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The Board Room


This exercise is designed to identify thinking patterns, also known as internal
dialogue. The title refers to the idea of a board meeting that takes place in the
mind. In this meeting the various voices, or aspects of your personality are
given a seat at the table. As with real world board meetings the CEO has the
right to determine who speaks and for how long. It is the goal of this exercise to
identify the various members of your board, as well as the current CEO. While
completing the exercise, think about whether or not the current CEO is the best
person for the job. Think about whether messages you hear are from you, or are
they something that you are carrying from another point in your life? An
overbearing parent perhaps?
Please list the identifiable members of your board below, ranking them by
number based upon their current power on the left, and their desired level of
influence on the right (there is no need to fill all of the lines if they do not have
an identifiable voice to fill them):

The Board Room

In the circle below, draw the above identified voices as circles, labeling them
with their current power ranking:

The Board Room

In the circle below, draw the above identified voices as circles, labeling them
with their desired power ranking:

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