeda", the Zionist media bogeyman blamed
for everything from 9/11 to Global Warming.

Nearly every scary Arab whom the media labels an "Al
Qaeda terrorist" turns out to have connections to the
Mossad, CIA or MI6, and are thus being "run" by them
and scapegaoted for what is, in reality, Zionist terrorism.

BBC now admits al qaeda never existed

Mossad fake Al Qaeda cell

In December of 2002 Ariel Sharon claimed that al-Qaeda
operatives were targetting Israelis, and used this as a
provocation to launch attacks into Gaza.

We know that they are there. We know that they
are in Lebanon, working closely with Hezbollah.
We know that they are in the region.

Officials from the Palestinian Authority accused the Israeli
spy agency Mossad of setting up a fake al-Qaeda
terrorist cell in Gaza.

The ruse ended when the Palestinian Authority captured
three Mossad agents posing as al-Qaeda terrorists,
(right), and paraded them before the international press.

The Palestinians also produced documents that proved
the involvement of the Israeli intelligence in recruiting
citizens from Gaza Strip in a fake organization carrying
the name of Qaeda.

U.S. Army Assessment of the Mossad

Just months before 9/11, the U.S. Army School of
Advanced Military Studies was ordered to devise a plan
for enforcing a major Israeli-Palestinian peace accord,
should the United Nations ever authorize it.

The Army attempted to predict events in the first year of
a peace-enforcement operation, and assess possible
dangers for U.S. troops from both sides.

According to the study, a successful peacekeeping
operation would require about 20,000 well-armed troops
stationed throughout Israel and a newly created
Palestinian state.

The paper referred to Israels armed forces as Well
armed and trained.

Operates in both Gaza and the West Bank. Known to
disregard international law to accomplish mission.
The Army intelligence officers wrote the following in their
report in reference to the Mossad: -

Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to
target U.S. forces and make it look like a
Palestinian/Arab act.

Although Army spokesman Maj. Garver said the study
was just an academic exercise, this story was reported
in the Washington Post just one day prior to 9/11.

Intelcenter & S.I.T.E. Intelligence - Zionist Fronts

Intelcenter is the source for most of the videos released
by al-qaeda.

Since 9/11 the company has conveniently produced
frightening images of Osama bin Laden and other
terrorists, just when public opinion is flagging.

IntelCenter is owned and run by Ben Venzke, a Jew
(pictured right).

The company is an offshoot of of IDEFENSE, which was
staffed by senior PSYOP officer Jim Melnick, another Jew,
who had previously answered directly to Donald

IntelCenter was caught adding its logo and that of As-
Sahab to the same layer of a purported al-Qaeda video in
August of 2007.

The companys attempts to replicate Osama bin Ladens
likeness using computer morphing software and actors
with different beard colors have been a running joke on
the internet for years.

Most commentators now believe Obama bin Laden is
dead, yet Intelcenter recently released a new audiotape
where he finally takes full responsibility for 9/11.

For anyone who questions why there is no video, the
company assures us that audio messages are the
rule, not the exception, and thus speculation as to
health or anything else merely because the
message is in audio form and not video does not
hold up to analytical scrutiny.


Jew Katz

The other key group which magically 'obtains' and
releases all of these scary Al Qaeda videos, and works
day and night to villify Muslims as plotting, psychotic
terrorists, is the shady organization calling itself SITE
Intelligence, owned and operated by an Iraqi-born
Zionist Jewess, Rita Katz, whose father was accused of
spying for Israel during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.

He was subsequently executed by Saddam Hussein.

After the death of her father, Rita and her mother fled to
Israel, where she served in the terrorist Israel Defense
Force (IDF), and most likely murdered many innocent
Palestinains for sport.

Katz' suspicious organization is the primary source for
information (read: disinformation) about "Islamic
terrorism" used by news outlets, the FBI, the CIA and the
US government.

If Al Qaeda is blamed for a bombing it is
because the Zionist Katz said so.

Her wild claims are not questioned, but reported as fact
by the Zionist-owned media.

Essentially her organization "finds" all of its info on the
internet by "monitoring Jihadist forums".

Yeah, that sounds real credible.

This Jewish-run organization is in all likelyhood a front for
the Mossad.

