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Margaret Weber

May 1, 2013
CHDV 150 Introduction to Curriculum
Small Group Activity Form
Name of Activity:
Counting with Goldilocks
Curriculum Area:
Length of Activity:
10-15 inutes
Learning Objectives (specify at least three):
!he child will be able to use one-to-one corres"ondence when atching #or e$a"le the blue s"oon with
the blue bowl% &Measure 3'( Classi#ication)
!he child will be able to count out the correct nuber o# bears, bowls, s"oons, beds etc% !hey will get
three bears, three bowls, three s"oons etc% &Measure 33( *uber +ense o# atheatical o"erations)%
!he child will be able to "lace the bears in order o# biggest to sallest and sallest to biggest% &Measure
35( Measureent)
!he child will begin to recogni,e the written nueral and corres"ond with the correct nuber o# ites%
&Measure 21(-etter and word knowledge)%
Material/!uipment Nee"e":
+e.eral bears in three di##erent si,es
/-12 bowls in three di##erent si,es
0i##erent colored s"oons that atch the bowls
0i##erent si,e bo$es and "lastic tubes #or beds
0i##erent si,e blankets #or the bears beds
Goldilocks and three bears book
Measuring cu"
1lastic #ood or other aterials such as "lay dough or "o"os to use as "orridge
#reparation ($hat "o you nee" to "o beforehan"%):
2 will ask "arents i# they ha.e any cardboard bo$es o# .arious si,es that they would be willing to donate%
2 will also ask "arents i# they ha.e di##erent si,es o# baby blankets or #abric that they would be willing to
2 will need to gather all the necessary aterials #or this acti.ity aking sure that 2 ha.e enough bears,
bowls, s"oons etc%, #or ore than one child and so that the children will ha.e to count out three o# each
2 will need to "lace all the ites in the ath area%
#roce"ures (step by step) & 'e (pecific
)'eginning (*o+ +ill , intro"uce activity%)
!o begin this acti.ity 2 will read the book Goldilocks and the !hree 3ears during circle tie%
!o get the children thinking about counting and one-to-one corres"ondence and to get the interested in
the acti.ity, 2 will ask the children o"en ended 4uestions like, 56ow any bears were in the story78
5Can anyone tell e what si,e the daddy bear was78 What about the aa bear78
9t this tie 2 will e$"lain to the children that we will be doing a ath acti.ity 5Counting with
Goldilocks8 during sall grou" tie% !he children will then get to choose what learning area they
would like to go to during #ree choice tie%
0uring sall grou" #ree choice tie 2 will introduce the "ro"s #or the ath acti.ity%
2 will e$"lain that the children are going to choose their daddy bear that is big: aa bear that is
ediu si,ed and baby bear is sall%
2 will then show the the bo$es and blankets e$"laining that they will choose the right si,ed bed and
blankets that #it each bear% 5What would ha""en i# you ga.e daddy bear a sall bed78
When introducing the bowls, s"oons and aterials #or the "orridge, 2 will show the children how to
easure the "orridge into the bowl% 2 will ask the, 50o you think baby bear would eat ore than
daddy bear would eat78 6ow uch "orridge do you think aa bear will eat78
!o guide the children into the acti.ity 2 will show the the book that will be a.ailable in the center #or
the children to use% 2 will ask the, 56ow any bears went into Goldilocks house78 !here are no
sa#ety concerns #or this acti.ity%
!o get the children started in the acti.ity 2 will ask, 5Can you #ind a big bear, ediu bear and a sall
bear%8 ;ro there 2 will say, 5*ow how can you tell the story o# the three bears with the "ro"s78
)Mi""le: (*o+ +ill , support/enhance/scaffol"%) & -he person rea"ing your lesson plan shoul" be able to
i"entify +hat you are saying or "oing to support your state" learning objectives. -*,( ,( /01
!o su""ort the children as they begin using the aterials 2 will be the children as they begin to
use the aterials #or this acti.ity% 2 want to ake sure that the children ha.e an understanding o# the
acti.ity% 2 will only inter.ene i# 2 see a child struggling with the acti.ity or i# 2 need to enhance or
sca##old a child<s learning "rocess% 2 a to see i# the children can count out three bears, one
big one, one ediu one and a sall one% 9re the children able to atch the blue bowl with the blue
