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Personal Counseling Theory Paer

Es!e"#o $S!e"en% &' Ono
Sea!!le Uni"ersi!y
COUN (11
&ar)h 1*+ *,1*
Personal Counseling Theory Paer
Reality Therapy
Reali!y Theray is a )ounseling -e!hod de"eloed .y /illia- Glasser in !he 101,2s
$Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 445%' An underlying !heore!i)al .asis 6or Reali!y Theray is
Choi)e Theray+ 7hi)h s!a!es+ 8all hu-an .eings are -o!i"a!ed .y 6i"e gene!i)ally en)oded
needs9sur"i"al+ lo"e and .elonging+ o7er or a)hie"e-en!+ 6reedo- or indeenden)e+ and 6un:
$&ason+ 3 ;u.a+ *,,0+ ' 1%' The -ain 6o)us o6 Reali!y Theray is !he !heraeu!i) rela!ionshi
$&ason+ 3 ;u.a+ *,,0+ ' 1% .e!7een )ounselor and )lien! 7here .o!h )o-e !oge!her !o de"elo
)hoi)es !ha! hel !he )lien! .e)o-e sel6<a7are o6 his or her needs and .egin !o lead a re7arding
li6e $Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 445%' The urose o6 !his aer is !o e=lore and address
-y ersonal !heore!i)al )ounseling orien!a!ion as i! er!ains !o -y goal !o .e)o-e an e66e)!i"e+
ad"o)a)y<6o)used s)hool )ounselor' Al!hough I ha"e s!rong in)lina!ion !o7ards o!her !heories
su)h as E=is!en!ialis- and Person<Cen!ered Theray+ and lan !o de"elo a )ounseling
orien!a!ion !ha! adheres !o -ul!i)ul!uralis-+ e>ui!y and ad"o)a)y I de)ided !o 7ri!e !his aer on
Reali!y Theray' Reali!y Theray is "alua.le no! only due !o i!s "ersa!ili!y in use $as dis)ussed
la!er in !he aer% .u! also due !o i!s !radi!ion in !he s)hool )ounseling se!!ing'
School Counseling
?e)ause Reali!y Theray 7as de"eloed in a )orre)!ional s)hool se!!ing+ i!s use6ulness is
s!ill s!rong in !he s)hool se!!ing $Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4(1%' /hen loo@ing a! !he
A-eri)an S)hool Counseling Asso)ia!ion $ASCA% 6ra-e7or@ 6or s)hool )ounseling rogra-s+
s)hool )ounselors ha"e .o!h s!ru)!ural )o-onen!s as 7ell as rogra- )o-onen!s !ha! shae a
s!uden!2s learning e=erien)e $&ason+ 3 ;u.a+ *,,0+ ' (%' In!egra!ing Reali!y Theray in!o !he
ASCA na!ional -odel is "i!al !o s)hool )ounseling rogra-s' Reali!y Theray is used !o hel
)lien!s $s!uden!s% 6ind osi!i"e 7ays !o 6ul6ill !heir needs $&ason+ 3 ;u.a+ *,,0+ ' 1%+ a)ade-i)
a)hie"e-en!' S)hool )ounselors use !he !heraeu!i) rela!ionshi along 7i!h !he s!ru)!ural and
rogra- )o-onen!s !o hel s!uden!s de"elo indi"idual lans !ha! hel !he- -oni!or and
-anage !heir 6u!ure goals $&ason 3 ;u.a+ *,,0+ ' (%' Reali!y Theray is )onsidered a good 6i!
