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Translate into English

1. Ngn ng s dng cho hp ng l Ting Anh v Ting i!t c" gi# tr$ nh% nha&. T't
c( c#c v)n *(n %c so+n th(o d,ng cho -p .ng /& *0ng Ting Anh v Ting
i!t. Trong tr%1ng hp c" sai s"t ho2c hi3& nh45 th6 s7 d,ng Ting Anh 3 gi(i th8ch.
The language of the Contract is the English language and Vietnamese language with the
same value. All documents to be prepared under the Contract shall be written in the
English language and Vietnamese language. In case of any discrepancy or ambiguity, the
English language shall prevail.
9. N& *'t :; i/& :ho(n no trong hp ng tr< n=n v hi!& th6 i/& n> s7 :hng (nh
h%<ng n c#c i/& :ho(n c?n l+i. Ngoi ra hai *=n s7 ng @ tha> i/& :ho(n v hi!&
*0ng 5At i/& :ho(n 5Bi c" nAi d&ng cng giCng vBi i/& :ho(n *an 4& cng tCt.
If any provision or provisions of this Contract are invalid or become invalid, then this shall
have no effect on the remaining provisions. Further, the parties agree to replace any
invalid provision with a new, valid provision having, as far as possible, the same intent as
the provision replaced.
D. -p ng n> l thEa th&Fn ton *A gia c#c *=n . Ghng c" tho( th&FnH hi3& *itH
i/& :i!nH *(o l%& no cho d, *0ng h6nh thIc tho( th&Fn 5i!ng ho2c *0ng v)n *(n
5 :hng %c %a vo trong hp ng n> ho2c :hng %c tha> th *<i hp ng
This contract constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties.
There are no agreements, understandings, conditions, reservations or representations, oral
or written, that are not embodied in this contract or that have not been superseded
replaced by this contract.
J. KLt th'> c#c Ci t#c M hp t#c thnh cng trong 5At sC dN #n < Oingapore 1P n)5
Q&a. KLt th'> nh c&ng c'p c" :in thIc rAng trong vi!c c&ng c'p nhng s(n phR5
i!n t 3 s dng trong i/& :i!n nhi!t Bi.
!hereas the parties have successfully cooperated in a number of pro"ects in #ingapore
during the last $% years. !hereas the #upplier has wide e&perience in the supply of
electronic products for use in tropical conditions.
S. Ton *A nhng v)n *(n th&Ac hp ng v c#c i/& :ho(n th&Ac hp ng n> n& c"
th3 ph(i %c Tc 3 thCng nh't. Trong tr%1ng hp c" tranh ch'p thI tN %& ti=n c#c
i/& :ho(n v v)n *(n %a vo tho( th&Fn n> l nh% sa&
All contract documents and the clauses of this contract shall be read, if possible so as to be
consistent. In the event of conflict, the order of precedence 'for the provisions and
documents( which constitutes this agreement is as follows.
U. Trong hp ng n>H nhng tV dIWi X> c" nghYa %c gZn cho ch[ngH trV :hi v)n
*(n hp ng c" sN $nh nghYa :h#c 5At c#ch r\ rng.
TrV :hi hai *=n hp ng c" sN i/& ch]nh 5At c#ch r\ rng ^_`ab ^cd_b v c#c
i/& :ho(n :h#c c" @ nghYa v nghYa v gZn vBi ch[ng nh% trong dncoter5s 9P1PH 'n
phR5 sC JUP cea ph?ng th%Wng 5+i Q&Cc t faris.
In this Contract the words below have the meanings ascribed to them unless the conte&t
otherwise clearly dictates.
)nless e&pressly modified by the parties, *F+,-, *CIF- and other trade terms have the
meanings and obligations ascribed to them in Incoterms $..%, /ublication 01% of the
International Chamber of Commerce, /aris.
g. -p ng nghYa l *(n hp ng n> c( ph4n 5< 4&H ph4n ph lc chng nh% l ton
*A 5Ti ti li!& chIng tV v)n *(n %c li!t := r\ rng l v)n *(n th&Ac hp ng n>
ho2c %c / cFp 5At c#ch r\ rng trong hp ng n>.
