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Phase # 1 Name: ____________Period:______________

Relationship between linear factors of quadratic functions and the zeros

associated with their quadratic functions
(7) The student applies the mathematical process standards when using graphs of quadratic
functions and their related transformations to represent in multiple ways and determine, with and
without technology, the solutions to equations.
Students are expected to:
(B) Describe the relationship between the linear factors of quadratic expressions and the zeros of
their associated quadratic functions.
Relating linear factors with their respective quadratic expressions

Given the two linear equations, what are the intercepts for each line?

1. Students will graph both linear equations on the same graph paper and same
coordinate plane.

2. Students will solve for the (must show all work)

3. Students should have a graphical representation on the x & y coordinate grid that
clearly shows both linear equations and the work representing their conclusions
for number #2.

Student conclusions:

a. How can you use the above linear functions to represent them in a quadratic
expression, explain? (write an explanation of the process, and show all work in
diagrams or drawings).

Phase # 2
Relationship between linear factors of quadratic functions and the zeros
associated with their quadratic functions.

Constructing a Quadratic Equation

We discovered that a polynomial is a product of two or more binomials. Paying attention to your
graph of linear equations where y=0 at -3 and 2, Now lets graph the function when we multiply
these linear equations together.

( )( )
Multiplying these two binomials, write down the quadratic function you obtained:


You should have a polynomial function of degree two, which is the product of the two
linear functions that you started with in phase #1 ?
Using the table below substitute and generate values, then graph the function on the same
coordinate grid with the two linear functions in Phase #1.

x y (x,y)

a. After graphing the quadratic function from the table above, what are the
connections between the product of the linear functions and the quadratic
function you just graphed? Explain? What do you see? What do you conclude?
b. Specifically, what are the relationships between intercepts in linear functions
with relationship to quadratic function?.
c. What are your conjectures?

Phase # 3
Relationship between linear factors of quadratic functions and the zeros
associated with their quadratic functions
Phase #1
Relating linear factors with their respective quadratic expressions

Phase #2
Constructing a Quadratic Equation

Phase #3
Building a Geometric representation of your findings:

1. Using Algebra tiles, construct a geometric representation of the linear
functions and the quadratic function youve graphed?
2. In your geometric representation where are the factors? Where are the linear
functions? Explain?
3. In your geometric representation, where are

located? Describe and explain?

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