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Hiding A Drive using Command Prompt

click on Start and then Run,type cmd and press enter.Your command prompt window
will open.
Type diskpart and press enter. Now diskpart session opens.
Type list volume in the command prompt.You will see the list of volumes(partitio
ns/drives) along with their letter names.
To select volume 3(D drive here in example) type select volume 3 and press enter
To hide it type remove letter E .A message like below would come.Now your D driv
e is hidden as soon you restart the machine.To recover it just navigate to the l
ist of volumes as before and type assign letter E.Just restart your PC to see yo
ur secrets back again.
Hiding Drive using Registry Tweak
Go to Start menu and click on Run then type regedit and press enter.This will op
en the Registry Editor.
From the left pane navigate to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion PoliciesExplorerRight c
lick on explorer select New and then DWORD value.
Set the Value name as no drives and select Decimal as the base unit.
These are the corresponding values of the drives
A:1 B:2 C:4 D:8
E:16 F:32 G:64
H:128 I:256
J:512 K:1024
L:2048 M:4096
N:8192 O:16384
P:32768 Q:65536
R:131072 S:262144
T:524288 U:1048576
V:2097152 W:4194304
X:8388608 Y:16777216
Y:16777216 Z:33554432
To hide drive E,type 16 as the value data,or to hide drive L,type 2048.
If multiple drives needs to be hidden,just add the corresponding decimal numbers
of the drives and type it.As a example for hiding drive E and drive H,just add
16 with 128 and type the result.For hiding all drives type 67108863.You have to
just restart your PC to see your secret drives hidden.
It should be noted that hiding drive C where your system files reside,can be tur
n up as a problem.So its better not to keep your essentials there. To recover the
those drives, just set no drive value as 0 and restart your PC.
Tags: Data-protection, Drive, Hide, tips, tricks

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