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College of DuPage

Continuing Education/Leisure
Understanding Wine
Non-Credit Course
Summer 2014

Instructor: Jan Hunsicker
Office: BIC 1542
Phone: 630-942-3826

Virtual Office Hours:
Monday 7:00-9:30 pm
Tuesday 7:00-9:30 pm
Thursday 6:00-9:30 pm
Friday 6:00-8:30 pm

Course description:
In this introductory course we will examine wine history, basic wine terminology, fermentation, and
develop an appreciation for all types of wine. Students will watch videos, participate in discussion
boards, taste wine, collaborate in wikis, upload images, and create their own wine blog.
Students enrolled in the course must be 21 years of age or older.

Required texts, materials, supplies:
For class participation all students are required to be able to: Access the internet, upload files, access
course websites, view YouTube videos, and view Flash videos. (Note: iPads and iPhones dont support
Flash viewing without an additional app.)

Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to:
1. Define terms used in wine production.
2. Describe how wines are classified.
3. Describe the characteristics of wine made common grape varieties.
4. Demonstrate how to serve wine, including opening and decanting the wine.
5. Differentiate between various wines through sight, smell, and taste.
6. Describe how wine is made.
7. Describe how wine should be properly stored.
8. Identify the major wine producing regions of the world.
9. Identify the wines produced from the major wine regions of the world.
10. Identify the parts of wine labels from the different wine regions of the world.
11. Indicate some classic wine and food pairings from each region.

Topical Outline:
1. Wine terminology and classifications
2. Wine serving/flavors/ tasting
3. Wine production/storage
4. Wine regions
a. Wines of France
b. Wines of Italy
c. Wines of Germany
d. Wines of Spain/Portugal
e. Wines of the United States
f. Wines of South America and Australia

Important assignment, examination, project deadlines
List of Assignments with Grade computation/Grading scale
Module 1 Introduction in discussion board 25
Blog set up
Syllabus quiz
Module 2 Wine Terminology and classifications
Class wine terminology and classification wiki 25
Class discussion board 25
Blog entry 25
Terminology quiz 30
Module 3 Wine serving, flavors and tasting
Class wine flavors wiki 25
Class Discussion board 25
Serving video 50
Wine flavors quiz 30
Module 4 Wine Production and storage
Class discussion board 25
Wine creation process table 25
Storage document 25
Module 5 American Wines
Travel Brochure or video 50
Table of wine regions 50
Class discussion board wine tasting 25
Class discussion board International Menus, to be graded at end of
course for a total of 100 points
Blog entry 3-2-1 25
Infographic on wine labeling 25
Module 6 French Wines
Travel Brochure or video 50
Table of wine regions 50
Class discussion board wine tasting 25
Class discussion board International Menus 25
Blog entry 3-2-1 25
Infographic on wine labeling 25
Module 7 Italian Wines 25
Travel Brochure or video 50
Table of wine regions 50
Class discussion board wine tasting 25
Class discussion board International Menus, to be graded at end of
course for a total of 100 points
Blog entry 3-2-1 25
Infographic on wine labeling 25
Module 8 German Wines
Travel Brochure or video 50
Table of wine regions 50
Class discussion board wine tasting 25
Class discussion board International Menus, to be graded at end of
course for a total of 100 points
Blog entry 3-2-1 25
Infographic on wine labeling 25
Module 9 Spanish and Portuguese Wines
Travel Brochure or video 50
Table of wine regions 50
Class discussion board wine tasting 25
Class discussion board International Menus, to be graded at end of
course for a total of 100 points
Blog entry 3-2-1 25
Infographic on wine labeling 25
Module 10 South American and Australian Wines
Travel Brochure or video 50
Table of wine regions 50
Class discussion board wine tasting 25
Class discussion board International Menus, to be graded at end of
course for a total of 100 points
Blog entry 3-2-1 25
Infographic on wine labeling 25
Module 11 Reflection
Class discussion board 25
Blog entry 25
Self-assessment 25

Final exam date and time
In lieu on a final exam, students will be assessed on their final reflection of the course materials
and a self-assessment during the final week of the course.

Methods of Evaluating Students:
Grading in this course will be based on the accumulation of points .Students will be graded as:
Distinguished, Proficient, Apprentice, or Novice. This will give you an idea of where you are and
how much effort you put into on your wine appreciation journey with this course.
The syllabus and course outline contain the assignments and points. You will be able to view
your points in the My Grades section of the course. Participation in the discussion boards is
important for this course. Therefore, your posts will be graded.
1. A rubric for the discussion board will be used to assess the student engagement and
2. A rubric will be used to assess the participation in the class wiki.
3. A rubric will be used to assess the students blogs.
4. A rubric will be used to assess the class assignments.
5. Students will do a self-assessment.
The rubrics can be found by selecting the Rubrics menu item

Total points Percentage Grade
90-100% Distinguished
80-89% Proficient
70-79% Apprentice
60-69% Novice

Work return policy (approximately when the instructor will be returning papers)
Grading will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays following due dates. Please check the My Grades
section of Blackboard for your grades and comments.

Classroom policies/Student conduct /Absence/Late work
This is an online course but it is not a self-paced course. Students are required to participate during the
time period for each module. Anticipate your work week for a module to be Saturday to Friday.
Students will be required to log into the Blackboard learning management system several times a week
to participate in discussion board activities. Initial postings will be due by Wednesday (11:59 p.m.) with
the follow-up due by Friday (11:59 p.m.). You will not be given discussion board points for late work.
Projects and blog postings will be due on Friday (11:59 p.m.) Projects that are turned in after the due
date will have a 30% deduction to the grade. Exceptions to this will be noted in the module learning

Make-up policy/Extra credit
This is a non-credit course. There is no make-up or extra credit assignments for this course.

Code of Student Conduct and Code of Academic Conduct:
Please visit this web page
( and
review these policies for understanding.
Code of Student Conduct (Board Policy 20-35)
The College will maintain a Code of Student Conduct to provide fair and reasonable rules and
procedures to promote personal development and to ensure that students do not engage in conduct
that interferes with the operations of the College. Students are responsible for their own conduct in
complying with existing College policies regarding student behavior. The College will maintain
disciplinary procedures to address violations of the Code of Student Conduct.
Code of Academic Conduct (Board Policy 20-41)
College of DuPage is committed to the promotion of absolute integrity and high ethical standards of
individual honesty in academic work. As members of the College community, students are expected to
refrain from academic dishonesty in all forms, including but not limited to: cheating, plagiarism,
furnishing false information, abuse of academic materials, misconduct during a testing situation,
facilitating academic dishonesty, and misuse of identification with intent to defraud or deceive.
All work submitted by students is expected to be the result of the student's individual thoughts,
research and self-expression. When students use ideas, wording, or organization from another source,
the source shall be acknowledged appropriately. The College will maintain disciplinary procedures to
address violations of the Code of Academic Conduct.

Late withdrawal policy
This is a non-credit course. Students may withdraw at any time. After the first 7 days, students will not
receive a refund when they withdraw.

Incomplete policy
Incompletes will not be given in this course.

ADA (American Disability Act)
If you require special testing accommodations or any other learning style accommodations, please
contact and notify me early in the term. We should all strive to find videos with closed captioning or

Emergency statement and information
Students may contact me via email ( with questions/notifications.
I will post additional course information to the Blackboard Announcements. Students are required to
keep abreast of these posting.
Please sign up for COD Alerts for emergency information from the College.


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