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Week one: Lesson Four

Lesson: Create 90 second infomercial

Objective: Students will be able to create a 90 second infomercial, demonstrating teir
knowledge of biomes! Students learn to collaborate and work wit oter students wen creating a
Common Core Standards/Content Standards:
Content standards: #istor$%Social Science
&!' Students demonstrate an understanding of te "$sical and uman geogra"ic features tat
define "laces and regions in California
Common Core Standards: Science
Life Science
(! Living organisms de"end on one anoter and on teir environment for survival! )s a basis
for understanding tis conce"t:
(!a! Students know ecos$stems can be caracteri*ed b$ teir living and nonliving com"onents!
(!b! Students know tat in an$ "articular environment, some kinds of "lants and animals survive
well, some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all!
+isual , -erforming )rts
'!0 )rtistic -erce"tion% Students read, notate, listen to, anal$*e, and describe music and oter aural
information, using te terminolog$ of music!
/ecnolog$ Standards
0! Communication and collaboration
Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaborativel$, including at a
distance, to su""ort individual learning and contribute to te learning of oters!
a! interact, collaborate, and "ublis wit "eers, e1"erts, or oters em"lo$ing a variet$ of digital
environments and media
b! communicate information and ideas effectivel$ to multi"le audiences using a variet$ of media and
d! contribute to "roject teams to "roduce original works or solve "roblems
2! 3igital citi*ensi"
Students understand uman, cultural, and societal issues related to tecnolog$ and "ractice legal and
etical beavior!
a! advocate and "ractice safe, legal, and res"onsible use of information and tecnolog$
b! e1ibit a "ositive attitude toward using tecnolog$ tat su""orts collaboration, learning, and
6. Technology operations and concepts
Students demonstrate a sound understanding of tecnolog$ conce"ts, s$stems, and o"erations!
a! understand and use tecnolog$ s$stems
b! select and use a""lications effectivel$ and "roductivel$
4 i-ad
4 Sowme a""
4 5eflector a""
4 Smart6oard
4 Com"uter
4 Overead -rojector
Lesson -re"aration: -lease be sure to turn on te Smart6oard, Overead -rojector and com"uter!
-lease locate several infomercial videos online 7student a""ro"riate8 and save tem, to sow
students later! -lease also be sure tat all i-ads are turned on and dis"la$ te Sowme a"" 7$ou
ma$ want to e1"lore te a"" $ourself for a wile so tat $ou can answer an$ 9uestions students
ma$ ave8! i-ads can be found in te crate in te back of te classroom! -lace an i-ad on eac
student:s desk 7according to te number on te back and te student:s number found on teir
name tag8!
)ntici"ator$ Set: Sow students a sort infomercial cli" online 7an$ "roduct will do8! )fter te
cli" as been seen ask students if te$ know wat te cli" was tr$ing to sell tem; )llow
students some time to tink and to collaborate wit oter students 7students ma$ onl$ talk wit
teir table grou"8! Once students ave come u" wit answers, talk to students about ow
commercials or infomercials tr$ to sell "eo"le teir "roduct or get tem interested in someting
so tat "eo"le like $ou and < will bu$ teir "roduct! /oda$, $ou and a few classmates will be
making $our ver$ own infomercial! =ou will need to "ick te same grou" of students tat $ou
ave cosen from te "revious da$:s lesson 7students know wic grou"s te$ are in8! -lease
take $our i-ads out and o"en u" te Sowme a""!
>uided <nstruction: )t tis time, "lease get u", take $our i-ad, and move to one table so tat
$our wole grou" is sitting at te same table 7"lease assign eac table a section first%e1! tis table
is for te tundra biome8! /e biomes are as follows: /undra, 3esert, /ro"ical 5ain Forest, /aiga,
>rassland and /em"erate Forest! ?sing $our i-ads and te a"" Sowme, $ou and $our grou"
will create an infomercial about one biome tat $ou and $our grou" are most "assionate about!
/e infomercial needs to include: "ictures or video from $our biome, eac grou" member talking
and a sort slogan tat will entice "eo"le to come visit $our biome! ) slogan is a sa$ing tat is
catc$ and "eo"le will remember 7e1! @ike%ABust 3o itC8! /ogeter as a class, let:s take our i-ads
out and e1"lore te Sowme a"" before $ou begin working in grou"s 7students ave alread$
used tis a"" before but answer an$ 9uestions students ma$ ave8! 3is"la$ $our i-ad onto te
Smart6oard so tat all students ma$ see wat it is $ou are doing 7$ou can use te reflector a"" or
)""le /+ to do tis8! Once $ou ave gone troug all of te icons and answered all 9uestions,
allow students to begin working on teir infomercial!
<nde"endent )ctivit$: Students will be using one i-ad "er grou" and te a"", Sowme to create
teir infomercial! Students ma$ use teir notes from "revious lessons to use toward making teir
infomercial! Students ma$ move around te classroom or go outside te classroom to "re"are for
teir infomercial! Students will ave (0%&0 minutes toda$ to start working on teir infomercial!
Students will need to email teir video link to me wen te$ ave com"letel$ finised! <t is oka$
if students do not finis toda$, te$ will ave time tomorrow to finis!
Student Work/Outcome: /oda$ < will be assessing student:s "rogress on teir infomercial! <
will assess student learning troug, monitoring of students working wit teir grou", as well as
asking students individual 9uestions wile te$ are working to see if te$ are full$
understanding! )t te end of te da$, students will ave a better understanding of wat an
infomercial is, ow to create a catc$ slogan, learn to collaborate wit a grou", as well as a better
understanding into creating an infomercial!

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