Adam Gadahn

Jew Poser Pearlman

Also known as Azzam the American, this so called Al
Qaida spokesperson has portrayed himself as a fiery
Islamic radical.

His videos threatening terrorist attacks on Americans
even earned him a place on the FBIs most wanted
terrorists list.

In reality he is a Jew named Adam Pearlman, and his
grandfather, Carl Pearlman, was on the Board of
Directors of the Anti-Defamation League!
Fake Al Qaeda Actors EXPOSED!

Adam Gadahn & Yousef al-Khattab

Phony Evidence to Implicate Arabs


The still image pictured right is of Ziad Jarrah and
Mohammed Atta, alleged 9/11 hijacker masterminds.

This scene where the pair are together laughing
hysterically as if they just took a few hits from a bong, is
supposedly from their "martyrdom" video shot a year or
so before the big event.

Do these men appear to you like hardened, ice cold
terrorists about to depart on a "suicide mission" for


An astonishing revelation came in the form of a New
York Times article which revealed that Ziad Jarrahs
cousin, Ali Al Jarrah, was discovered by Lebanese
authorities to have been a Mossad Spy for 25 years!

Evidence uncovered by the investigative journalist Daniel
Hopsicker proves that the Mohammed Atta who was
living and attending a flight school in Florida had a
personality and lifestyle vastly opposite to the real
"Muslim" Mohammed Atta who has been described by
people who knew him as "shy" and a "pious Muslim".

According to Hopsicker's investigations the Atta living in
Flordia was a, "wealthy, chain smoking, drug
dealing psychopath who spoke fluent Hebrew."

It appears Atta was framed by a Jew (Mossad agent)
impersonating him.

The FBI admitted that several or all of the alleged 911
hijackers used fake IDs.

Soon after the 911 attacks it was reported that several of
the alleged Muslim 911 attackers were alive and well in
the middle-east who had their passports stolen years
previous -- apparent victims of identity theft.

Who is most known for stealing/forging passports to use
on covert operations?

You guessed it, the Israeli Mossad.

Prior to the 911 attacks it was reported that several of
the alleged future Muslim hijackers were engaged in
some very un-Islamic fundamentalist behaviors --
including aquiring hookers, getting drunk and doing

According to the FBI several Muslim men had used credit
cards to pay for drinks and lap dances at a strip club the
night before 911.

According to witnesses several of these "Muslims" were
making loud anti-American statements such as, "wait til'
tomorrow America is going to see bloodshed", and then
left a Koran behind at the bar!

Six nights before 911 Atta and several of his henchmen
had a binge-drinking session in a Florida bar called
Shukums, where one of the owners recalled hearing Atta
get angry and say "Fuck God".

Whoever these people were they clearly wanted to be
seen/heard and identified as Muslims who were angry
with America.

The behavior of these men proves they were not Islamic
fundamentalists as they have been portrayed by the
Zionist media -- they were not even religious at all.

They were Mossad agents impersonating Muslim radicals
tasked with deliberately leaving behind a false trail of
evidence for reporters and the FBI to follow.

This is standard intelligence work and a hall mark of past
Israeli 'false flags'.

It is the opinion of this author that personalities such as
Atta, Jarrah, and the 17 other alleged Arab 9/11
hijackers, were only used as misdirection.

Such media villains as Osama Bin Laden are mere
inventions of the Jewish crime network, and are thus
hardly worth mention save for their direction connection
to the Zionist Jews who planned, orchestrated and
benefitted from 9/11.

There are a number of suspicious circumstances that
quickly arose from the ashes of 9/11 which casts serious
doubt on the veracity of the goverment's official fairy
tale, and strongly indicates that 9/11 was indeed an anti-
Arab frame up.

For instance it was claimed by the FBI that a paper
passport of alleged co-hijacker of flight 11, Satam Al
Suqami, SURVIVED the plane crash into the WTC, as well
as the subsequent fireball inferno, only to be found a
couple of blocks from the towers, unburned, intact and
readable for the FBI to identify this indiviudal as a

This tall tale is proof that the Mossad went around
planting evidence to put the blame for the attacks on

Amazingly, the lying US government claimed three of the
alleged nineteen hijackers passport's survived the
crashes intact, and that another was found in the
luggage of Mohammed Atta (more on that later).