7i!h s)hool )ounseling )urri)ulu- .e)ause i! 6o)uses on ro"iding hel !o s!uden!s as !hey 8!a@e
-ore e66e)!i"e )on!rol o6 !heir li"es: $&ason+ 3 ;u.a+ *,,0+ ' 1%' 8E66e)!i"e s)hool )ounselors
and s)hool )ounseling rogra-s are "i!al !o our so)ie!y: $&ason+ 3 ;u.a+ *,,0+ ' 1,%' Ha"ing
Reali!y Theray as an in!egra!ed ar! o6 !he ro6essional de"elo-en! o6 s)hool s!a66 8-o"e
s)hool )ounseling 6ro- !he erihery o6 s)hool rogra-s !o a osi!ion o6 leadershi in all areas
!ha! i-a)! gro7!h and de"elo-en!: $&ason+ 3 ;u.a+ *,,0+ '1,% 6or s!uden!s'
Health & Dysfunction
As a 6u!ure s)hool )ounselor+ i! is i-or!an! !o unders!and ho7 Reali!y Theray 7or@s in
all le"els o6 !he )ounseling ro)ess+ s!ar!ing 7i!h heal!h and dys6un)!ion' Unders!anding heal!h
and hu-an de"elo-en! 7i!hin !he Reali!y Theray )on!e=! is essen!ial !o de"eloing
o.ser"a!ions o6 dys6un)!ional !enden)ies' Reali!y Theray 8is a.ou! sel6<e"alua!ion in i!s -any
6or-s' I! is a.ou! de"eloing rela!ionshis+ 7or@ing !oge!her 7i!h o!hers+ and -ee!ing ea)h
o!her2s needs in a 7ar- )aring en"iron-en!: $Alug+ *,,1+ ' 41%' The .asi) needs+ as des)ri.ed
earlier+ are .elonging+ a)hie"e-en!+ enBoy-en!+ indeenden)e and sur"i"al $Selig-an+ 3
Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4C*%' All !hese needs )an .e -e! !hrough rela!ionshis+ .u! 7hile !his )an
.e rea)hed o"er and o"er !o s!uden!s+ i! is o."ious !ha! genuine rela!ionshis+ !hose !ha! enhan)e
s!uden!s resonsi.ili!y and gro7!h+ !a@es !i-e !o a)hie"e' /hen an indi"idual 6inds hi-+ or her
sel6+ isola!ed 6ro- rela!ionshis+ a le"el o6 dys6un)!ional .eha"ior .egins !o e-ergeD a grea!er
le"el o6 need .egins !o e-erge $Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4C*%' Eor e=a-le+ !he needs
o6 a!<ris@ you!h ha"e .e)o-e one o6 !he @ey di66i)ul! ro.le-s )ounselors deal 7i!h !oday $Loyd+
*,,(+ ' (%' 8So)ie!y e=e)!s !ea)hers and )ounselors !o de"elo rodu)!i"e rela!ionshis 7i!h
you!h 7ho ha"e di66i)ul!y a))e!ing resonsi.ili!y+ -anaging !heir e-o!ions+ -a@ing resonsi.le
)hoi)es+ and .elie"ing adul!s )an and 7an! !o hel !he-: $Loyd+ *,,(+ ' (%' S!uden!s 6a)ed 7i!h
a.use and reBe)!ion 6ro- adul!s $Loyd+ *,,(+ ' (% la)@ !he !ools needed !o de"elo heal!hy
rela!ionshis' The inna!e sense !o .elong+ a)hie"e+ enBoy and sur"i"e as an indeenden! erson is
!a@en a7ay and i! .e)o-es !he s)hool )ounselor2s !as@ !o re<!ea)h !hese s@ills !o !he s!uden!'
Process of Change
The ro)ess o6 )hange in Reali!y Theray 6o)uses on !7o ase)!s o6 indi"iduals:
Rela!ionshis and resonsi.ili!y' In his 7or@ a! Fen!ura S)hool+ Glasser )on)luded !ha!
di66i)ul!ies you!h 6a)e )o-e 6ro- 6ailure !o !a@e resonsi.ili!y and a)! osi!i"ely in order !o -ee!
!heir needs $Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 440%' Al!hough !he 6reedo- o6 )hoi)e does gi"e
indi"iduals a say in 7ha! !o a)hie"e+ ul!i-a!ely+ nega!i"e de)isions lead !o dys6un)!ional
Ho7e"er+ Ai- $*,,*% says !he 6ollo7ing a.ou! Reali!y Theray:
Reali!y !herayG !ea)hes !ha! 7e need no! .e "i)!i-s o6 our as! or our resen!
unless 7e )hose !o .e so' /he!her 7e do 7ell or .adly+ 7e ha"e -u)h -ore
)on!rol o"er our li"es !han -os! o6 us .elie"e+ and !he -ore e66e)!i"ely 7e
e=er)ise !his )on!rol+ !he -ore 6ul6illed our li"es 7ill .e' $' 4,%
In order !o e=er)ise e66e)!i"e )on!rol+ Reali!y Theray ro"ides indi"iduals a )ounseling
s!ra!egy+ /;EP+ 7i!h 6our 6unda-en!als: 7an!s+ dire)!ion and doing+ e"alua!ion+ and lanning
$Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4CC%' Reali!y !heray 6irs! e=lores indi"iduals2 7an!s+ 7ha!