*Contract- means this Contract, its preamble and appendices, as well as all documents
e&pressly listed as Contract documents or otherwise e&pressly mentioned in this Contract.
i. Theo hp ng n>H c#c *=n :hng %c ch&>3n Q&>/n v nghYa v 5 :hng c" sN
thCng nh't tr%Bc *0ng v)n *(n cea ph8a *=n :ia *<i v6 vi!c ch&>3n Q&>/n v nghYa v
cea c#c *=n c" th3 gX> ra nhng tr< ng+i cho ph8a *=n :ia.
Either party may not assign rights or delegate duties without the prior written consent of
the other partyThe rights under this Contract may not be assigned nor the duties delegated
by either party without the prior written consent of the other party because assignment of
rights and delegation of duties can both create problems to the other party.
j. i!c giao hng theo hp ng n> c" th3 %c ng%1i 5&a ch'5 dIt theo Q&> $nh cea
ton *A ha> ch] 5At ph4n cea i/& :ho(n n> :hi ng%1i 5&a cho r0ng sN ch'5 dIt
n> 5ang l+i li 8ch cao nh't cho ng%1i 5&a.
The delivery of 2oods under this Contract may be terminated by the ,uyer in accordance
with this clause in whole or in part, whenever the ,uyer determine that such termination is
in his best interest.
1P. a't :; sN ch'5 dIt no chng s7 ph(i %c ng%1i 5&a gi 5At thng *#o v/ vi!c ch'5
dIt cho ng%1i *#n trong " n=& r\ 5Ic A hng h"a %c c&ng c'p theo hp ng
n> s7 *$ he> giao v ng> vi!c ch'5 dIt hp ng *Zt 4& c" hi!& lNc.
Any such termination shall be effected by delivery to the #eller of a 3otice of Termination
specifying the e&tent to which supply of 2oods under the contract is terminated and the
date upon which such termination becomes effective.
11. -p ng n> v c#c chIng tV li=n Q&an %c vit *0ng Ting Anh. a't cI sN d$ch l+i
no sang 5At ngn ng :h#c ch] 5ang @ nghYa thng tin v :hng c" hi!& lNc ph#p
l@.c#c giao d$ch th% tV gia c#c *=n s7 %c thNc hi!n che >& *0ng Ting Anh.
This contract and the contract documents are written in English. Any translation into
another language is for information only and has no legal status. Correspondence between
the parties shall be e&clusively in English.
19. Ngn ng s dng trong c#c *(n v7H thit :H Q&> c#ch :k th&Ft chng nh% c#c ti li!&
:h#c do Ng%1i a#n c&ng c'p theo nh% hp ng n> s7 s dng Ting Anh. c#c ti
li!& o t+oH h%Bng dlnH *(o tr6 s7 %c c&ng c'p d%Bi c( 9 phi=n *(n ting Anh v
ting i!t.
The language of all designs, drawings, plans, specifications, and all other documentation
provided by the #eller under this Contract shall be English. The training materials and the
maintenance manuals shall be supplied in both an English version and a Vietnamese
1D. The tc gi(i Q&>t 5At c#ch thi!n ch8 s7 ph(i tin hnh nh% sa&m
c#c *=n ph(i nh't tr8 vBi nha& v/ ng> v $a i35 cho c&Ac g2p gn n>.
Tha5 dN c&Ac hTp n> ph(i l ng%1i +i di!n c" thR5 Q&>/n cea 5oi *=n v
5At l&Ft s% cea 5oi *=n.
/rocedure for amicable settlement shall be as follows4
The parties shall agree a date and place for an amicable settlement meeting.
Attending the meeting shall be one e&ecutive representing each party and one
lawyer representing each party.