Why would terrorists even bring passports on domestic

A second occurence, nearly as bizarre as the
aforementioned indestructible passport tale, was the
story about Mohammed Atta's luggage.

Apparently, the alleged terrorist mastermind was brilliant
& methodical enough to successfully organize the most
sophisticated attack in US history without a hitch
(according to the official fiction), but, at the same time,
was clumsy enough to 1) pack luggage on a suicide
mission even though it would just get blown up anyway,

2) fill that luggage with a plethora of incriminating
evidence including a Boeing 757 training video, a flight
data recorder, a Koran, a switch blade, pepper spray,
and a letter containing Atta's last will and instructions to
the other 'Muslim hijackers' including their names.

How this suitcase made it past the security gate at the
airport is beyond anyone's wildest imagination, but that's
not even the craziest part of the story.

Apparently, this magical luggage, did not make the fatal
flight and fell right into the hands of the FBI.

This mysterious luggage was said to have confirmed that
Atta and his fellow Muslims hijacked the plane that flew
into the North Tower.

How convenient.

According to US authorities, this luggage literally made
the U.S. government's case against "Al Qaeda".
A former FBI agent and a former federal prosecutor who
helped direct the New England investigation of the Sept.
11 attacks told Newsday that one bag found in Boston
contained far more than what the commission
report cited, including the names of the hijackers,
their assignments and their al-Qaida connections.
"It had all these Arab-language papers that
amounted to the Rosetta stone of the
investigation," former FBI agent Warren Flagg said.

The former federal prosecutor, who declined to be
identified publicly, supported Flagg's account.

Hijacker IDs
"How do you think the government was able to identify
all 19 hijackers almost immediately after the attacks?"
Flagg asked. "
They were identified through those papers in the
And that's how it was known so soon that al-Qaida was
behind the hijackings.
Besides the obvious unlikelyhood and absurdity of this
story, the whole thing basically appears to be a

Early media reports were very contradictory to the point
of lying and complicit journalists routinely engaged in
covering up their easily debunkable previously written
lies, with new ones.

You can see how the news was being "shaped" to fit an
official narrative.

In the weeks that followed the attacks, the mainstream
media eventually gained a level of syncronisity and you
can see an official government-sanctioned story begin to

See this page for the contradictions in the Atta, luggage,
rental cars narrative.

Either the Mossad planted this luggage or the whole
thing is basically a concoction of the FBI, who has a close
working relationship with the Zionist Anti Defamation
League, a criminal organization which was caught spying
on American citizens for Israel in 1993.

There is simply no other explanation for why Atta would
pack such absurd items on a suicide mission, risking
blowing the entire operation at the security check in.

Anyone who claims this story is true is a liar.

The laughable official story also posits that an identical
handwritten hijacker letter was recovered in three places
a rental car parked at Dulles International airport, in
Mohammed Atta's magical luggage, and one copy
supposedly was found in the wreckage of flight 93,

A red bandana in pristine condition was said to have
survived the flight 93 crash, as well as Ziad Jarrah's

Pictured are items allegedly recovered from flight 93

Top left: Ziad Jarrah's alleged passport.

Top right: red bandana, allegedly worn by the hijackers.

Bottom left: hijacker letter.

Bottom right: flight 93 crash site, no plane debris is
visible, yet these flimsy items all survive the fiery crash
and are conveniently used as the basis for the US gov't
"Muslim suicide hijackers" story.

This is the same flight 93 crash site that was completely
absent of any identifiable plane debris or human remains.

This descrepancy was said to be because; "United
Airlines Flight 93 slammed into the earth Sept. 11
near Shanksville, Somerset County, at more than 500
mph, with a ferocity that disintegrated metal,
bone and flesh.

It took more than three months to identify the
remains of the 40 passengers and crew, and, by
process of elimination, the four hijackers."

(Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 12/30/01) So an aluminum
plane with two titanium steel jet engines is completely
destroyed, leaving not a shred of evidence it even
existed, but two pieces of paper and a piece of cloth
inexplicably survive an impact.

