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15 Permutations of YHVH Mantra

Tetragrammaton Empowerment
Tetragrammaton Empowerment and
15 Permutations of YHVH Mantra are original empowerments
by: Rev. Mariah Windsong Napieralski, DD, RGMT
May 31
, 2010 ~All Rights Reserved
15 Permutations of YHVH Mantra is excellent empowerment
for meditation and to increase your co-creation skills with Divinity.
YHVH is in Hebrew the name of the ineffable, unutterable name of
God, known as the four letters, the tetragrammaton.
Tetragrammaton (tetr gram tn)
The four consonants of the ancient Hebrew name for God (variously
transliterated JHVH, IHVH, JHWH, YHVH, YHWH), that was considered
too sacred to be spoken aloud: the word Adonai (Lord) is substituted for
this name in utterance, and the vowels of Adonai or Elohim(God) are
inserted in Hebrew texts, so that the modern reconstructions are
Yahweh, Jehovah, etc.
Origin: ME < Gr tetragrammaton< tetra-,four + gramma, a letter: see
Webster's New World College Dictionary Copyright 2010 by Wiley
Publishing, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio.
Hebrew is read from left to right. Therefore, in the picture below, you
read it from the left to right, seeing first the letter Yod, then Heh, then
Vav then Heh again.
YHVH is a set of letters whose representation are found in many ancient
cultural artifact writings in caves and scrolls.
Yod, is a letter in the Hebrew Aleph-Beth and is the spark and Hand of
God. Y is also written as W. Read left to right: Yod, Heh, Vav, Heh.
Heh is a letter in the Hebrew Aleph-Beth and is said 'hay'.
Heh is an image of a window and represents illumination and
inspiration. Vav is a letter in the Hebrew Aleph-Beth, sometimes written
and said as Vod. It is an image of a nail. Say:Vod
Vav connects us from here to Divinity.
15 Permutations of YHVH Mantra:
Yod, Vav, Heh, Heh
Vav, Yod, Yod, Heh
Heh, Vav, Yod, Heh
Vav, Yod, Heh, Heh
Vav, Vav, Yod, Heh
Heh, Vav, Yod, Yod
Vav, Heh, Heh, Yod
Heh, Heh, Vav, Yod
Yod, Vav, Heh, Yod
Vav, Heh, Yod, Yod
Vav, Heh, Yod, Vav
Vav, Yod, Yod, Vav
Yod, Heh, Heh, Vav
Heh, Vav, Yod, Vav
Vav, Yod, Heh, Vav
15 Permutations of YHVH can be read as a mantra verbally out loud or
mentally in your mind. Eventually you may even memorize it!
Due to the need for this energy to be active more often than people will
spend the time to say the mantra, this empowerment has been granted
to humanity.
15 Permutations of YHVH Mantra empowerment, when activated, runs
the energy of these 15 Permutations of YHVH 3 times.
Saying the mantra immediately after activating the 15 Permutations of
YHVH Mantra empowerment will greatly increase the strength of the
energy flow!
Accept your attunement in the manner directed by your teacher.
You are receiving two empowerments within this one attunement:
~Tetragrammaton Empowerment: Empowerment to YHVH symbol.
~15 Permutations of YHVH Mantra: Empowerment to the 15
Permutations of the YHVH that runs the energy three times for each
time you activate the mantra empowerment verbally or in your mind.
While enjoying the study of each letter in the Tetragrammaton and the
feel of this manner of connection with the Divine, I got the idea to see
how many permutations those letters would have if I wrote them all out.
In 2007 I wrote all the permutations of HYVH I could think of.
I found it amazing that there are three sets of 5 permutations that
comprise the 15 permutations of YHVH. Subsequent meditations after
saying or singing this entire mantra 3 to 9 times were amazing to
experience in their clarity and feeling of unity with Divinity.
15 Permutations of YHVH Mantra and the Tetragrammaton
Empowerments are for self use only. If you wish for someone else to
benefit from these, please pass an attunement on to that person.
When you, with your mind or verbally tell 15 Permutations of YHVH
Mantra to Activate! it will automatically run the energy of this mantra
3 times.
You may also tell this technology how many times to repeat the energy
One energy cycle runs the 15 permutations 3 times. If you want it to run
a total of 9 times, simply tell it to activate for 3 cycles.
Sometimes I write the letters in an order other than what we are
accustomed to seeing, because for me, all the permutations of YHVH are
indeed the Tetragrammaton, a name for Eternal Sacred Source.
Any sincere seeker who has received these empowerments may pass
HYVH empowerments on to other people.
All that is required is sincere intent for others to benefit from
Tetragrammaton Empowerment and
15 Permutations of YHVH Mantra Empowerment.
If youve never sent an empowerment before, talk with the person who
attuned you for detailed instructions.
Always send both empowerments and this entire manual to anyone you
attune to Tetragrammaton Empowerment and
15 Permutations of YHVH Mantra Empowerment.
You may charge a fee for the time you spend in sacred preparation and
to send the attunement to these empowerments if you are a Reiki or
Seichim Master Teacher.
Disclaimer: Legal Reasons, Mariah Napieralski states that Tetragrammaton and 15 Permutations
of YHVH Mantra attunements/empowerments is/are for entertainment purposes only. It is not affiliated
with any form of natural energy healing, and is not to be confused with any other system of attunement,
empowerment or initiation now, in the past, or to come in the future. This empowerment/attunement is
not meant to replace any professional medical or legal advice. Mariah Napieralski is not engaged in
rendering medical service or diagnosis of any kind. Mariah Napieralski has made every effort to provide
accurate information and takes no responsibility for recommendations made and no guarantees are
issued toward the validity of information. By receiving the empowerment/attunement in this manual
you are agreeing to indemnify Mariah Napieralski from and against any and all claims of libel,
defamation, and violation of rights of privacy or publicity and infringement of intellectual property or
loss or damage allegedly caused. Mariah Napieralski is not responsible for claims made by others in
advertising this empowerment. You further agree to indemnify Mariah Napieralski from all liabilities
and expenses including lawyers fees arising from such claims based on this manual. Portions of content fall
under fair use permission to copy including images from Google.
Thank you for your dedication to Eternal Sacred Source. Please always
take good care of yourself, for the Divine lives within you.
~Rev. Mariah Windsong Napieralski, DD, RGMT
~All Rights Reserved, May 31
, 2010

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