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Brandon Lindquist

Sociology 1
Professor Mozzinni
Socialization: Nature Vs. Nurture
In regards to the nature versus nurture debate !e are able to learn "uch fro"
identical t!in studies# $!in studies hel% to sho! !hether or not ho! a child is raised has
a dee% effect on ho! a %erson gro!s u% and beco"es to be# By living in different
environ"ents and being e&%osed to different sti"uli !e are then able to deter"ine
behavioral differences %sychological difference and even "aybe %hysical differences# If
there sho!s to be "any si"ilarities then this !ould %rove the %oint that genes nature has
a larger effect on %ersonalities# In regards to heredity in e&%laining the %rocess of ones
%ersonality and intellectual develo%"ent genes do have a large role in doing so# If a child
has %arents !ho tend to be social butterflies then there is "ore of a %ossibility of the child
being able to be a social butterfly#
'hen !e say self in sociology !e "ean the individual %erson# $he loo(ing glass
self is as follo!s a %erson)s self gro!s out of society)s inter%ersonal interaction and the
%erce%tions of others# $here are three %hases of this conce%t# $he first %hase is that !e
i"agine ho! !e "ust a%%ear to others# Meaning that !e have a %icture in our "inds of
ho! !e ought to loo( act and be %erceived by others# $he second %hase is that !e
i"agine and react to !hat !e feel their *udg"ent of that a%%earance "ust be# Meaning
that !e care about !hat others thin( and are affected by it# $he third %hase is that !e
develo% our self through the *udg"ent of others# 'hen !e are *udged by others !e tend
to sto% !hat !e are being *udged about and do so"ething that !e are not *udged about# In
this !ay !e tend to change and beco"e !hat others thin( !e should be# +o! unfortunate
of a !ay to live on this %lanet,
In the dra"aturgical a%%roach one !ould vie! everyday life in theatrical !ay#
$his is a "eta%hor in a !ay that !hen one %erfor"s in front of others he or she is
%resenting hi" or herself to the audience# -ront stage is !here the actor e&%lains to the
audience !hat is going on and conveys his o!n role# 'hile on the bac( stage there is no
fear of interru%ting the %erfor"ance and actors in the bac( "ay ta(e infor"al actions
$he agents of socialization are as follo!s. fa"ily neighborhood religion
daycare school and %eers the !or(%lace s%orts teaching social s(ills re/socialization
and total institution# $he role that schools %lay in gender socialization for boys is that
boys beco"e %o%ular by being athletic being cool and sho!ing ho! tough they are# -or
girls the nor"s !ould be their fa"ily bac(ground ho! they loo( and their ability to
catch the attention of boys# $he increase of the use of technology hinders the %rocess of
socialization# 'hile %eo%le "ay be able to connect over the %hone or internet it ta(es
a!ay there %rocess of co""unication face to face# 0ne is not able to feel another)s
vibration through te&ting or on the %hone as "uch as one !ould if they !ere face to face#
Works Cited
12gents of Socialization#1 Agents of Socialization# 3#%# n#d# 'eb# 45 2%r#
6414# 7htt%.//!!!#slideshare#net/Meelii8/agents/of/socialization9#
12 :irl;s Pers%ective on Po% <ulture and Society#1 A Girls Perspective on
Pop Culture and Society# 3#%# n#d# 'eb# 45 2%r# 6414#
1'hat Is 3ature 8ersus 3urture,1 Psychology# 3#%# n#d# 'eb#
4= 2%r# 6414# 7htt%.//%sychology#about#co"/od/ninde&/g/nature/

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