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Evaluation of Sales Force

Management Cycle ( Control Process)
Establishing performance standards
Recording performances
Evaluating performances against the standards
Taking action ( dynamic)
to take no action
to take action to increase the degree of attainment of objectives
to revise the policy , plan or the strategies used in the implementation
to raise or lower the objectives or standards
Standard of Performance
Relation of performance standards to personal
selling objectives
Quantitative Performance standards
Quotas, selling expense ratio , territorial net profit or gross margin ratio,
territorial market share, sales coverage effectiveness index, call
frequency ratio, calls per day, order call ratio, average cost per call,
average order size, non selling activities, multiple quantitative
performance standards
Qualitative Performance Criteria
Recording Actual Performance
Systems of field sales reports
Types of sales force reports
( Progress or call report , expense report, sales work plan, new business
or potential new business report, report of compliant and or adjustments)
Reports from field sales management
( Number of reports, designing and construction of reports, details
required in sales reports)
Evaluating Comparing actual performance
with standards
Requires judgment
Taking Action
to take no action
to take action to increase the degree of
attainment of objectives
to revise the policy , plan or the strategies
used in the implementation
to raise or lower the objectives or standards

Sales Budget
Purpose of the sales Budget
Mechanism of Control
Instrument of Planning
Sales Budget form and content
The completed sales budget is a statement of
projected sales revenues and selling expenses
Estimating Budgeted Selling Expenses
Using standard costs
Other estimating methods
Budgetary Procedure
Planning styles and budgetary procedure
Actual budgetary procedure
Handling competition for available funds within the
marketing division
Selling the sales budget to top management
Using the budget for control purposes
Effects of errors in budgetary estimates
Flexibility in budgeting

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