a )lien!+ or s!uden! -ay 7an! 6or !he-sel"es in rela!ion !o !he .asi)s needs $.elonging+
a)hie"e-en!+ enBoy-en!+ indeenden)e and sur"i"al%' Par! o6 !he ro)ess is 6or indi"iduals !o
unders!and 7ha! !hey 7an!+ 7ha! !hey are ge!!ing+ no! ge!!ing and ho7 !o s!o ge!!ing 7ha! !hey
do no! 7an! $Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4CC%' On)e !hey are )lear o6 7ha! !heir 7an!s is+
)ounselors !a@e 6o)us on 7ha! indi"iduals are doing+ no! as@ing 7hy+ .u! e=loring .eha"ior+
!hough!s and e-o!ions $Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4CC% and dire)!ing !he- !o7ards a
goal' On)e !he goal is es!a.lished+ .o!h )ounselor and )lien! e"alua!e !he ro)ess+ no! !o Budge
7he!her !he goal is good or .ad+ .u! !o no!e !ha! )lien! .eha"ior and unders!anding o6 !he goal is
realis!i) and hel6ul !o )lien! and o!hers $Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4C(%' Einally+
ha"ing !he )lien! )rea!e a lan !o a)hie"e !he goal is essen!ial !o !he )ounseling ro)ess' 8Plans
should e"ol"e 6ro- sel6<e"alua!ion and re6le)! desired )hanges in 7an! and !o!al .eha"ior:
$Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4C(%' I! is i-or!an! !o no!e !ha! !he /;EP sys!e- is an
ongoing ro)ess .e!7een )ounselor+ )lien! and o!hers in"ol"ed in !he lans $Alug+ *,,1+ ' 4H%' I!
is no! a one<s!o 6or-ula !ha! )lien!s re)ei"e and !hen le!s go o6' I! is an o!i-is!i) ro)ess+
7here osi!i"e )hange is a)hie"ed o"er and o"er as needed'
As -en!ioned .e6ore+ !he goal 6or Reali!y Theray is !o hel )lien!s .e)o-e resonsi.le
6or !heir )hoi)es and .uild -eaning6ul rela!ionshis+ leading !o a li6e 7here ersonal needs are
-e!' Reali!y Theray se!s a goal !ha! 8ena.les eole !o ha"e a grea!er )on!rol o"er !heir li"es .y
-a@ing .e!!er )hoi)es: $Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4C1%' There are !hree le"els o6
a)hie"e-en! !o !his goal' The 6irs! is !ha! !he )hoi)e ough! !o address inna!e needs $.elonging+
a)hie"e-en!+ enBoy-en!+ indeenden)e and sur"i"al%' Se)ondly+ resonsi.le )hoi)es are -ade
7i!h )onsidera!ion and rese)! !o onesel6 as 7ell as o!hers' Einally+ !he )hoi)e is realis!i)+ 7here
s!es are a)hie"a.le and -ain!ained $Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4C1%'
Therapeutic Alliance & Counselor-Client Roles
The .asis !o Reali!y Theray is !he )ounselorI)lien! rela!ionshi $/u..olding+ 3
?ri)@ell+ *,,0+ ' (*%' The )ounselorI)lien! rela!ionshi se!s in!o -o!ion !he ou!)o-e o6 !he
)lien!2s 7ell.eing' In a s!udy 7i!h inner<)i!y learning disa.ili!y )hildren+ &arandola and
$10H0% indi)a!e !ha! )hildren2s raor! 7i!h !ea)her o"er a long eriod o6 !i-e in6luen)e resear)h
resul!s in a osi!i"e ligh! $' 44%' ?e)ause o6 !he rela!ionshi 7i!h !ea)hers+ dis)ussions .e!7een
!ea)hers and )hildren are oen and genuine+ leading !o a grea!er sense o6 .elonging in !he
)lassroo-' Children ini!ia!e dis)ussions in )lassroo-s 7hen !hey 6eel )o-6or!a.le 7i!h !ea)hers
and 6ello7 s!uden!s $&arandola+ 3 10H0+ ' 4C%' In !he sa-e -anner+ Reali!y Theray
)alls 6or )ounselors !o ha"e a s!rong rela!ionshi 7i!h )lien!s 7here 7ar-!h+ 6riendliness+ rese)!+
o!i-is-+ a!!en!i"eness+ au!hen!i)i!y and osi!i"e regard are !he s!andard $Selig-an+ 3
Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4CH%'
In Reali!y Theray+ !he )ounselor suor!s !he )lien!sD !hey 8ro-o!e -o!i"a!ionG
)o--i!-en!''' and en)ourage-en!: $Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4CH%' Counselors also
hel )lien!s !o -a@e 7ell !hough!<ou! )hoi)es !ha! ro-o!e an indeenden! li6e !ha! ge!s along
7i!h o!hers $PrenJlau+ *,,1+ ' *(%' Al!hough !he )ounselor is !he suor!er+ !he en)ourager 7ho
8ne"er gi"es u: $Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4CH%+ !he )ounselor is 8o6!en seen as
)on6ron!a!ional: $PrenJlau+ *,,1+ ' *1% .e)ause ar! o6 !he suor! is as@ing >ues!ions !o !he
)lien! a.ou! goal de"elo-en! and !he lan 7hi)h !hey en"ision !o 6ollo7' Ho7e"er+ !he
)on6ron!a!ional aroa)h )o-es 6ro- a sense o6 )o-assion !o7ards !he )lien! $Selig-an+ 3
Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4CH%' ?y as@ing >ues!ions !ha! u! resonsi.ili!y .a)@ !o !he )lien!
