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Pathology Mcq's - 18-06-2006, 11:47 PM
Multiple choice questions . Tick or circle the correct answer .
(1)Which of the following is not included in the major Jones criteria for diagnosing rheumatic heart disease ?
(a) Pancarditis. (b) Chorea. (c)Arthritis. (d)Elevated ESR.
(2)The lipoprotein most often associated with heart disease is:
(a)Very low density lipoprotein. (b)Chylomicrons. (c)Low density lipoproteins. (d)High density lipoproteins.
(3)The most important cause of acute right ventricular failure is:
(a)Pulmonary stenosis. (b)Tricuspid stenosis. (c)Mitral stenosis.
(d)Massive pulmonary embolism.
(4)Which of the following factors does not predispose to bacterial endocarditis?
(a)Catheterization. (b)Intravenous injections. (c)Hypertension.
(d)Tooth extraction.
(5)Left ventricular hypertrophy is not seen in:
(a)Aortic regurgitation. (b)Aortic stenosis. (c)Mitral regurgitation.
(d) Mitral stenosis.
(6)The earliest lesion of atherosclerosis is:
(a)Fatty streak. (b)Fibrous plaque. (c)Medial thinning. (d)Platelet aggregation.
(7)Major risk factors associated with development of coronary and generalized atherosclerosis include all of the following except:
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(d)Massive pulmonary embolism.
(4)Which of the following factors does not predispose to bacterial endocarditis?
(a)Catheterization. (b)Intravenous injections. (c)Hypertension.
(d)Tooth extraction.
(5)Left ventricular hypertrophy is not seen in:
(a)Aortic regurgitation. (b)Aortic stenosis. (c)Mitral regurgitation.
(d) Mitral stenosis.
(6)The earliest lesion of atherosclerosis is:
(a)Fatty streak. (b)Fibrous plaque. (c)Medial thinning. (d)Platelet aggregation.
(7)Major risk factors associated with development of coronary and generalized atherosclerosis include all of the following except:
(a)Cigarette smoking. (b)Elevated high density lipoprotein(HDL) levels. (c)Diabetes mellitus. (d)Hypercholesterolaemia.
(8)Which one of the following blood groups has an association with gastric carcinoma?
(a) O. (b) A. (c)B. (d)AB.
(9)Peptic ulcer has an association with blood group:
(a) O. (b) A. (c)B. (d)AB.
(10)The organism associated with peptic uleer is :
(a)E.coli. (b)Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (c)Helicobacter pylori . (d)Klebsiella.
(11)The commonest cause of oesophagitis is:
(a)Alcoholism. (b)Reflux oesophagitis. (c)Spices. (d)Smoking.
(12)Skip lesions in intestine is the term applied to lesions of:
(a)Chronic ulcerative colitis. (b)Crohns disease . (c)Typhoid ulcer. (d)Tuberculosis.
(13)The commonest site of gastric ulcer is :
(a)Greater curvature. (b)Lesser curvature. (c)Gastro-oesophageal junction. (d)Duodenum.
(14)The commonest site of gastric cancer is :
(a)Pylorus and antrum. (b)Cardia. (c)Body. (d) Fundus.
(15)Taenia coli are seen in the :
(a)Stomach . (b)Duodenum. (c)lleum. (d)Colon.
(16)Caput medusae is associated with :
(a)Pancreatic carcinoma. (b)Cirrhosis of the liver. (c)Polyposis coli.
(d)Hepatocellular carcinoma.
(17)The Dane Particle is:
(a) Hepatitis A virus (HAV). (b) Hepatitis B virus (HBV).
(c) Hepatitis C virus (HCV). (d) Hepatitis E virus (HEV).
(18)The most common organism associated with osteomyelitis is:
(a)Staphylococcus aureus. (b)E.coli. (c)Pseudomonas. (d)Klebsiella.
