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Westward Expansion

By Kari Sparks
COURSE: History !rade "
!O#$: Students will understand t%e &eanin' and context o( t%e
)ocabulary words (ro& c%apter *+
OB,EC-.VES: By t%e end o( t%e lesson t%e students will:
CCSS+E$#/$iteracy+RH+"/0+1 2eter&ine t%e &eanin' o( words and p%rases as
t%ey are used in a text includin' )ocabulary speci(ic to do&ains related to
%istory3social studies+
45 State Social Studies Standard/ Strand History Content Standard 6 : 7/0
Benc%&ark 6/C+ World: co&pare and contrast &a8or %istorical eras e)ents and
(i'ures (ro& #ncient ci)ili9ations to t%e a'e o( exploration
2e(inin' Works%eet
C%art paper and writin' utensils (or students
Blackboard3w%ite board plus writin' utensil (or teac%er
#ccess to 2isco)ery Education -ec%book :$ab or -ablets;
.+ O)er)iew o( $esson
#+ Step 6: $esson Set/up: Explain purpose :Westward
Expansion Vocabulary; 'roup students :wit% na&e
sticks or superteac%ertools+co&; distribute &aterials
%a)e students create t%e )ocabulary cootie catc%ers
B+ Step <: Readin' and Writin': !roups will access t%eir
2isco)ery Education -ec%book (ill out social studies
interacti)e notebook de(ine ter&s
C+ Step =: S%arin' and Condensin': !roups s%are t%eir
de(initions c%oosin' one e)ent t%at pertains to t%e word
c%osen (or t%eir respecti)e 'roup
2+ Step 1: Re(lect and Relate 2iscussion
E+ -%is lesson could take 17/"> &inutes
..+ $esson Set/up
#+ Explain to students t%at t%ere are &any
ter&s t%at relate to t%e western expansion
talk about past context and present context
o( t%e words+
B+ Step 6: Students will be c%osen rando&ly (or
'roups :usin' di'ital app partner sticks
etc+; eac% 'roup will be 'i)en a (ocus word
to be presented by t%e& at t%e end o( t%e
lesson in addition to de(inin' t%e rest o( t%e
C+ Step <: 2istribute .nteracti)e notebook pa'e Cootie
catc%ers scissors 'lue etc+ Ha)e students be'in
asse&blin' t%e& w%ile &odelin' %ow to (old bot% o(
t%e&+ .ndicate w%en t%ey are (inis%ed t%ey can retrie)e
a tablet and be'in searc%in' t%e c%apter (or t%e
de(initions and de(inin' e)ents+
2+ Explain to students t%e purpose and assi'n&ent o(
today+ . will &odel %ow to use t%e tec%book cootie
catc%er wit% a student )olunteer and write down t%e
answer to one o( t%e ?uestions in t%e interacti)e
notebook+ Eac% 'roup will de(ine t%eir 0 )ocab words
usin' t%e ?uestions (ro& t%e cootie catc%ers and
present t%e 'roup word usin' t%e c%art paper and citin'
a %istorical e)ent (ro& t%e tec%book+
E+ -HE.R WORK: see rubric
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
1. capitalism
2. cotton gin
3. patent
4. canal
5. turnpike
6. sectionalism
. su!!rage
". lan#sli#e
T$e poster inclu#es
all re%uire# elements
as &ell as a##itional
All re%uire# elements
are inclu#e# on t$e
All 'ut 1 o! t$e
re%uire# elements
are inclu#e# on t$e
(e)eral re%uire#
elements &ere
(tu#ent can
accuratel* ans&er all
%uestions relate# to
!acts in t$e poster
an# processes use#
to create t$e poster.
(tu#ent can
accuratel* ans&er
most %uestions
relate# to !acts in t$e
poster an#
processes use# to
create t$e poster.
(tu#ent can
accuratel* ans&er
a'out 5+ o!
%uestions relate# to
!acts in t$e poster
an# processes use#
to create t$e poster.
(tu#ent appears to
$a)e insu!!icient
kno&le#ge a'out t$e
!acts or processes
use# in t$e poster.
Content -
At least 4, accurate
!acts are #ispla*e#
on t$e poster.
3-4 accurate !acts
are #ispla*e# on t$e
2 accurate !acts are
#ispla*e# on t$e
.ess t$an 1 accurate
!acts are #ispla*e#
on t$e poster.
...+ Readin' and Writin'
Students will be 'i)en access to a )ariety o( tools to assist
t%e& wit% readin' t%e c%apter and writin' t%e de(initions
.V+ S%arin' and Condensin'
#+ Write in bi' bold letters: all
)ocabulary words on t%e board+
B+ W%en e)ery 'roup %as co&pleted
t%e tasks %a)e t%e& present as a
'roup t%eir )ocab word+
C+ 2E@.4.-.O4 2.SCUSS.O4: #sk:
%ow can one word %a)e a de(inin'
%istorical e)entA 2iscuss t%e
context o( eac% subsection o( t%e
c%apter and its relation to t%e
de(inition+ -%en ask %ow we can
relate it to current e)ents or &odern ti&eA
2+ @#C.$.-#-E: #llow t%e discussion and de(inin' to (low
E+ Bost students c%arts papers on t%eir class period
V+ Conclusion and E)aluation
#+ Conclusion 2iscussion+ -%e class session can conclude
wit% (urt%er discussion wit% askin' students w%at t%eir
initial de(initions were usin' t%e cootie catc%er+
B+ Ot%er ?uestion: How do t%ese e)ents and words relate to
t%e Western Expansion and Current e)entsA
C+ E)aluation: #t conclusion o( class and discussion collect
6+ Barticipation !rade: Students will be assessed on t%eir
participation in t%eir 'roups )ia a rubric %anded out at
t%e be'innin' o( t%e year+
<+ C%art Baper3!roup works: Students will be 'raded on
t%e co&pletion o( t%eir c%arts+
=+ .nteracti)e 4otebook: Students will be 'raded on t%e
co&pletion o( t%eir notebooks weekly+

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