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Aliquam sollicitudin pretium sem. Morbi velit nisi,
tincidunt id, cursus ac, accumsan vitae, ante.
Cras a lacus ac urna sagittis
Quisque .03
In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Suspendisse ultricies, odio at tempus
aliquet, lectus arcu lobortis leo,
feugiat interdum mauris turpis a
neque. Phasellus risus nisi, blandit
at, aliquam at, molestie sit amet,
Etiam et urna
Aliquam fringilla. Cras scelerisque
mauris eu leo. Aenean viverra sapien
vitae sem vestibulum porttitor.
Fusce lorem. Nunc vel nulla in sem
tincidunt volutpat.
Etiam fringilla
Maecenas quis odio. Nunc semper
ullamcorper neque. Vivamus nec
felis. Quisque lorem elit, fermentum
in, venenatis a, scelerisque eget,
Fusce urna
Donec non metus
The Brotherhood
Executive Board
Alpha, President:
Kyle Johnson
Beta, Vice President:
Josh Pruner
Gamma, Secretary
Harsh Patel
Delta, Treasurer
Keon Sims
Epsilon, House Manager
Johann Hassanally
Zeta, Ritualist/Historian
Trey Clark
Eta, Risk Manager
James Dalton Satterfield


Austin Anderson, Reid Cole, Kevin Crowley, Karl
Dickey, Evan Drew, Israel Espino, Collins Estock,
Bradley Fanning Chris Fernandez, Bradley Flagg,
Matthew Gibbons, Joseph Johnson, Vincent Lee, David
Manor, Easton McCann III, Chase Meadows, Justin
Munson, Joseph Pecora, Corey Ray, Timothy Roth,
Griffin Shellnut, Andre Smith, Edmund Smith, Matthew
Souice, Andrew Spann, Lukas Strasser, Jacob Tadych,
David Todd, Parker Toland, Jason Vander Horst,
Joseph White, Robbie Wilbanks

Awards and Recognition

Several of our brothers were honored with
recognition at the Oglethorpe Award
Commencement just this year. Brother
Edmund Smith won the Spirit of Alpha Phi
Omega Award. A prestigious award signifying
his deep involvement in the service fraternity
it is named after. Brother Karl Dickey won the
ODK Emerging Leader Award for all of his
commitments around campus. Brother
Johann Hassanally won the Algernon Sydney
Sullivan Award because of his noble character
and dedication to service to others. Brother
Corey Ray on te tstandin Senior for
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As a brotherhood this year we won highest
GPA of all Greek organizations on campus, not
just highest male. This is an improvement
from last year where we won highest male
GPA. In our recent initiative and goals that we
set in place for the semester include raising
the GPA of our chapter above a 3.0. Included
in these goals was the establishment of a new
alumni committee, the discussion of our
housing lease with the school, and the
improvement of our image on campus. All of
these goals have either been accomplished or
we are actively in the process of finishing.
Our chapter was also blessed with some of
the recent elections for positions in the
schools leadership positions. Brothers Harsh
Patel, Evan Drew, and Chris Fernandez were
all seleted to sere as te ears SGA
Senators. In addition to this brothers Andrew
Spann and Jason Vander Horst were selected
for the honor of serving on the schools Honor
Council. A prestigious position that will let
them weigh in on misconducts of the Honor
Code that our university and our
brotherhood value as very important.

Philanthropy Projects
As a chapter working hard towards excellence in all aspects of its operations, Rho
Delta recognizes the importance of our public relations and philanthropic efforts.
Through our campus involvement, our initiative in finding opportunities, and our
commitment to te nations larest anti-sexual violence organization and one of our
national philanthropies, RAINN, we have continued to do our part on and around
campus. One of our largest fundraising projects in of the year, Greekapalooza raised
nearly $1000 for RAINN, the concert held on the quad in fact was among the largest
fundraising projects by any organization of the entire university. With our second
fundraiser raising $250 for the Chapter Excellence Fund with which we can provide
scholarships and educational support to the brothers of the chapter. We were also
successful in recruiting people of the university to donate blood at the American Red
Cross Blood Drive, which we hope to make an annual or semiannual event.
Here are a few of our events:
Sep. 20
Oct. 18
Anti-Hazing Workshop
Jan. 17-18
Jan. 20
MLK Day of Service
Mar. 5
Chi Phi Cookout
Mar. 7
American Red Cross
Blood Drive
Mar. 29
Hosted Mu Delta

The House
The Oglethorpe University chapter of the Chi Phi Fraternity was originally founded in 1871 under the
name Lambda, but was closed in 1872. The chapter was re-founded in 1969 under the name Rho Delta.
Since then the chapter has found lodging at 2 different locations, and is currently located on the
campus of the university. The house has 4 rooms, which can house 8 brothers comfortably. We have
just gotten approval from the school to do some renovations to the house over the summer including
new floor and ceiling tiles for the basement as well as the installation of a fence, excuse the crude hand
drawn blueprints, around the perimeter of our backyard. We are currently in discussions with the
school about more updates to the property and changes to the new leases the school has presented all
the organizations on campus with. The new lease discussions are being currently being held by
Alumnus Brother Jiwani. This year we have made a couple of additions to the house including a new
beer pong table, new speakers, reparations and movement of the stage for new fire code, and the
building and reorganization of the chapter library.

Leaders on Campus
The A unique opportunity that our brothers have as part of a fraternity is the heightened chance of
gaining leadership positions outside of the chapter. We have brothers in the past that have been tutors
at the academic suport enter emloees of te niersits center for civic engagement, volunteers
for orientation, and workers of the student life office. The two brothers below have been elected to
high power positions on campus and have the opportunity to make great change on our campus.
Joseph White
Edmund Smith
Edmund is one of the most recognizable and involved
people on the entire campus. He is now the president
of Omicron Delta Kappa, the national leadership
fraternity, as well as the president of Phi Delta Epsilon,
the pre-medical fraternity on campus. He balances
these commitments with his internship and laundry
list of other clubs and activities. He is also a Civic
Engagement scholar and one of the recipients of the
Bill and Melinda Gates Fondations Millennim
Scholarship, a highly coveted academic scholarship
covering his higher education tuition until graduation.
Edmund is a much loved and highly cherished asset to
the Chi Phi Fraternity and a shining example of the
excellence we strive for.
Joseph is one of the most highly respected
people at the university, and is currently
serving as senior class president. Under his
direction the SGA has listened to some of the
concerns of the students back things like
late night. Joseph studied abroad in South
Korea for part of his junior year to aid in his
international relations major. In addition to
being one of the most influential voices in
the chapter, Joseph served on the executive
council his sophomore year.

The 45
anniversary of our chapter was one of the biggest events of the entire year, and we used it as
an excellent opportunity to reconnect with our alumni. It was great to see alumni that had not been to
the chapter house, or stayed in contact with us since they graduated. So many of them were impressed
with where the chapter with the level of excellence the chapter was at, having more brothers than
ever, more involved, and the general character of the men made them proud of the legacy that the left
on campus. We held a live music event with many local bands and one group of brothers provide live
entertainment as well as food from an establishment owned by one of our alumni. One of the most
touching experiences of the weekend was going through the scrapbooks with our alumni and the
stories they told behind all the photos in them. The insight and history of this strong band of brothers
even back then continues to amaze us, we hope to be able to provide the same amount of nostalgia
when all the current brothers come back for alumni events for brothers not even yet born in the

Our Brothers pledge the tenants
Personal Integrity.
Fraternally, Eternally.

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