(19)The part of a long bone initially involved in haematogenous osteomyelitis is the :
(a)Metaphyseal region. (b)Diaphysis. (c)Epiphysis. (d) Area around the entrance of the nutrient artery.
(20)Ovarian homologue of seminoma of testis is :
(a) Embryonal carcinoma. (b)Dysgerminoma. (c) Yolk sac tumour. (d)Choriocarcinoma.
(21)Pagets disease of the nipple is associated with:
(a)Ductal carinoma of the breast. (b)Lobular carcinoma of the breast.
(c)Medullary carcinoma of the breast. (d)Melanoma.
(22)The most common type of mammary malignancy is :
(a)Cystosarcoma phyllodes. (b)Lobular carcinoma. (c) Infiltrating ductal carcinoma. (d)Intraductal papillary carcinoma.
(23)A major risk factor for squamous carcinoma of the cervix is now considered to be:
(a) Early sexual activity. (b)Multiple sexual partners. (c)Human papillomavirus. (d) Frequency of coitus.
(24)In the list below, the ovarian tumour with the highest degree of bilateral involvement is:
(a)Serous cystadenoma. (b)Mucinous cystadenoma. (c)Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma. (d) Serous cystadenocarcinoma.
(25) The condition most likely to predispose an elderly male to development of penile squamous intraepithelial neoplasm is :
(a)Phimosis. (b)Herpes simplex virus infection. (c)Lichen simplex chronicus.
(26)Single file infiltration of cells is seen in which type of breast cancer?
(a)Tubular carcinoma. (b)Invasive lobular carcinoma. (c)Infiltrating ductal carcinoma. (d)Medullary carcinoma.
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(24)In the list below, the ovarian tumour with the highest degree of bilateral involvement is:
(a)Serous cystadenoma. (b)Mucinous cystadenoma. (c)Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma. (d) Serous cystadenocarcinoma.
(25) The condition most likely to predispose an elderly male to development of penile squamous intraepithelial neoplasm is :
(a)Phimosis. (b)Herpes simplex virus infection. (c)Lichen simplex chronicus.
(26)Single file infiltration of cells is seen in which type of breast cancer?
(a)Tubular carcinoma. (b)Invasive lobular carcinoma. (c)Infiltrating ductal carcinoma. (d)Medullary carcinoma.
(27)Which one of the following provides an example of concomitant hyperplasia and hypertrophy?
(a)Uterine growth during pregnancy. (b)Left ventricular cardiac hypertrophy.
(c)Enlargement of skeletal muscle in atheletes. (d)Breast enlargement at puberty.
(28)A woman from which of the following countries has the greatest risk for development of breast carcinoma?
(a)Japan. (b)India. (c)Zimbabwe. (d)United States.
(29)Early detection of squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix with Pap smear screening is important because:
(a)The survival from in situ forms is virtually 100%. (b)They usually progress rapidly . (c)There is a tendency to transform into
sarcomas. (d)They are difficult to detect posmenopausally.
(30)A 25 year old female has a firm , rubbery ,mobile mass palpable in the left breast.This is probably a (an):
(a)Focus of fat necrosis. (b)Fibroadenoma. (c)Intraductal papilloma.
(d)Infiltrating ductal carcinoma.
(31)Which of the following hormones is not secreted by the anterior pituitary?
(a)Antidiuretic hormone(ADH). (b)Follicle stimulating hormone(FSH).
(c)Luteinizing hormone (LH). (d)Growth hormone.
(32)A 30 year old woman with amenorrhoea-galactorrhoea, headaches and visual field defects probably has which of the following ?
(a) Cushings syndrome. (b)Pagets disease of bone. (c)Prolactinoma.
(d) Neurofibroma.
(33)Which of the following physical or laboratory findings is most typically associated with Graves disease (diffuse toxic goiter)?
(a)Myxedema. (b)Anti -TSH receptor antibody. (c)Decreased iodine uptake. (d)Papillary carcinoma.