That metal and steel could not, and are thus
conveniently able to be used to affirm the US
government's 'Muslim suicide pilots' conspiracy theory.

According to the testimony before the House Intelligence
Subcommittee on Terrorism and Homeland Defense on
October 3, 2001 given by J. T. Carusothe Deputy
Assistant Director of the FBI's Counterterrorism Division,
"translations of the letter indicate an alarming
willingness to die on the part of the hijackers."

The official 9/11 script truly is written like a Tom Clancy's
spy novel mixed with the magic of Harry Potter and the
Chronicles of Narnia.

The Jewish Administration

Alvin K. Hellerstein

Jew Hellerstein
Hellerstein is a judge for the U.S. District Court for the
Southern District of New York and has been involved in
several high-profile 9/11 related cases including
consolidated master cases against three airlines, ICTS
International NV and Pinkertons airport security firms,
the World Trade Center owners, and Boeing Co., the
aircraft manufacturer.

No airline or airport security company has been found
negligent by his court, and not one victims lawsuit has
made it past his byzantine rules and been granted a trial.

He told the families who lost loved ones on September
We have to get past 9/11. Let it go. Life is
beautiful. Life is short. Live out your years. Take
the award.

Hellerstein is a dedicated Zionist and Israeli nationalist
who has ties to the Jewish mafia dating back to 1956.

Hellersteins wife is a former senior officer and treasurer
of AMIT, Americans for Israel and the Torah.

Michael Mukasey

Jew Mukasey
This Orthodox Jewish judge presided over the first World
Trade Center bombing case in 1993.

After 9/11 Mukasey oversaw the litigation between Larry
Silverstein and his insurance companies.

Instead of being charged with insurance fraud for the
obvious demolition of all three World Trade Center
Towers, Silverstein was awarded $4.6 billion.

Mukasey also oversaw the detained material witnesses of

He prevented a full inquiry into the Israelis arrested
arrested in connection with the September 11th attacks,
including the five dancing Israelis.

Mukasey served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney with Rudy
Guiliani for four years. As a federal Judge he swore in the
infamous New York mayor, twice.

Later Mukasey advised Guiliani during his presidential

Jew Birnbaum
Mukasey attends orthodox Jewish services at the Kehilath
Jeshrun synagogue of Manhattan, along with Judge

He was appointed Attorney General by President Bush on
September 17, 2007. Michael Mukasey is a dual citizen
of the US and Israel.

Sheila Birnbaum Another key Jew involved in the cover-
up of 9/11 is Sheila Birnbaum of Skaddan, Arps law firm.

She was appointed special mediator of legal suits filed
by the 3% of families who refused to be bought off by
the Zionists.

As of this writing, not one of these pending cases has
made it to trial, thanks to her.

Kenneth Feinberg

Jew Feinberg

He personally administered the $7 billion victims
compensation fund. Feinberg persuaded 97% of the
victims families to take the money in exchange for
renouncing their right to sue the 9/11 criminals.

Today he is President Obamas pay czar, in charge of
TARP Executive Compensation a program that pays
bonuses to the Wall Street criminals responsible for the
financial meltdown.

Michael Chertoff

Jew Chertoff

This reptile was the Assistant Attorney General on 9/11,
and in charge of the Justice Departments Criminal

Chertoff allowed over one hundred Israeli spies who
were arrested prior to and on 9/11 to return to Israel on
immigration violations.

Chertoff helped write the Patriot Act, then became the
first Secretary of the newly created Department of
Homeland Security.

This despite the fact that he is a dual citizen of the US
and Israel.

The Chertoffs are one of the founding families of the
state of Israel.

His mother was one of the first agents in the Mossad, his
father and an uncle are ordained rabbis and teachers of
the Talmud.

Dov Zakheim

Rabbi Zakheim

Zakheim was the CEO of System Planning Corporation
from 1987-2001. SPC Corporation provided flight
termination systems and command transmitter systems,
technology that allows up to eight planes to be remotely
controlled at the same time, from one operations center.

Zakheim was the Undersecretary of Defense and
Comptroller of the Pentagon from 2001 to 2004.

He is the man responsible for the disappearance of $2.6
TRILLION that went missing from Pentagon accounts.

