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Photography Beginners Guide.


First of all I recommend having a four year photography plan on
what you are going to shoot and what camera you will use.
Make a check list on all the things you need such as; Tripods,
Cameras, Cases, Straps, Mics and much more.
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To start your plan you are going to need a camera, I personally
recommend a point,shoot camera. -rices usually range from
./0,.100. 2uite e3pensive these days. 4hen you have got an
actual camera you will need to learn the 5asics. Most people
6ust use auto mode, 5ut thats 6ust 5oring. If you want your
photos to go 7%%M then get %&T of auto and e3periment and
see what happens. $et to know settings like; I.S.%, aperture,
8oom, and white 5alance. The reason why I recommend a
point,shoot is 5ecause they are easy to use and very simple to
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%nce you have mastered the point shoot then you will know the
5asics of photography. #ow 'if you are ready+ can move on to a
standard 5ridge camera. -rices usually come to .*00,./00
moving e3penses further. 4hen you get your 5ridge camera
you will 5e seeing a lot of new 5uttons. 7ut dont worry you will
get to know them 6ust as well as the point,
shoot camera. !gain play with It, see what
you can find out.
Further into photography. '(ear 1+
#ow you have got used to all of the settings and shooting
methods you may 5e thinking <I need some professional
e=uipment>? 4hat do people mean 5y e=uipment@ Tripods,
microphones, flash,guns and 5ags. If you want to get deeply
into photography then put effort into it. To make videoApicture
sta5ilisation 5etter you will need a tripod prices for .*0,.*00.
!udio is important, if your camera has a microphone 6ack, then
great you can attach a microphone to your flash,gun mount.
They are usually around .*00,.100. #e3t up 'optional+ you
could have a Flash,gun to compensate for your cameras 5uilt
in flash. -rices start at ./0,.B00.
The glorious CSD". '(ear B+
The digital SD" is an interchangea5le lens camera. &sually
with a flash,gun 6ack and a view finder. If you 5uy a CSD" you
need to know a lot a5out photography, its like the daddy of all
cameras. -rices are E)"( e3pensive ranging from a
staggering .100,.F000. 7ut if you are well into photography
youll know what to do.
By Aaron Chislett

For more details go to-

All rights reser#ed. $lease do not !opy
this do!%ment witho%t aaronknowsphoto
personnel permission.

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