(34)A 29 year old primigravida has a placenta previa with extensive blood loss and shock during delivery. Following recovery , She is
most likely to have which of the following problems?
(a)Cushings syndrome. (b)Lack of menstrual cycles. (c)Galactorrhoea.
(d)Diabetes insipidus.
(35)Psammoma bodies may be seen in the following tumours except:
(a)Follicular carcinoma of the thyroid . (b)Meningioma.
(c)Papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. (d)Serous cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary.
(36)Well differentiated follicular carcinoma of the thyroid is differentiated from follicular adenoma of the thyroid by which of the
following features?
(a) Hurthle cell change. (b)Small follicles lined by tall cuboidal to columnar cells. (c)Increased mitosis. (d)Vascular invasion.
(37) True statements regarding minimal change disease include all of the following except :
(a)It occurs most often in children. (b)The glomerulus appears normal by light microscopy. (c) Nephrotic syndrome frequently occurs .
(d) Serum complement is often decreased .
(38)Clinically ,crescentic glomerulonephritis characteristically manifests as :
(a)Rapidly progressive disease. (b)Indolent clinical course with gradual progression to chronic renal failure. (c)Nephrotic syndrome .
(d)Asymptomatic haematuria.
(39)The clinical complex of nephritic syndrome is usually characterized by all of the following findings except:
(a)Acute onset. (b)Haematuria with red blood cell casts . (c)Some degree of oliguria. (d) Proteinuria of >3.5gm/day.
(40)The commonest renal calculi associated with proteus infections are :
(a)Cystine stone. (b)Triple phosphate stone. (c)Uric acid stone.
(d)Calcium oxalate stone.
(41)The following statements are true of childhood polycystic kidney disease except :
(a)Autosomal dominant. (b)Manifests at birth. (c)Cysts in kindney and liver. (d)Association with congenital hepatic fibrosis.
(42)Tte term thyroidisation is applied to which organ?
(a)Heart. (b)Kidney. (c)Liver. (d) Ovary.
(43)Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis shows the following features except:
(a)Accumulation of fatty macrophages . (b)Yellow nodules in kidney. (c)Association with tuberculosis. (d)Presence of giant cells.
(44)Causes of flea-bittenkidney include the following except :
(a)Acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis. (b)Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis . (c)Haemolytic uraemic syndrome. (d)Benign
(45)Which of the following cells of the central nervous system arise from bone marrow (monocytes)?
(a)Neurons. (b)Astrocytes. (c) Ependymal cells. (d)Microglia.
(46)A 32 year old female living in Idaho came to her physician because of acute onset of left arm weakness. Several years before, she
had loss of vision in her left eye which lasted only a week .She probably has :
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(43)Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis shows the following features except:
(a)Accumulation of fatty macrophages . (b)Yellow nodules in kidney. (c)Association with tuberculosis. (d)Presence of giant cells.
(44)Causes of flea-bittenkidney include the following except :
(a)Acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis. (b)Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis . (c)Haemolytic uraemic syndrome. (d)Benign
(45)Which of the following cells of the central nervous system arise from bone marrow (monocytes)?
(a)Neurons. (b)Astrocytes. (c) Ependymal cells. (d)Microglia.
(46)A 32 year old female living in Idaho came to her physician because of acute onset of left arm weakness. Several years before, she
had loss of vision in her left eye which lasted only a week .She probably has :
(a)A low grade astrocytoma. (b)Multiple sclerosis. (c)Embolic stroke from endocarditis. (d)Ruptured intracranial aneurysm.
(47)A 66 year old male is finding that he has more difficulty moving about .He is annoyed by a tremor in his hand , but the tremor goes
away when he performs routine tasks using his hands . He has not suffered loss of mental ability. He probably has:
(a)Alzheimers disease. (b) Parkinsons disease. (c) Niemann-Pick disease. (d)Tuberous sclerosis.