This scandal was first mentioned by Donald Rumsfeld on
September 10th, 2001, only to be buried the very next
day beneath 9/11s rubble.

Coincidentally, the specific section of the Pentagon that
was struck, (blown up), contained the years budgetary
information, as well as accountants, bookkeepers and
budget analysts; many of whom died on 9/11.

In May 2001, an SPS subsidiary oversaw the investigation
of the first terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in

According to the SPC website, a recent customer at that
time was Eglin Air Force Base, located in Florida.

Eglin is very near MacDill AFB, where Dov Zakheim
contracted to send at least 32 Boeing 767 aircraft, as
part of the Boeing/Pentagon tanker lease agreement.

Considering his access to Boeing 767 tankers, remote
control flight systems, and his published views in the
PNAC document, it seems very likely that Zakheim is a
key figure in the events of September 11, 2001.

Dov Zakheim is a zionist jew, and a Rabbi.

Jew Perle

Richard Perle
Nicknamed The Prince of Darkness, Perle was
Chairman of the Pentagons Defense Policy Board, and a
member of PNAC, the Project for a New American

This group of neo-conservatives was actually a Zionist

He wrote A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the
Realm, which advocates the ethnic cleansing of
Palestinians in the occupied territories.

He was expelled from Sen. Henry Jacksons office in the
1970s after the NSA caught him passing highly classified
documents to Israel.

Perle is a dual citizen of US and Israel.

Paul Wolfowitz

Jew Wolfowitz

Wolfowitz was the Deputy Defense Secretary on 9/11,
and a leading member of PNAC.

He is widely regarded as the chief architect of the Iraq

In 2004, Wolfowitz became a suspect in the FBI
investigation when one of his staff members, Larry
Franklin, pleaded guilty to passing sensitive information
on Iran to Israel.

He later resigned as President of the World bank amid a
scandal involving ethics violations and an illicit affair with
a staffer.

Paul Wolfowitz is a dual citizen of United States and

Douglas Feith

Jew Feith

As Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, Feith
spearheaded two secretive groups at the Pentagon the
Counter Terrorism Evaluation Group and the Office of
Special Plans.

The mission of both groups was to create propaganda
claiming Saddam Hussein was developing WMDs, and
that he was connected to Al Qaeda.

In 1997, he published a lengthy article in Commentary,
titled A Strategy for Israel.

In 1998, Feith was one of a number of U.S. officials who
signed an open letter to President Bill Clinton calling for
the United States to oust Saddam Hussein.

Feith was one of 18 founding members of the
organization One Jerusalem to oppose the Oslo peace

Its purpose is saving a united Jerusalem as the
undivided capital of Israel.

He is also Director of Foundation for Jewish Studies.

In 1976 he was removed from the National Security
Council due to suspicion of passing classified documents
to Israel. Douglas Feith is a dual citizen of the US and

Philip Zelikow

Jew Zelikow
This Zionist jew was appointed the Executive Director of
the 9/11 Commission.

He is responsible for concocting the contrived fiction that
was presented to us as the 9/11 Commission Report (i.e.
official story).

Zelikow was a Bush Administration insider, serving on the
Presidents transition team in early 2000.

From 1989-91 Zelikow served with Condaleeza Rice on
the National Security Council, and in 1995 they wrote a
book together.

From 1996-98 Zelikow was Director of the Aspen
Strategy Group which also included Condaleeza Rice,
Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz as members.

Ari Fleischer

Jew Fleischer

He served as White House Press Secretary for President
Bush from January 2001, to July, 2003.

In that capacity he helped sell the official story of 9/11
and the invasion of Iraq to the American People.
In July 2003, Lewis Scooter Libby, another zionist jew,
illegally publicized Valery Plame as a known CIA

Fleischer was named in the indictment of Libby, and
forced to resign.

Fleischer is a dual citizen of the US and Israel.

But he is not just a jew, he is connected to an extremist
group called the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidics.

Members of this sect study the Kabbalah, and hold very
extremist, insulting views toward all non-jews.

David Frum

Jew Frum

This Jewish criminal personality was Bush's Speechwriter
at the time and is the one responsible for inflating the
number of Israeli dead 26x the actual amount.

