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Janilles Nutrients Report 04/18/14 - 04/20/14

Your plan is based on a 2000 Calorie allowance.

Nutrients Target Average Eaten Status
Total Calories 2000 Calories 866 Calories n!er
"rotein #g$%%% 46 g 4& g '(
"rotein #) Calories$%%% 10 - *0) Calories 2*) Calories '(
Car+o,-!rate #g$%%% 1*0 g .6 g n!er
Car+o,-!rate #) Calories$%%% 4. - 6.) Calories 26) Calories n!er
/ietar- 0i+er 26 g 4 g n!er
Total Sugars No /ail- Target or
** g No /ail- Target or
A!!e! Sugars No /ail- Target or
1. g No /ail- Target or
Total 0at 2. - *.) Calories .2) Calories 'ver
Saturate! 0at 3 10) Calories 1&) Calories 'ver
"ol-unsaturate! 0at No /ail- Target or
4) Calories No /ail- Target or
5onounsaturate! 0at No /ail- Target or
21) Calories No /ail- Target or
1inolei6 A6i! #g$%%% 11 g . g n!er
1inolei6 A6i! #) Calories$%%% . - 10) Calories .) Calories '(
7-1inoleni6 A6i! #) Calories$%%% 086 - 182) Calories 086) Calories '(
7-1inoleni6 A6i! #g$%%% 181 g 086 g n!er
'2ega * - E"A No /ail- Target or
448 2g No /ail- Target or
'2ega * - /9A No /ail- Target or
64. 2g No /ail- Target or
C,olesterol 3 *00 2g 1&. 2g '(
5inerals Target Average Eaten Status
Cal6iu2 1*00 2g 1.6 2g n!er
"otassiu2 4400 2g 11&6 2g n!er
So!iu2%% 3 2*00 2g 10*6 2g '(
Copper 8&0 :g 662 :g n!er
;ron 1. 2g 4 2g n!er
5agnesiu2 *60 2g &4 2g n!er
",osp,orus 12.0 2g .6* 2g n!er
Seleniu2 .. :g 84 :g '(
<in6 & 2g . 2g n!er
=ita2ins Target Average Eaten Status
=ita2in A 400 :g RAE *&. :g RAE n!er
=ita2in >6 182 2g 08& 2g n!er
=ita2in >12 284 :g *84 :g '(
=ita2in C 6. 2g .0 2g n!er
=ita2in / 1. :g 11 :g n!er
=ita2in E 1. 2g AT * 2g AT n!er
=ita2in ( 4. :g 201 :g '(
0olate 400 :g /0E &. :g /0E n!er
T,ia2in 180 2g 086 2g n!er
Ri+o?lavin 180 2g 086 2g n!er
Nia6in 14 2g 1* 2g n!er
C,oline 400 2g 214 2g n!er
;n?or2ation a+out !ietar- supple2ents8
** If you are African American, hypertensive, diabetic, or have chronic kidney disease, reduce your sodium to 1500 m a day. In addition, people
who are ae 51 and
older need to reduce sodium to 1500 m a day. All others need to reduce sodium to less than !"00 m a day.
*** #utrients that appear twice $protein, carbohydrate, linoleic acid, and -linolenic acid% have two separate recommendations&
1% Amount eaten $in rams% compared to your minimum recommended intake.
!% 'ercent of (alories eaten from that nutrient compared to the recommended rane.
You may see different messaes in the status column for these ! different recommendations.
Janille Victoriano
Nutrition 11
Diet Plan
Based on my report, I am eating too little of many nutrients. I am missing a lot of vitamins and minerals
which is proaly due to the lac! of fruits and vegetales in my diet. I eat a lot of protein, which I am aware of,
ut I thin! I need to incorporate rice or greens on my plate to ma!e my meals more alanced. "lso, I should
proaly !eep trac! of the amount of deserts I eat, seeing as I eat a lot. #his $unday was %aster, and I noticed
that I ate much more unhealthy foods, at a large &uantity and I need to practice self control. I need to inta!e
more calcium so I should proaly eat more cheese, yogurt, or other mil! products to help these rise. I thin! I
should proaly eat a little more, ut this chart may have some inaccuracies since the food I ate may differ from
the foods provided on the wesite. I also lac! carohydrates, so I need to eat more reads, pastas, rice and other
grains in order to ta!e in the proper amount of nutrients. I am surprised that I am eating so little, and a ma'ority
of my re&uirements are under, therefore I should proaly eat a little it more. #his is proaly why I feel so
tired a ma'ority of the time. I need to pay attention to my diet more, ecause although protein is good for me, I
need vegetales, which will !eep my ody at its highest level.
$ince my vitamin levels are low, I may need to start ta!ing some supplements in pill form in case I don(t inta!e
them with my diet during the day. )owever, this is very e*pensive and I should 'ust start y eating more fruits
and vegetales.
$tarting off with rea!fast, I should drin! more mil! in the morning and accompany that with some toast
or maye a granola ar. "nother rea!fast item may include some raw fruits or 'uices in order to increase the
amount of vitamins I get. +or the protein I can eat eggs in the morning in omelet form and add some spinach to
increase the amount of minerals I get. I am interested in 'uicing, so it would e interesting if I could get all of
these different nutrients from 'ust a cup of 'uice. ,any 'uicing recipes call for spinach, !ale, ginger, eets and
other vegetales that don(t sound too appealing. )owever, with the mi*ture of a variety of fruits, these flavors
are mas!ed with sweetness so that a good amount of nutrients are asored for our ody.
+or lunch, I should eat more salads to increase my mineral levels. -ale is a good source of minerals,
which I lac! in, and I can use a vinaigrette that doesn(t use too many empty calories in order to ma!e it taste
etter. " lean protein such as chic!en or salmon can easily e added to the dish, and ma!e it feel more filling. "
side of fruit will help ma!e the meal alanced adding vitamins li!e Vitamin " or Vitamin .. "lso, if a salad
does not sound appealing at the time, a sandwich is a good way to get some carohydrates from the read, some
minerals from the greens, and some protein from the meat used. " sandwich can e even more fulfilling if
nutrient enriched ingredients are used. +or e*ample, multi/grain read is much more nutritious than regular
white read, and instead of regular iceurg lettuce, spinach or !ale can e sustituted. .heese can also help with
adding to my calcium levels since they are low as well.
+or my dinner I should incorporate more vegetales as well. $teamed vegetales are an easy and
delicious way to get many nutrients, without having to add so much flavoring with utter or margarine. +ish and
tur!ey are good lean meats that can e grilled, or a!ed to !eep all the good oils and nutrients needed in the
ody. Brown rice is a good side dish for nearly all dinners and helps maintain carohydrate levels along with
eing a good source of fier. "lthough fruits are not typically eaten at dinner, a side of fruit can sustitute
unhealthy desserts and are much more fresh.
"lthough I am glad that I am not overeating, undereating seems to e my prolem. "s e*plained in my
plan, I intend on eating more fruits, vegetales, and grains in order to maintain a healthy diet. I also want to do
more physical activities since I don(t feel li!e do as much e*ercise as I need to do.

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