(48)The family of a 55 year old male is finding that he can no longer care for himself and he cannot even remember where the bathroom
in the house is .This man has :
(a)Depigmentation of the substantia nigra .(b) Many senile plaques in the cerebrum. (c)A granuloma near the brainstem. (d)
Large,vacuolated neurons in the cerebrum.
(49)The most common route of spread of infection to the brain is :
(a)Via venous route . (b)Via arterial route . (c)Via lymphatics . (d)Along nerves.
(50)Glucose content of CSF is unaltered in the following type of meningitis:
(a)Acute pyogenic meningitis. (b)Acute viral meningitis. (c)Cryptococcal meningitis.
(d)Tubercuous meningitis.
Last edited by chetnarayan : 18-06-2006 at 11:51 PM. Reason: FOR BETTER LOOK & CORRECTIONS
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Re: Pathology Mcq's - 17-07-2006, 12:54 AM
well grT. job bro chetnarayan
well i will try only part coz. i have not compleated all the pathology some system is still remaining so i will try to reply them later ok.
and how would u like to have answer one question one answer or all answer in single page? i think if i gave answer single by single then it will be like
single mcq and it will be nice for new visistor but i if i deed in a single then it will be easy to see but tooo long so i have one idea 5 macq & answer per
theread is that ok.
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Re: Pathology Mcq's 5 mcq & it's answer originally question posted by chetnarayan bro - 17-07-2006, 01:11 AM
(1)Which of the following is not included in the major Jones criteria for diagnosing rheumatic heart disease ?
(a) Pancarditis. (b) Chorea. (c)Arthritis. (d)Elevated ESR.
well in this case i will go for D. Elevated ESR becasue pancaditis(peri ,endo& myocarditis),Sydenham chorea and Arthritis are present well ESR i don't
know so coorect me if i am wrong.
(2)The lipoprotein most often associated with heart disease is:
(a)Very low density lipoprotein. (b)Chylomicrons. (c)Low density lipoproteins. (d)High density lipoproteins.
well all kind of lipoprotein except HDL is associated with heart disease but i think LDL is critical one then VLDL so correct me ok i will go for C.Low
Density Lipoproteins
(3)The most important cause of acute right ventricular failure is:
(a)Pulmonary stenosis. (b)Tricuspid stenosis. (c)Mitral stenosis.
(d)Massive pulmonary embolism.
Both A,C& D might be bu I will go for D since it is acute case
(4)Which of the following factors does not predispose to bacterial endocarditis?
(a)Catheterization. (b)Intravenous injections. (c)Hypertension.
(d)Tooth extraction.
i think it's C. Hypertensin
(5)Left ventricular hypertrophy is not seen in:
(a)Aortic regurgitation. (b)Aortic stenosis. (c)Mitral regurgitation.
(d) Mitral stenosis.
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(3)The most important cause of acute right ventricular failure is:
(a)Pulmonary stenosis. (b)Tricuspid stenosis. (c)Mitral stenosis.
(d)Massive pulmonary embolism.
Both A,C& D might be bu I will go for D since it is acute case
(4)Which of the following factors does not predispose to bacterial endocarditis?
(a)Catheterization. (b)Intravenous injections. (c)Hypertension.
(d)Tooth extraction.
i think it's C. Hypertensin
(5)Left ventricular hypertrophy is not seen in:
(a)Aortic regurgitation. (b)Aortic stenosis. (c)Mitral regurgitation.
(d) Mitral stenosis.
i will go for D. Mitral stenosis coz. ithink in this case ventrical under go atrophy not hypertrophy haine re?