$PrenJlau+ *,,1+ ' *1%+ !he )lien! learns !o de"elo !heir o7n !hough! ro)ess !ha! leads !o
resonsi.ili!y 6or ersonal a)!ions' Tha! is !he -ain role o6 !he )lien!+ !he one 7ho )o-es u 7i!h
!he ans7ers+ and !he goals+ !he ro)ess in 7hi)h !o -o"e 6or7ard 6ro- !he 8I 7an!: hase !o !he
8I ha"e gained: hase'
Techniques & Approaches
Reali!y !heray "alues -o!i"a!ion !hrough )rea!i"i!y+ unders!anding and are)ia!ion
$Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4CH%' The aroa)h Reali!y Theray 7or@s in in"ol"es .o!h
!he )lien! and !he )ounselor+ 7or@ing !oge!her !o )o-e u 7i!h a realis!i) lan !ha! !he )lien! )an
7or@ 7i!h' Reali!y Theray has se)i6i) !e)hni>ues and s!ra!egies !ha! )ounselors use 7hen
7or@ing 7i!h )lien!s'
&e!ahors: Reali!y Theray 8uses -e!ahors+ si-iles+ i-ages+ analogies+ and ane)do!es
!o gi"e )lien!s a o7er6ul -essage in a )rea!i"e 7ay $Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4CH%'
This is ini!ia!ed .o!h .y !he )ounselor as 7ell as !he )lien!s' Using i-ages and analogies said .y
)lien!s are hel6ul )ounseling 6eed.a)@ re!old !o )lien!s as an in6luen!ial 7ay !o hel !he-
"isualiJe !heir goals' Rela!ionshi: As said .e6ore+ rela!ionshis are essen!ial !o a re7arding li6e
$Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4CH%' Counselors en)ourage )lien!s !o )rea!e rela!ionshis
7here !hey )an send !i-e !oge!her .ased on !he .asi) needs $.elonging+ a)hie"e-en!+
enBoy-en!+ indeenden)e and sur"i"al%' Kues!ions: Reali!y Theray ad"o)a!es 6or )lien!s !o
sear)h 6or !he-sel"es !he ans7ers !ha! lead 7ell.eing' I! 8a"oids !elling eole 7ha! is no!
7or@ing 6or !he- or ho7 !hey should )hange $Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4CH%' Using
"er.s and 8ing: 7ords: ?e)ause Reali!y Theray 6o)uses on !he resen!+ -u)h o6 !he language
used in Reali!y Theray )ounseling 6o)us on using 8ing: 7ords 7hen as@ing 7ha! )lien!s are
doing' This .rings !he )lien! !o al7ays !hin@ in -o!ion+ !o as@ 7ha! !hey are doing no7' /;EP
3 SA&I*C4: Using !he /;EP $/an!s+ ;ire)!ion 3 ;oing+ E"alua!e+ Plan% and !he SA&I*C4
$Si-le+ A!!aina.le+ &easura.le+ I--edia!e+ In"ol"ing+ Con!rolled+ Consis!en!+ and Co--i!!ed%
$Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4C5% is a 7ay )ounselor and )lien!s )an lan !he )ounseling
ro)ess !oge!her'
O!her s!ra!egies used in Reali!y Theray are osi!i"e addi)!ions+ 7here )lien!s )an
8redu)e nega!i"e .eha"ior .y de"eloing osi!i"e addi)!ions: $Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+
' 4C5%+ reasona.le )onse>uen)es9.elie"ing !ha! )lien!s should e=erien)e )onse>uen)e 6or
!heir a)!ions $Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4C5%+ and renego!ia!ion+ used in !i-es 7here
!he lan )rea!ed .y !he )lien! does no! 7or@ and !here6ore needs !o .e )hanged' Einally+ !7o o!her
s!ra!egies used in Reali!y Theray are arado=i)al in!er"en!ion9as@ing )lien!s !o i-agine !he
7orse !ha! )ould haen $$Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4C0% and s@ill de"elo-en!9
heling )lien!s !o 8de"elo s@ills !o hel !he- 6ul6ill !heir needs and 7an!s in resonsi.le 7ays:
$Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4C0%' All !hese s!ra!egies are used !oge!her !o hel !he
)ounselor and )lien! de"elo resonsi.ili!y and rela!ionshis in !he )lien!2s li6e !hrough !he
!heraeu!i) allian)e'
Multicultural Perspective
Reali!y Theray has a heno-enologi)al aroa)h !o )ounseling $Selig-an+ 3
Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4(,% as i! loo@s in!o eole2s 7orld"ie7s )losely !o re)ogniJe !heir 7an!s'
The /;EP $/an!s+ ;oing+ E"alua!e+ Plan% sys!e- is rese)!6ul !o ea)h )lien! and allo7s 6or a
hu-anis!i) aroa)h $Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4(,%' Reali!y Theray2s !rans6era.ili!y
!o o!her )ul!ures see-s ro-ising as !he International Journal for Reality Therapy has .een
i-le-en!ing !his aroa)h !o -ul!i)ul!ural )lien!s 6or !he as! *, years and e"en /u..olding+
one o6 !he de"eloers o6 Reali!y Theray has !augh! i! in Asia+ Euroe and &iddle Eas!
$Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4(,%'
There are non<7es!ern )ounseling !heories li@e &ori!a Theray and Cons!ru)!i"e Li"ing+
a )o-.ina!ion o6 &ori!a Theray and Nai@ian Theray $Sansone+ *,,(+ ' *1% !ha! ha"e s!rong
)o--onali!y 7i!h Reali!y Theray' ?o!h &ori!a Theray and Cons!ru)!i"e Li"ing )o-e 6ro- a
Len origin and 6o)us on !he resen!+ no! !he as! $Sansone+ *,,(+ ' *H%' /ha! is in!eres!ing in
&ori!a Theray is !he 6o)us on !he 8ordinary+ !he e"eryday -o-en!s in 7hi)h 7e send nearly
all o6 our li"es' There are good lessons !o .e learned .y -as!ering !hese s-all -o-en!s:
$Sansone+ *,,(+ ' *H%' The s-all -o-en!s+ -u)h li@e )hoi)es in Reali!y Theray+ are 7ha!
&ori!a Theory 6o)uses on in order !o hel )lien!s li"e in !he resen!' Ins!ead o6 !he .asi) needs+
&ori!a Theray uses a Cons!ru)!i"e Li"ing -a=i-: 1' A))e! your 6eelings+ *' Ano7 your
urose+ 4' ;o 7ha! needs doing $Sansone+ *,,(+ ' *H%' Al!hough &ori!a Theray and Reali!y
Theray ha"e a s!rong )o--onali!y+ !hey are no! !he sa-e' /here !hey di66er is !he idea o6
8sel6:' Reali!y Theray 7or@s 7i!h !he indi"idual+ 7here 7es!ern !hin@ing 6o)uses on !he erson
and 7ha! he+ or she+ goes !hrough ersonally' &ori!a Theray loo@s a! !he indi"idual as ar! o6
!he en"iron-en!+ no! as so-e!hing dis)onne)!ed 6ro- i! $Sansone+ *,,(+ ' *H%'
Al!hough !he use o6 Reali!y Theray is e"iden! in la)es li@e Euroe+ Asia and !he
&iddle Eas! $Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4(,%+ Reali!y Theray does ha"e i!s issues
7or@ing 7i!hin a Hisani)ILa!ino )on!e=!' Eor e=a-le+ 86a!alis- $!he idea !ha! so-e !hings are
-ean! !o haen regardless o6 7ha! eole do% is an i-or!an! .elie6: in Hisani)ILa!ino )ul!ure
$Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4(,%' O!her 6a)!ors !o )onsider is !he oenness !o )lien!s
.eing )rea!i"e and -a@ing !heir o7n lans !o ge! !o 7here !hey 7an! !o .e in li6e' This 7es!ern
"ie7 o6 indi"idualis- does no! al7ays 7or@ 7hen 7or@ing 7i!h )lien!s 7ho see eole in
)ounseling roles as !he 8rese)!6ul !ea)her: 7here )lien!s ough! !o lis!en and do 7ha! )ounselors
ins!ru)!' This )ul!ural erse)!i"e is )o--on in regions around Asia and !he &iddle Eas!'