Why did he do this?

Because he's a Zionist of course and was attempting to
garner sympathy for Israel

And project them as the 'great ally' of the United States
who are now 'partners' in this global fight against

Frum was the man behind the "Axis Of Evil" label.

He also co-authored a book with Zionist warmonger
Richard Perle, entitled An End To Evil: How To Win The
War On Terror, which was about the "Global War On
Terror" it defended the illegal and fraudulent invasion of
Iraq -- as well as called for regime change in Iran & Syria
among other hideous things.

Those are just a few of the 42 Zionist Jews who were
embedded in and/or strongly associated with the Bush
Administration, as well as splinter Neo-Con think tanks
like the American Enterprise Institute, Jewish Institute for
National Security Affairs, Washington Institute for Near
East Policy, Project For a New American Century, among
other traitorous Jewish Israel-firster criminal think-tanks.

Who was on board flight 11?

Daniel Lewin
Lewin, an Israeli Jew, was confirmed to be a former
member of the elite Israeli commando unit, the Sayeret

Sayerat Matkal is a deep penetration unit that has been
involved in assassinations, "counter-terrorism" and
"hostage rescues".

It is best known for the 1976 rescue of 106 passengers
at Entebbe airport in Uganda, which turned out to be an
Israeli hoax designed to torpedo the PLO's standing in
France and demonize the Palestinians in the eyes of
Western populations.

The official story alleges that Lewin got involved in a
struggle with one of the "Muslim hijackers" and ended up
getting shot and killed with a gun, which was later
changed to being "stabbed" to death (as a gun on board
would not jive with the pre-packaged 9/11 script).

How typical of the Zionist media to make a "hero" out of
a Zionist Jew on board the plane who supposedly "took
on" the terrorists and paid with his life.

The more likely scenario is that Lewin was the one who
pulled the hijacking as he was specifically trained to do
as an elite Israeli commando in the terrorist group, the
Sayerat Matkal!

Israeli commandos are one of the few highly trained
groups on earth capable of pulling off a simultaneous
four plane hijacking such as the one that occured on

An impossible feat for 19 inexperienced Arab amateurs
with box cutters facing down four LOCKED cockpits and a
plane full of hundreds of passengers who could have,
and would have, easily beat them down with their

And these 19 run-of-the-mill Arab amateurs supposedly
managed to pull this off successfully, without a hitch, on
their very first attempt, AND hit 75% of their targets?

What a laugh!

It cannot be written off as mere coincidence that a
Zionist commando was on one of the planes.

I am not suggesting Lewin was on a suicide mission and
flew into the towers although Jews are known to be
every bit, if not more, fanatical than the most extreme of
Muslims (for instance look up Baruch Goldstein/Cave of
the Patriarchs Massacre and Irv Rubin/Jewish Defense
League terrorist plot).

What I speculate probably happened is that he landed
the plane at Stewart Airport and it was swapped for a
remote control drone which was precision guided into the

Stewart Airport was the "privatized" airport wherein the
flightpaths of the planes that hit the twin towers, oddly

9/11 Good For The Jews

On 9/11 most people's reaction was shock and

But not all.

Many Jews were quite elated, one of them being
the Crime Minister of Israel himself.

Ehud Sprinzak, an Israeli counter terrorism
expert, said [in reference to 9/11 attacks]: "From
the perspective of the Jews, it is the most
important public relations act ever committed in
our favour."

Benjamin Netanyahu: the Architect of 9/11

It is impossible to believe that Benjamin Netanyahu is not
a central player in the September 11th attacks.
He had intimate connections to Israeli intelligence, a
close friendship with Larry Silverstein, and a shared
ideology with the jews in the Bush administration.

Richard Perle wrote A Clean break: A New Strategy for
Securing the Realm for Netanahu, and presented the
document to him while he was Prime Minister of Israel.

Shortly after 9/11 Netanyahu made this statement:
We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the
attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the
American struggle in Iraq.

This scum sucking vampire was Israeli PM at the time
and has a long history of involvement in Israeli terrorism
and politics.

He's been a prominent member of the Likud Government
since 1993.

The Likud Party is the literal successor of the Jewish
terrorist organization known as the Irgun.