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Re: Pathology Mcq's 5 mcq & it's answer originally question posted by chetnarayan bro - 17-07-2006, 01:24 AM
(6)The earliest lesion of atherosclerosis is:
(a)Fatty streak. (b)Fibrous plaque. (c)Medial thinning. (d)Platelet aggregation.
i will go for A. Fatty streak
(7)Major risk factors associated with development of coronary and generalized atherosclerosis include all of the following except :
(a)Cigarette smoking. (b)Elevated high density lipoprotein(HDL) levels. (c)Diabetes mellitus. (d)Hypercholesterolaemia.
well It's B. Elevated HDL leval because it decresese the total colesterol not increse so is usefull to body.
(8)Which one of the following blood groups has an association with gastric carcinoma?
(a) O. (b) A. (c)B. (d)AB.
well it's (b).Group A hoine re?
(9)Peptic ulcer has an association with blood group:
(a) O. (b) A. (c)B. (d)AB.
and peptic ulcer is in "O" group hoine re?
(10)The organism associated with peptic ulcer is :
(a)E.coli. (b)Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (c)Helicobacter pylori. (d)Klebsiella.
well it's c.Helicobater Pylorycoz. Over 80% peptic ulcers related to H. pylori colonization.
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Re: Pathology Mcq's 5 mcq & it's answer originally question posted by chetnarayan bro - 17-07-2006, 01:30 AM
(11)The commonest cause of oesophagitis is:
(a)Alcoholism. (b)Reflux oesophagitis. (c)Spices. (d)Smoking.
(b)Reflux oesophagitis. I hope so hai
(12)Skip lesions in intestine is the term applied to lesions of:
(a)Chronic ulcerative colitis. (b)Crohns disease . (c)Typhoid ulcer. (d)Tuberculosis.
I will go for B. Crohn's disease
(13)The commonest site of gastric ulcer is :
(a)Greater curvature. (b)Lesser curvature. (c)Gastro-oesophageal junction. (d)Duodenum.
B.distal lesser curvature hoine re?
(14)The commonest site of gastric cancer is :
(a)Pylorus and antrum. (b)Cardia. (c)Body. (d) Fundus.
It's A.Pylorus and antrum
(15)Taenia coli are seen in the :
(a)Stomach . (b)Duodenum. (c)lleum. (d)Colon.
On Colon so i will go For D.Colon
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(a)Stomach . (b)Duodenum. (c)lleum. (d)Colon.
On Colon so i will go For D.Colon
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Re: Pathology Mcq's 5 mcq & it's answer originally question posted by chetnarayan bro - 17-07-2006, 01:40 AM
(16)Caput medusae is associated with :
(a)Pancreatic carcinoma. (b)Cirrhosis of the liver. (c)Polyposis coli .
(d)Hepatocellular carcinoma.
well I will go for D.Hepatocellular Carcinoma
coz. Catput medusa because
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Re: Pathology Mcq's 5 mcq & it's answer originally question posted by chetnarayan bro - 17-07-2006, 01:40 AM
(16)Caput medusae is associated with :
(a)Pancreatic carcinoma. (b)Cirrhosis of the liver. (c)Polyposis coli .
(d)Hepatocellular carcinoma.
well I will go for D.Hepatocellular Carcinoma
coz. Catput medusa because
cirrhosis of the liver with patent umbilical or paraumbilical veins and varicose periumbilical veins is found in Cruveilhier-Baumgarten syndrome.
(17)The Dane Particle is:
(a) Hepatitis A virus (HAV). (b) Hepatitis B virus (HBV).
(c) Hepatitis C virus (HCV). (d) Hepatitis E virus (HEV).
It's B.HBV ni which is characterstic feature
(18)The most common organism associated with osteomyelitis is:
(a)Staphylococcus aureus. (b)E.coli. (c)Pseudomonas. (d)Klebsiella.
It's A.S. Aureus ho ni hoine re?
(19)The part of a long bone initially involved in haematogenous osteomyelitis is the :
(a)Metaphyseal region. (b)Diaphysis. (c)Epiphysis. (d) Area around the entrance of the nutrient artery.
I think In child is metaphysis and in adult is epiphysis so I dont know?