s"oon and can they count out three beds, blankets, bowls and s"oons% 9re they using the easuring cu"
to easure out the 5"orridge78
!o stiulate thought and con.ersation 2 will ask o"en-ended 4uestions like, 56ow any bowls and
s"oons will you need78 5What ha""ens i# you gi.e daddy bear a sall bed78 5What are soe other
things in the story that we can add78 2 want the children to be able to think about adding chairs, how
any would they need7
While this acti.ity can be done indi.idually, 2 want to encourage the children to work as a tea
es"ecially i# one child is a little di##iculty counting the correct nuber o# ites or is
trouble atching the s"oons and bowls% 2 would say, 56ow can we hel" Maggie #ind the right si,e bed
#or baby bear78 5Who can #ind the "ur"le bowl and the "ur"le s"oon78 What ha""ens i# we take all o#
our bears and line the u" biggest to sallest78
!o hel" indi.idual children 2 can ask o"en-ended 4uestions such as 56ow any bowls do you need to
ha.e #or this nuber78 &+how the the nuber two)% !hrough the child 2 can sca##old their
learning to the ne$t le.el o# learning, the child recogni,es the nueral two, now can they atch the
correct nuber o# ites to the nueral%
2 "lan to ha.e additional aterials a.ailable #or the children to use such as a sall table and di##erent
si,es o# chairs so that children can try and "lace their daddy, aa and baby bear on the correct si,ed
chair% 2 will also ha.e lainated cards that ha.e the nuber three written on the card and then "ictures
o# the ites in the acti.ity% ;or e$a"le one card will ha.e the nuber three written at the side and then
in "icture #or there will be three bowls% !his will hel" the children with nuber recognition%
)n": (*o+ +ill , bring this activity to a conclusion an" transition to the ne2t activity% 'e very specific
in ho+ you +ill transition the chil"ren.)
2 will gi.e the children a 5 inute warning that the acti.ity is coing to an end% When the 5 inutes are
u" 2 will say, 5Goldilocks says it is now tie to "ut our aterials away%8 !hen 2 will begin to sing a
clean-u" song%
!he children are going to be in.ol.ed in the clean-u" "rocess by "utting all the aterials used in the
acti.ity back in their containers or "lacing the ites back on the sel# in the ath area% 2# the children
gathered additional su""lies #ro di##erent learning areas in the roo, they will be instructed to return
those ites to the areas they belong%
!o transition the children to the ne$t acti.ity, 2 will "lay a gae siilar to +ion +ays with the children%
2 will say, 5Goldilocks says, "lease coe sit down in the circle tie area%8 Goldilocks says &naes
children to go wash their hands%) While the children are washing their hands in grou"s o# two or three,
the rest o# the children will "artici"ate in the Goldilocks .ersion o# +ion says% !he other teacher in the
roo will be onitoring the hand washing and as children wash their hands, they will return back to the
circle tie area until snack is ready, i# snack is ready then children will be directed to the table a#ter
washing their hands%
2# there is tie the children will be able to talk about their e$"erience with the counting with Goldilocks
acti.ity% !hey can discuss what they liked about the acti.ity, what they didn<t like, soething they ay
want to change etc%
-hroughout the "ay/+ee34 +hat opportunities +ill the chil"ren have to reflect bac3 on this activity%
!hroughout the day and the week the children will be able to re#lect on what they ha.e learned by either
recreating the acti.ity on their or, in grou"s, they can e.en re#lect on what they ha.e learned by
counting, grou"ing and using one-to-one corres"ondence with other aterials in the ath area or other
learning areas%
!he children can recount their e$"erience to the teacher and ha.e that e$"erience recorded in their
=ournals% Children can also ha.e the chance to record their e$"erience on audio ta"e%
!he children can re#lect on their learning e$"erience in the art area, they can draw a "icture to re"resent
their e$"erience, use "lay dough or clay to e$"ress what they ha.e learned #ro the acti.ity%
-his is rea"y for your thematic unit 56/56

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