He was the prime minister to whom the ACB Doc was

Netanyahu wrote a book in the early 80's called
Terrorism: How the West Can Win .

He founded the Jonathan Institute in the late 1970's to
study (and plan) terrorism.

Egyptian Intellectual, Hassan Al Bana, has stated publicly
that he thinks Netanyahu planned 9/11 with the Jews at
the Jonathan Institute.

Al Bana cites a book written by Netanyahu called
Uprooting Terrorism which speaks of plans to attack the
U.N., and the World Trade Center with small nuclear

Abramoff's Casino Boats

Jew Criminal Abramoff

Less than one week before 9/11 several of the Arab
hijacker 'patsies', including Atta, boarded a Sun Cruz
Casino Boat in Florida.

Nobody knows why, and it has never been investigated.
The boats were owned by sleazy Jewish mobster Jack
This Jewish criminal asset was the one who entertained
the Arab patsies aboard his yacht.

Abramoff is a Bush Admin insider having been on the
Transition Advisory Team assigned to the Department of
the Interior in 2001.

Abramoff is a convicted criminal lobbyist who is a central
figure in a plethora of political scandals, fraud, and other

He is currently serving a five year prison term for fraud,
conspiracy, and tax evasion.

He also had foreknowledge of the Zionist engineered War
In Iraq.

Sears Tower Incident

Sears Tower

On October 16, 2001 a group of Israelis were arrested in
rural Pennsylvania for suspicious behavior behind a
Pizzeria Uno.

The manager of the store informed authorities of two
middle eastern looking men dumping furniture out of a
tractor-trailer with "Moving Systems Incorporated" sign
on the side, behind his restaurant.

Police found the van and confronted its occupant who
identified himself as Ron Katar, an Israeli.

Katar pointed across the street to his compatriot named
Mosche Almakias who was approaching the detained van
with a female named Ayelet Reisler.

Reisler suspiciously began to walk in a different direction
once she spotted the police officer.

She was found to have a German passport in one name
and medication in another.

Elmakias admitted being behind the Pizzeria and said his
destination was New York, but he had to make a pickup
in Plymouth.

However, the clever cover story began to fall apart as he
could not provide a name or number of this client.

The police searched the van and discovered a Sony video
camera containing a video taken of Chicago with several
suspicious zoom-in shots of the Sears tower.

Clearly these Mossad assets were planning some sort of
false flag attack.

These Israelis were eventually taken in by the INS and it
was never heard about again.
An important side-note is that the Sears tower was
bought by three Jews -- Lloyd Goldman, Joseph Cayre,
and Jeffrey Feil in 2004.

These men belong to the same group that backed Larry
Silverstein's lease of the WTC complex giving Larry $125
million to do the deal.

It seems that these criminal Jewish assets are all in on
the same false flag terror / real-estate insurance scams

Mexican Congress Incident

As reported by La Vox De Atzlan, two men posing as
press photographers, but in reality being Israeli Mossad
agents, were arrested INSIDE the Mexican congress on
October 10, 2001 armed with 9mm pistols, 9
grenades, explosives, three detonators, and 58
bullets, but were RELEASED from custody because
of pressure from the Israeli embassy.

Attempted Jew False Flag

"We believe that the two Zionists terrorist were
going to blow up the Mexican Congress. The
second phase was to mobilize both the Mexican
and US press to blame Osama bin Laden. Most
likely then Mexico would declare war on
Afghanistan as well, commit troops and all the oil
it could spare to combat Islamic terrorism."

The Jewish terrorists names were Salvador Guersson
Smecke, age 34, and Saur Ben Zvi, age 27.

These terrorists were released because of a very high
level emergency meetings took place between Mexican
Secretary of Foreign Relations Jorge Gutman, General
Macedo de la Concha and a top Ariel Sharon envoy who
flew to Mexico City specially for that purpose.

Jorge Gutman is of the Jewish descent.

Unsurprisingly the Jewed media failed to report on this

Failed Jew Terror

Israeli Van Bomb Pulled Over

On Monday May 13, 2002, Fox News reported that two
Israeli nationals in a white van were pulled over in Oak
Harbour, Washington, near the Whidbey Island Naval Air
Station with explosives in their truck.