Social ustice Perspective
All !heories+ in)luding Reali!y Theray+ s!ri"e 6or )lien!2s )hange+ 7he!her !ha! is
.eha"ioral+ )ogni!i"e+ e-o!ional or a -i= o6 all' ?u! 7ha! is uni>ue a.ou! Reali!y Theray and
Choi)e Theory is !ha! i!s !e)hni>ues are !ea)ha.le !o )lien!s' S)hools !ha! use Choi)e Theory+ 6or
e=a-le+ 87ould .e e>uied !o de"elo s!uden!s 7i!h "alues !ha! are )onsis!en! 7i!h in!ernal
)hoi)e and -o!i"a!ion+ >uali!y 7or@+ ersonal resonsi.ili!y+ and needs sa!is6a)!ion: $Loyd+
*,,(+ ' 0%' I-le-en!ing so)ial Bus!i)e ad"o)a)y+ as 7ell as -ul!i)ul!ural erse)!i"es in!o
Reali!y Theray is ossi.le' &u)h li@e i!s 6le=i.ili!y 7i!h -ul!i)ul!ural oula!ions+ Reali!y
Theray gi"es )lien!s !ools !ha! e-o7er !he- !o sol"e ro.le-s on !heir o7n' Ul!i-a!ely+
8!ea)hing Choi)e Theray rin)iles !o s!uden!s )an ha"e a osi!i"e so)ial i-a)! 7i!hin
edu)a!ion: $Loyd+ *,,(+ ' 5%' Reali!y Theray in s)hool )ounseling gi"es )ounselors an easy
!ransi!ion 6ro- !radi!ional s)hool )ounselor in!o ad"o)a!e 6or so)ial Bus!i)e
As -en!ioned .e6ore+ a -aBor ase)! o6 Reali!y Theray is 8!o hel )lien!s learn .e!!er
7ays o6 6ul6illing !heir needs: $&ason+ 3 ;u.a+ *,,0+ ' 1% and al!hough )ounselors s!ri"e !o
hel )lien!s ge! !o 7ha! !hey need+ !hose needs are no! al7ays e>ui!a.le' Ha"ing a 6ra-e7or@ 6or
so)ial Bus!i)e ad"o)a)y hels )lien!s see !heir ro.le-s 7i!h a .roader erse)!i"e ou!side o6
!he-sel"es $Ra!!s+ *,,0+ ' 110%' I! is no! al7ays !heir 6aul!+ so resonsi.ili!y 6or o7n a)!ions
$Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 440% -ay no! al7ays 7or@+ as reasons 6or no! ge!!ing 7ha!
)lien!s 7an! )an .e due !o e=!ernal 6a)!ors' So-e e=a-les o6 !his are ra)is-IreBudi)e in
s)hools+ 101,2s )i"il righ!s 6or -inori!ies and 7o-en as 7ell as !oday2s la)@ o6 e>ui!y 6or
LG?TK eole' A 7ea@ness in Reali!y Theray as i! er!ains !o so)ial Bus!i)e ad"o)a)y+ s!e-s
6ro- i!s "ie7 !ha! resonsi.ili!y and rela!ionshis are essen!ial !o 7ell.eing' So-e o6 !he 6a)!ors
rela!ed !o 7ell.eing are no! !he )lien!2s 6aul!' Isola!ion+ rela!ed !o !he need !o .elong+ is no!