(20)Ovarian homologue of seminoma of testis is :
(a) Embryonal carcinoma. (b)Dysgerminoma. (c) Yolk sac tumour. (d)Choriocarcinoma.
It's B.Dysgerminoma.
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Re: Pathology Mcq's 5 mcq & it's answer originally question posted by chetnarayan bro - 17-07-2006, 01:53 AM
(21)Pagets disease of the nipple is associated with:
(a)Ductal carinoma of the breast. (b)Lobular carcinoma of the breast.
(c)Medullary carcinoma of the breast. (d)Melanoma.
It's A.Ductal carcinma of the breast
coz paget's disease is associated with subjacent intraductal cancer of the breast and infiltration of the lower epidermis by malignant cells
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Re: Pathology Mcq's 5 mcq & it's answer originally question posted by chetnarayan bro - 17-07-2006, 01:53 AM
(21)Pagets disease of the nipple is associated with:
(a)Ductal carinoma of the breast. (b)Lobular carcinoma of the breast.
(c)Medullary carcinoma of the breast. (d)Melanoma.
It's A.Ductal carcinma of the breast
coz paget's disease is associated with subjacent intraductal cancer of the breast and infiltration of the lower epidermis by malignant cells
(22)The most common type of mammary malignancy is :
(a)Cystosarcoma phyllodes. (b)Lobular carcinoma. (c) Infiltrating ductal carcinoma. (d)Intraductal papillary carcinoma.
well i will go for D. Intraductual papilary carcinoma
(23)A major risk factor for squamous carcinoma of the cervix is now considered to be:
(a) Early sexual activity. (b)Multiple sexual partners. (c)Human papillomavirus. (d) Frequency of coitus.
although all of the option for squamous cell carcinoma is correct but major risk factor is due to HPV infection. I think hai
(24)In the list below, the ovarian tumour with the highest degree of bilateral involvement is:
(a)Serous cystadenoma. (b)Mucinous cystadenoma. (c)Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma. (d) Serous cystadenocarcinoma.
well i will go for D.serous cystadenocarcinoma
BECAUSE mucinus are less common than serous cystadenocarcinama.
(25) The condition most likely to predispose an elderly male to development of penile squamous intraepithelial neoplasm is :
(a)Phimosis. (b)Herpes simplex virus infection. (c)Lichen simplex chronicus.
It's Phimosis ni .(well "Musalman haru sari batho BAchi huda kati dineche ani ke ko Phimosis hune ni" tini haru le yeo kura kasri janya hola hai in the
early past mannu perche tini haru lai ) think guys hahaha........
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Re: Pathology Mcq's 5 mcq & it's answer originally question posted by chetnarayan bro - 17-07-2006, 02:02 AM
(26)Single file infiltration of cells is seen in which type of breast cancer?
(a)Tubular carcinoma. (b)Invasive lobular carcinoma. (c)Infiltrating ductal carcinoma. (d)Medullary carcinoma.
It's B. Invsive lobar carcinoma ni
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Re: Pathology Mcq's 5 mcq & it's answer originally question posted by chetnarayan bro - 17-07-2006, 02:02 AM
(26)Single file infiltration of cells is seen in which type of breast cancer?
(a)Tubular carcinoma. (b)Invasive lobular carcinoma. (c)Infiltrating ductal carcinoma. (d)Medullary carcinoma.
It's B. Invsive lobar carcinoma ni
(27)Which one of the following provides an example of concomitant hyperplasia and hypertrophy?
(a)Uterine growth during pregnancy. (b)Left ventricular cardiac hypertrophy.
(c)Enlargement of skeletal muscle in atheletes. (d)Breast enlargement at puberty.
well It's A.Utrine growth during pregnancy
(28)A woman from which of the following countries has the greatest risk for development of breast carcinoma?
(a)Japan. (b)India. (c)Zimbabwe. (d)United States.
Well It's still D. US. haine re?