Federal Authorities brought in bomb sniffing dogs which
reacted first on one of the Israelis and later on the van.
High tech equipment was later used and confirmed the
presence of TNT and RDX plastic explosive.

The Israelis claimed to be delivering furniture to
California but investigators doubted the story.

Authorities say records for the Budget truck do not
indicate any recent rental for the purposes of
transporting explosives, which would require special
permits thus proving these explosives were illegal and
obviously intended to be used for malicious purposes.

The Fox News article makes no mention to what became
of these two Israeli terrorists which pretty much means
they were quietly released.

Ex Intel Chiefs Affirm Mossad Behind 9/11

Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga, who
revealed the existence of Operation Gladio, has told
Italy's oldest and most widely read newspaper that the 9-
11 terrorist attacks were run by the Mossad, and that this
was common knowledge among global intelligence

In what translates awkwardly into English, Cossiga told
the newspaper Corriere della Sera:

"All the [intelligence services] of America and Europe
know well that the disastrous attack has been planned
and realized from the Mossad, with the aid of the Zionist
world in order to put under accusation the Arabic
countries and in order to induce the western powers to
take part in Iraq [and] Afghanistan."

Hamid Gul

In an interview only a mere weeks after 9/11, Hamid Gul
-- former head of Pakistani intelligence (ISI) from 1987-
1989 -- tells Arnaud de Borchgrave, United Press
International of who he thinks was behind the attacks.
Here are a few excerpts from the transcript which can be
read in full here:

De Borchgrave: So who did Black Sept. 11?

Gul: Mossad and its accomplices. The U.S. spends
$40 billion a year on its 11 intelligence agencies.

That's $400 billion in 10 years.

Yet the Bush Administration says it was taken by

I don't believe it.

Within 10 minutes of the second twin tower being hit in
the World Trade Center CNN said Osama bin Laden had
done it.

That was a planned piece of disinformation by the real

It created an instant mindset and put public opinion into
a trance, which prevented even intelligent people from
thinking for themselves.

Von Bulow
Andreas von Bulow served on the parliamentary
commission which oversees the three branches of the
German secret service while a member of the Bundestag
(German parliament) from 1969 to 1994, and wrote a
book titled Im Namen des Staates (In the Name of the
State) on the criminal activities of secret services,
including the CIA.

Von Bulow told AFP that he believes that the
Israeli intelligence service, Mossad, is behind the
September 11 terror attacks.

These attacks, he said, were carried out to turn public
opinion against the Arabs, and boost military and security

"You don't get the higher echelons," von Bulow said,
referring to the "architectural structure" which
masterminds such terror attacks.

At this level, he said, the organization doing the planning,
such as Mossad, is primarily interested in affecting public

It is 100 Percent Certain 9/11 Was a
Mossad Operation


Dr Alan Sabrosky, US Army War College

Dr. Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is a
writer and consultant specializing in national and
international security affairs.

In December 1988, he received the Superior Civilian
Service Award after more than five years of service at the
U.S. Army War College as Director of Studies, Strategic
Studies Institute, and holder of the General of the Army
Douglas MacArthur Chair of Research.

On a March 14, 2010 internet podcast Sabrosky stated
the following:

"What we need to stand up and say is not only did they
attack the USS Liberty, they did 9/11.

They did it.

I have had long conversations over the past two weeks
with contacts at the Army War College, at it's
Marine Corps and I made it absolutely clear in both cases
that it is 100 percent certain that 9/11 was a Mossad
operation. Period."

The End

Did any of the Mainstream Media tell you any of the

Did you lying politicians?

George Bush, Dick Cheney, Tony Blair, Barrack Obama,
John Howard, Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, Stephen Harper?

I wonder why?

This is all known evidence & proof about the above
people yet the Media and the lying above politicians have
covered up all Israeli involvement with Terrorism, 11

Sept everything.

If this doesnt prove and show how all western
Governments have fallen to these Zionist murdering,
lying scoundrel thugs nothing will.

Anything about Israeli Mossad, IDF and their Terrorism
inflicted upon the Whole World is covered up.

Why? Its about time we expose these people, their
supporters and helpers.

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