al7ays due !o la)@ o6 )lien!2s e66or!s !o in!era)!' A)hie"e-en! is no! al7ays a!!aina.le .y !he
)lien! .e)ause rules+ a! !i-es+ are se! u 6or 6ailure 6or so-e and su))ess 6or o!hers' E"en !he
need 6or sur"i"al+ 7hen !hose u! in!o si!ua!ions o6 .ondage in ros!i!u!ion+ hu-an !ra66i)@ing
and inden!ured ser"i!ude+ li-i!ed in )hoi)e+ s!ruggle !o sur"i"e in !he -anner !ha! Reali!y
Theray )alls 6or'
Ra!!s $*,,0% su--aries !his 7ell 7hen he says:
In essen)e+ !he so)ial Bus!i)e )ounseling aradig- has shi6!ed !he )ounseling
ro6ession 6ro- one !ha! suor!s a do-inan! s!a!us >uo o6 ri"ilege 6or !hose in
o7er !o one !ha! uses )ounseling as a -e)hanis- !o e-o7er and li.era!e !hose
7ho are res!rained .y !he sha)@les o6 oression' $' 1H,%
Strengths & !i"itations
O"erall+ Reali!y Theray is a "ia.le )ounseling !heory !ha! 6i!s 7ell in !he s)hool
)ounseling ro6ession' A s!reng!h !ha! e-erges 6ro- Reali!y Theray is i!s "ersa!ili!y 7hen
7or@ing 7i!h a di"erse )lien! oula!ion' In a!hle!i)s+ 6or e=a-le+ )oa)hes use !he sa-e
rin)iles 6ound in Reali!y Theray !o 8!he )on)e! o6 7inning as a !o!al li6e ro)ess+ and
enhan)es !he de"elo-en! o6 dyna-i) !ea- en"iron-en!: $Alug+ *,,1+ ' 41%' ?o!h Reali!y
Theray and a!hle!i)s are in!eres!ed in .uilding )hara)!er and !ea)h li6e s@ills !o s!uden!s and
a!hle!es $Alug+ *,,1+ ' 41%' S!udies ha"e also 6ound !ha! Reali!y Theray has heled )lien!s 7i!h
PTS;+ redu)ing )lien! so-a!iJa!ion and ru-ina!ion .eha"iors $PrenJlau+ *,,1+ ' *5%' O!hers
ha"e also )o-.ined Reali!y Theray 7i!h an addi!ional !heray+ li@e Ani-al Assis!ed Theray
$&ina!rea+ 3 /esley+ *,,5+ ' 10%' Therais!s loo@ !o ha"e indi"iduals )o--i! !o !he )ounseling
rela!ionshi .y )rea!ing in!egra!ed and e)le)!i) !rea!-en!' In order !o do so+ )ounselors need !o .e
)au!ious+ sele)!ing "arious in!egra!ed !heories !ha! re>uire )onsidera!ion o6 )on!e=!+ )lien!+
en"iron-en!+ se!!ing and ro.le-s' Al!hough "ersa!ile+ Reali!y Theray )anno! .e in!egra!ed
7i!h o!her !heories or ra)!i)es 6or Bus! any oula!ion' Care6ul !hough!6ulness is ad"ised'
A li-i!a!ion !ha! has already .een dis)ussed a.ou! Reali!y Theray is !he la)@ o6
i-le-en!a!ion o6 so)ial Bus!i)e ad"o)a)y in!o Reali!y Theray' Reali!y Theray o6!en u!s !he
resonsi.ili!y !o -a@e )hanges in !o!al .eha"ior $a)!ing+ !hin@ing+ 6eeling+ and hysiology% solely
on !he )lien! $Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4C4%' Reali!y Theray is a 6or- o6 )ogni!i"e<
.eha"ioral !heray $Selig-an+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ *,1,+ ' 4C4%+ so i! 6o)uses on !hough!s and
.eha"ior )hange' Al!hough )hanging ones !hough!s and .eha"ior is a)hie"a.le+ a 6eeling is a
di66eren! -a!!er' ;eression+ 6ear and o!her 6eelings e=ressed due !o a erson2s rea)!ion !o har-
and la)@ o6 sa6e!y are sar@ed .y e=!ernal 6a)!ors' Those 7ho are oressed .y sys!e-i)
oression+ o6!en 6eel helless in si!ua!ions 7here !hey are in .ondage !o !heir en"iron-en!