1J. c&Ac hTp dipn ra trong D phi=n. fhi=n 4& ti=nH 5oi *=n s7 tr6nh *> lFp tr%1ng Q&an
i35 cea 56nh v/ v'n / *'t ng. fhi=n thI 9 s7 %a ra c#c *i!n ph#p gi(i Q&>t *'t
ng '>. fhi=n thI D c#c *=n s7 %a ra Q&>t $nh c&Ci c,ng.
The meeting shall ta5e place in 6 sessions. In the first session, each party shall state its
positions on the sub"ect of the disagreement. In the second session the parties shall suggest
ways of resolving the disagreement. In the third session the parties shall attempt to resolve
the disagreement.
1S. Thng *#o v/ vi!c ch'5 dIt hp ng q&'t :hR& n> nh% %c $nh nghYa t+i i/&
:ho(n 9.j s7 ph(i %c thNc hi!n *0ng v)n *(n v s7 c" hi!& lNc DP ng> :3 tV ng>
nhFn %c thng *#o n> cea *=n thng *#o.
3otice of Termination of this Contract as defined in Clause 7.. shall be in writing and
shall ta5e effect 6% days from the receipt of such notice by the party notified.
1U. Nhng i/& :ho(n cea hp ng n> li=n Q&an n th1i gian *(o hnh :h&>t tFtH
trTng ti v nhng i/& :ho(n c4n thit :h#c 3 gi(i Q&>t nhng tranh ch'p ph#t
sinh sa& :hi ch'5 dIt hp ng n> s7 vln c?n gi# tr$.
The provisions of this Agreement dealing with the defects liability period, arbitration, and
other provisions necessary to settle any post 8 Termination disputes shall remain valid.
1g. Ng%1i 5&a c" th3 lFp thnh v)n *(n gi trNc tip n ng%1i *#n 3 he> ton *A ho2c
1 ph4n hp ng vo *'t cI th1i i35 no v sN he> hp ng nh% th s7 :hng ph(i
c'& thnh vi!c :hng thNc hi!n nghYa v theo hp ng.
The ,uyer may send a written notice to the #eller to re9uest termination of the Contract in
whole or in part at any time. The ,uyer may, by notice in writing, direct the #eller to
terminate wor5 under this Contract in whole or in part, at any time, and such termination
shall not constitute default.
1i. Trong tr%1ng hp Wn ph%Wng ch'5 dIt hp ngH Ng%1i 5&a c" t't c( Q&>/n li v
nghYa v Ci vBi vi!c ch'5 dIt ho2c theo l&Ft ho2c theo Q&> $nhH *ao g5 Q&>/n s<
h& hng h"a v vFt li!& cea ng%1i 5&a M chi tr( cho ng%1i *#n.
In the event of termination, ,uyer shall have all rights and obligations accruing to it either
at law or in e9uity, including ,uyer:s rights to title and possession of the goods and
materials paid for.
1j. Ng%1i 5&a c" th3 nga> lFp tIc nhFn s< h& t't c( cng vi!c M thNc hi!n :hi Wn
ph%Wng ch'5 dIt hp ng.Ng%1i *#n c" th3 nga> lFp tIc dVng nga> cng vi!c v
giBi h+n c#c chi ph8 ph#t sinh *<i vi!c he> hp ng.
The ,uyer may ta5e immediate possession of all wor5 so performed upon 'notice of(
termination. The #eller shall immediately stop wor5 and limit costs incurred on the
terminated wor5.
9P. N& vi!c Wn ph%Wng ch'5 dIt hp ng nh% vF> l th&Fn ti!n cho Ng%1i 5&a th6
Ng%1i 5&a sa& :hi :h'& trV :ho(n tr( tr%Bc s7 hon tr( l+i thNc t H hp l@ ph(i tr(
cho Ng%1i *#n d%Bi sN thEa th&Fn gia hai *=n.
If such termination is for the convenience of the ,uyer, the ,uyer, after deducting any
amount's( previously paid, shall reimburse the #eller for the actual, reasonable, and
allowable costs agreed by both parties.

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