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Absent or Below Basic Developing Proficient Advanced Peer Notes

Write formally and
informally, in-class
and out-of-class, for
a variety of
audiences and
Audience's needs are
often not recognized:
terms and ideas need
explanation and language
needs adjustment for the
audience. Purpose isn't
clear or achieved. Few
changes between genres
and styles.
Shows some attention to
audience's needs,
sometimes defining
necessary terms and ideas
and using audience-
appropriate language.
Purpose may be unclear
at times, and it may not be
achieved convincingly.
Demonstrates difficulty in
transitioning between
genres and styles.
Shows attention to
audience's needs, defining
necessary terms and ideas
and using audience-
appropriate language.
Purpose may be implied, but
it's clear and achieved.
Transitions between genres
and styles competently.
Shows sophisticated
attention to audience's
needs, defining necessary
terms and ideas and using
language. Purpose is clear
and achieved with style.
Transitions between genres
and styles with ease.
Wrtiing Formally,
Find, evaluate,
select, synthesize,
organize, ethically
cite, and present
information from a
variety of sources
appropriate to their
Omits or uses incorrectly
MLA- or APA-style
parenthetical citations,
quotation marks, and
works cited list. Drops
quotations and ideas into
text without introducing
source when introduction
is needed. Frequently
uses irrelevant sources.
A few errors in MLA- or
APA-style parenthetical
citations, quotation marks,
and works cited list.
Often includes sources
names without
introduction when an
introduction is necessary.
Sometimes uses irrelevant
Correctly uses MLA- or
APA-style parenthetical
citations, quotation marks,
and works cited list. Usually
introduces each source fully
when appropriatereader
knows who did the research
or communicating, for
whom, and why. Use of
sources is usually relevant.
Correctly uses MLA- or
APA-style parenthetical
citations, quotation marks,
and works cited list. When
appropriate, introduces each
source fullyreader knows
who did the research or
communicating, for whom,
and why. Use of sources is
always relevant.
Using a quotation you
would include the
citation in quotes.
(Johnson, Pg. #, 2012)."
Compare, contrast,
and synthesize
carefully and
objectively the
relative merits of
alternative or
opposing arguments,
assumptions, and
cultural values.
Fails to consider the
relative merits of
alternative or opposing
arguments, assumptions,
and cultural values.
Attempts to compare,
contrast, and synthesize
the relative merits of
alternative or opposing
arguments, assumptions,
and cultural values, but
may lack objectivity or
thoroughness in the
Compares, contrasts, and
synthesizes the relative merits
of alternative or opposing
arguments, assumptions, and
cultural values.
Compares, contrasts, and
synthesizes carefully,
objectively, and insightfully
the relative merits of
alternative or opposing
arguments, assumptions, and
cultural values.
Bring into your
obstacles paragraphs,
What % of Ca Farmers
use dry farming now.
Farmers lose money? If
they convert whould
they make more or the
same amount of
Organizational devices
(thesis, topic sentences,
transitions) may be
absent, unrelated to the
prompt, or illogically
connected. Paragraphs
are usually not unified or
Organizational devices
(thesis, topic sentences,
transitions) fit the prompt,
but may be vague, too
broad, or inconsistenly or
illogically linked.
Paragraphs may not be
Clear, specific organizational
devices (thesis, topic
sentences, transitions) fit the
prompt and tie ideas
together adequately.
Paragraphs are usually
Clear, specific organizational
devices (thesis, topic
sentences, headings,
transitions) fit the prompt
and tie ideas together
logically and seamlessly.
Paragraphs are always
Organization is great,
The use of headers
before paragraphs gives
direcrtion to the paper.
trasitional phraes at the
beginning and eng up
paragraphs need to be
inappropriate, illogical, or
irrelevant reasoning and
Over uses or under-
analyzes evidence. May
omit reasoning and include
some irrelevant, illogical,
or unpersuasive evidence.
Usually supports the thesis
and paragraph claims with
persuasive reasoning and
credible, relevant, logical,
analyzed evidence.
Supports the thesis and
paragraph claims with
relevant, thorough, logical,
and insightful reasoning and
analyzed evidence.
yes, logical reasoning
for why dry farming
should be adopted
Tone and/or design
usually suggest/s an
absence of awareness of
audience and/or generic
Tone and/or design are/is
sometimes inappropriate
or unconventional.
Appropriate tone and design
conform to assigned
audience and genre.
Sophisticated tone and
design engage reader and
conform to assigned
audience and genre.
Spelling, syntax, diction,
or punctuation errors
impede readability.
Spelling, syntax, diction,
or punctuation errors
impede readability or
otherwise distract from
Spelling, syntax, diction, or
punctuation errors are few
and do not distract from
Outstanding control of
language, including effective
diction and sentence variety.
Transitional phrases
could be better.
Improve ones own
and others writing
skills through the
assessment and
critique of written
Fails to offer specific
critique to peers and fails
to respond to peer and
instructor critique during
Offers thoughtful, though
sometimes vague critique
to peers and attempts to
respond to peer and
instructor critique during
Offers specific critique to
peers and responds
thoughtfully to peer and
instructor critique during
Offers insightful, specific
critique to peers and
responds thoughtfully to
peer and instructor critique
during revision.
2 things you need to
work on is your
obstacle paragraphs
and state the problem
on why farmers are
hesitant to convert to
dry farming. As well as
follow up your claims.
Recognize, evaluate,
and employ the
features and
contexts of language
and design that
express and
influence meaning
and that
sensitivity to gender
301 Portfolio SLOs Rubric
Organize ones
thoughts and
communicate them
clearly and
persuasively to
address a rhetorical

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