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Elissa Beadle

Lesson Plan Reflection

April 25, 2013
On April 25
, I taught a lesson that centered on the demeanor or mood of a character. I
was very nervous to teach this lesson, but I think it went very well for a number of reasons. First,
my co-operating teacher had expressed that she would like the lesson plan a few days in advance
and I was able to hand it into her and receive some very constructive feedback. This feedback was
very helpful to me and assisted me in teaching this lesson the best way possible. Certain things went
very well for me. The first thing that really worked for my lesson was the discipline. Laying out the
rules and expectations right away helped me to establish a base for what I needed from them.
Using positive reinforcement was a huge bonus for my students. As soon as I saw one student
sitting quietly and listening intently, I pointed them out as an example and the rest of the class
strived towards their behavior.
Another thing that really went well was my expressiveness. My cooperating teacher
communicated to me that the kids really responded to my lesson and that they were drawn in by
my hand gestures and different facial expressions. When my teacher reads a story to the students,
she is very boisterous and expressive and she said I mirrored that effectively. While reviewing my
lesson with me, she pointed out a few things that I could have changed. My lesson was on things a
character feels, says, or does and how we can tell their mood from that. In my PowerPoint, my
teacher suggested that I write in new emotions that the students come up with from the book. She
also suggested that I have each kid whisper what the emotion was to me instead of individually
calling on kids. In this way, I would be able to garner more whole class interaction.
This topic overall was tricky for me to teach. It was difficult for me to explain what I
needed the students to look for in the topic. Using a PowerPoint helped

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