$dis)ri-ina!ion+ ra)is-+ ho-oho.ia+ e!)% and !here6ore !he 6eelings are no! ne)essarily )aused
.e)ause !he erson )hose !o 6eel !ha! 7ay' Reali!y Theray gi"es !ools 6or sel6<e=lora!ion !o
hel eole gain resonsi.ili!y 6or sel6 and heal!hy rela!ionshis+ .u! i! seldo- addresses
sys!e-i) oression and rela!ionshis !ha! har- and leads !he- !o 6eel helless and isola!ed'
/ri!ing !his aer has gi"en -e a sense !o 7here -y orien!a!ion lies in !he se)!ru- o6
!heore!i)al )ounseling ra)!i)es' I 6ound !ha! E=is!en!ial Theray and Reali!y Theray ha"e .o!h
.een )ounseling !heories !ha! 6i! -y ersonali!y and )ounseling goals' E=is!en!ial Theray 6i!s !he
o"erall .asis !o -y !heore!i)al orien!a!ion and Reali!y Theray is !he ra)!i)al !heory !ha! I 7ill
use in -y s)hool )ounseling ra)!i)e' &ul!i)ul!ural )ounseling and so)ial Bus!i)e ad"o)a)y are
also @ey !heore!i)al 6o)uses in -y )ounseling !heory .u! 6or !he urose o6 !his aer+ I )hose
Reali!y Theray .e)ause o6 i!s ra)!i)al use6ulness and ho7 i! .lends 7i!h E=is!en!ialis-+
-ul!i)ul!ural and so)ial Bus!i)e ad"o)a)y' /ha! I 6ound -os! re7arding are !he 6indings 7hile
resear)hing Reali!y Theray' I 6ound -any ar!i)les !ha! addressed !he "ersa!ili!y o6 Reali!y
Theray in )ounseling a di"erse oula!ion $as des)ri.ed earlier in !his aer%+ ho7e"er+ ar!i)les
!ha! address so)ial Bus!i)e and -ul!i)ul!ural )ounseling rela!ed !o Reali!y Theray 7ere li-i!ed'
As I )on!inue !o de"elo -y ersonal )ounseling !heory+ I a- using Reali!y Theray
s!ra!egies !o 6il!er !hrough 7ha! haens ne=! in -y s)hool )ounseling s!udies' /ha! is -y goal
7hen de"eloing -y ersonal !heoryM /ha! do I ge! 6ro- 6o)using on !7o or !hree )ounseling
!heories+ and -ore i-or!an!ly+ 7ha! do -y 6u!ure )lien!s+ s!uden!s+ 7ill gain 6ro- -y ersonal
)ounseling !heoryM &y genuine hoe is !ha! I ne"er se!!le in!o one 6or-ula!ed !heore!i)al
orien!a!ion+ .u! )on!inue !o .e 6le=i.le and 7ise 7i!hin !he !7o or !hree !heories in )ounseling
de"elo-en! as an ad"o)a!e 6or )hange in s!uden!s2 li"es'
Ai-+ A' $*,,*%' The e66e)! o6 a reali!y !heray rogra- on resonsi.ili!y 6or ele-en!ary s)hool
)hildren in @orea' International Journal of Reality Therapy, 22$1%+ 4,<44'
Alug+ A' $*,,1%' Alying )hoi)e !heray and reali!y !heray !o )oa)hing a!hle!es' International
Journal of Reality Therapy, 25$*%+ 41<40'
Loyd+ ?' ;' $*,,(%' The e66e)!s o6 reali!y !herayI)hoi)e !heray rin)iles on high s)hool
s!uden!2s er)e!ion on needs sa!is6a)!ion and .eha"ioral )hange' International Journal
of Reality Therapy, 25$1%+ (<0'
&arandola+ P'+ 3 S' C' $10H0%' Glasser2s )lassroo- -ee!ing: A hu-anis!i) aroa)h !o
.eha"ior )hange 7i!h readoles)en! inner<)i!y learning disa.ili!y )hildren' Journal of
Learning Disabilities, 12$1%+ 454<45H'
&ason+ C' P'+ 3 ;u.a+ N' ;' $*,,0%' Using reali!y !heray in s)hools: I!s o!en!ial i-a)! on !he
e66e)!i"eness on !he as)a na!ional -odel' International Journal of Reality Therapy, 29$1%+
&ina!rea+ N' ?'+ 3 /esley+ &' C' $*,,5%' Reali!y !heory goes !o !he dogs' International Journal
of Reality Therapy, 28$1%+ 10<HH'
PrenJlau+ S' $*,,1%' Using reali!y !heray !o redu)e !sd<rela!ed sy-!o-s' International Journal
of Reality Therapy, 25$*%+ *4<*0'
Ra!!s+ &' N' $*,,0%' So)ial Bus!i)e )ounseling: To7ard !he de"elo-en! o6 a 6i6!h 6or)e a-ong
)ounseling aradig-s' Journal of HU!"I#TI$ $%U"#&LI"', &DU$!TI%" !"D
D&(&L%)&"T *8+ 11,<1H*'
Sansone+ ;' $*,,(%' &ori!a !heray and )ons!ru)!i"e li"ing: Choi)e !heray and reali!y !heray2s
eas!ern 6a-ily' International Journal of Reality Therapy, 25$1%+ *1<*0'
Selig-an+ L'+ 3 Rei)hen.erg+ L' /' $*,1,%' Theory of +ounseling an, psy+hotherapy- #yste.s,
strategies, an, s/ills, 0
e,ition1 ?os!on+ &A: Pearson Edu)a!ion+ In)'
/u..olding+ R' E'+ 3 ?ri)@ell+ N' $*,,0%' Per)e!ion: The orhaned )o-onen! o6 )hoi)e
!heray' International Journal of Reality Therapy, 28$*%+ (,<(C'

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