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We chose this topic because we had a lot of
questions to ask about volcanos than the other
natural disasters. We also chose this topic
because it was interesting to know about volcanos
and the other natural disasters were with wind and
water but this one erupts lava, sounds cool. The
purpose of this project is going to show what is
inside the volcano and what makes it erupt. This
project answers our main question, how do
volcanoes erupt and where does the lava
(magma) come from.

We are making a volcano model to show how a
volcano erupts and how it forms.
To build this volcano model these were the steps,
Before everything you need to buy the material or
find it,
Journal, Paper roll, Plaster roll, paint, flat platform.

1. Get a flat platform and a paper roll.
2. Take newspaper and roll them into balls
3. Tape them to the platform and the roll.
4. Take plaster sheets, wet them and place
them on the paper balls.
5. Lets it dry one night.
6. Paint it.
7. Draw the layers and how a volcano works
on a piece of paper.

(Materials, steps to creation, phases)
(Include photos)
(List some of the challenges you faced while
trying to complete this project. Explain how you
(What did you learn?)
(Why should we care about this project?)
(Include photos & Graphs)

The word volcano originally comes from the name of
the Roman god of fire, Vulcan.

Volcanic eruptions can send ash high into the air,
over 30 km (17 miles) above the Earths surface.

Hot liquid rock under the Earths surface is known as
magma, it is called lava after it comes out of a

How does a volcano erupt:

In a volcanic eruption, hot lava spews out from
beneath the Earth's crust up to the Earth's surface.
This lava is actually hot melted rock called magma.
Just underneath the Earth's crust is a layer called the
mantle, which is made of up plates that are always
moving and shifting. Sometimes the plates separate.
That creates heat and causes the mantle to melt into
magma. The magma comes up through the crack
between the plates. It spreads out, cools down, and
becomes rock again. The solid magma stays beneath
the Earth's surface.

Sometimes the plates collide. When that happens,
one plate can slide under the other. This also causes
the mantle underneath to melt. The magma pushes
upward, melting more rock. The hot magma collects
under the surface of the Earth. If the pressure is high

This project improves our understanding of the
formation of volcanoes because when we look
at this project, it shows how a volcano
erupts/works. It also improves our
understanding of how our geosphere works
and how tectonic plates move, and how it
affects volcanoes.This also helps us because
we know what a volcano does when it erupts
and how we can protect ourselves.For
example if volcanic ash is erupting from a
volcano you should wear a mask and avoid
inhaling ash infected air.

(MLA format for biblioraphy)
(Did you get outside help? If so, who?
Explain their role)

"Explore." Discovery Kids. Web. 11 May 2014.

"Weather Wiz Kids Weather Information
overcame these challenges)

enough or a crack opens in the crust, the magma
spews out.

Why do we call it a "volcano"? Off the coast of Sicily, in the
Mediterranean Sea, there is little island called Vulcano. A
long time ago, the people who lived there believed that
Vulcano actually was the chimney on the forge of Vulcan.
And Vulcan was the blacksmith of the Roman gods. A
volcano is a mountain. However, they are not formed as
other mountains are, by folding and crumpling or by uplift
and erosion. Volcanoes, in a sense, build themselves with
their own eruptions, including lava, bombs (crusted-over
lava blobs), ashflows, and tephra (airborne ash and dust).

Usually, a volcano is a conical hill or mountain built around
a vent that connects with reservoirs of molten rock below
the surface of the Earth. "Volcano" also might be used to
refer to the opening through which molten rock and gases
are expelled.

Where is most volcanic activity?
70% of the Earth's surface is ocean floor, which
is made of basalt, an igneous rock produced at
mid-ocean ridges. The ridges are the most
volcanically active features on the planet.

The yellow dots show where the volcanoes are.

for Kids." Weather Wiz Kids Weather
I nformation for Kids. Web. 10 May 2014.

"Fun Volcano Facts for Kids -
Interesting Facts about Volcanoes."
Fun Volcano Facts for Kids -
I nteresting Facts about Volcanoes.
Web. 09 May 2014.

Environmental. A volcano is one hundred
percent environmental because people have
done nothing to form them. They start as a
simple hole in the ground and when they explode
the lava hardens around the hole and makes a
mountain and every time it explodes the
mountain gets bigger. Our project has a model
volcano and our display board will show the
layers of the volcano and how the volcano gets
the lava from under the ground. The earths
center is made of lava and plate tectonics float
on it. When the plate tectonics bump and one
slides under the other the lava can escape and
makes volcanoes. These bumps also can cause
earthquakes and tsunamis. Volcanoes can be
good because it can create new land (like it did
with hawaii). Volcanic ash is a very good building
material. In ancient Rome they mixed it with
other material to make cement.
Some of the bad things are that when volcanoes
erupt the gases that seep out are poisonous and
will probably kill you before the lava does. Lava
comes into cities and destroys homes and
people in it's path. Also ash and other chemicals
can ruin the farm areas so that the crops don't

Examples Of 3 Panel Displays. Please keep in mind that the layout of these projects may be different
from the one that we are doing, but you will still be able to recognize why these are really great 3 panel

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