(29)Early detection of squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix with Pap smear screening is important because:
(a)The survival from in situ forms is virtually 100%. (b)They usually progress rapidly . (c)There is a tendency to transform into sarcomas. (d)They are
difficult to detect posmenopausally.
well it's A. The Survival from in situ is virtually 100% . well thaks to scientist who developed PAP-smear test well they saved many life
(30)A 25 year old female has a firm , rubbery ,mobile mass palpable in the left breast.This is probably a (an):
(a)Focus of fat necrosis. (b)Fibroadenoma. (c)Intraductal papilloma.
(d)Infiltrating ductal carcinoma.
I think it's b. Fibroadenoma
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Re: Pathology Mcq's 5 mcq & it's answer originally question posted by chetnarayan bro - 17-07-2006, 02:15 AM
(31)Which of the following hormones is not secreted by the anterior pituitary?
(a)Antidiuretic hormone(ADH). (b)Follicle stimulating hormone(FSH).
(c)Luteinizing hormone (LH). (d)Growth hormone.
It's A.Antidiuretic hormone(ADH)
(32)A 30 year old woman with amenorrhoea-galactorrhoea, headaches and visual field defects probably has which of the following ?
(a) Cushings syndrome. (b)Pagets disease of bone. (c)Prolactinoma.
(d) Neurofibroma.
Well It's C.Prolactinoma coz.
a pituitary adenoma composed of prolactin-producing cells; it gives rise to symptoms of nonpuerperal amenorrhea and galactorrhea (Forbes-Albright
syndrome) in women and to impotence in men
(33)Which of the following physical or laboratory findings is most typically associated with Graves disease (diffuse toxic goiter)?
(a)Myxedema. (b)Anti -TSH receptor antibody. (c)Decreased iodine uptake. (d)Papillary carcinoma.
It's B.Anti -TSH receptor antibody.
(34)A 29 year old primigravida has a placenta previa with extensive blood loss and shock during delivery. Following recovery , She is most likely to have
which of the following problems?
(a)Cushings syndrome. (b)Lack of menstrual cycles. (c)Galactorrhoea.
(d)Diabetes insipidus.
I think it's B. Lack of menstrual cycle but i am not sure so correct me
(35)Psammoma bodies may be seen in the following tumours except:
(a)Follicular carcinoma of the thyroid . (b)Meningioma.
(c)Papillary carcinoma of the thyroid. (d)Serous cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary.
It's B. Meningioma
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Re: Pathology Mcq's 5 mcq & it's answer originally question posted by chetnarayan bro - 17-07-2006, 02:24 AM
(36)Well differentiated follicular carcinoma of the thyroid is differentiated from follicular adenoma of the thyroid by which of the following features?
(a) Hurthle cell change. (b)Small follicles lined by tall cuboidal to columnar cells. (c)Increased mitosis. (d)Vascular invasion.
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Re: Pathology Mcq's 5 mcq & it's answer originally question posted by chetnarayan bro - 17-07-2006, 02:24 AM
(36)Well differentiated follicular carcinoma of the thyroid is differentiated from follicular adenoma of the thyroid by which of the following features?
(a) Hurthle cell change. (b)Small follicles lined by tall cuboidal to columnar cells. (c)Increased mitosis. (d)Vascular invasion.
well it's D.Vascular lesion (invasion of the capsule/ blood vessels.)
well aru Mcq haru Aru sathi haru lai baki chodidye maile .
well to be truth full to you for some mcq i even looked at book. sory la others i did myself. well yeti solve gardi 50min. gaisakyo abe 10 min. ma baki
che mali pachi solve gercu hai.
any way thanks chetnarayan bro for all these question. well yo question haru kun collage ko patho. exam ko ho? well they are really nice well keep this
sprit well it will help us to improve our study, since we study in china it's really in comparision to nepal.well nepal ma nam nai nikye ne ke garni te ?
thanks any way
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