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Standard 11: Professionalism, Ethics and Legal Mandates

In my experience as a counselor one of the most difficult aspects of the job is when it
comes to ethics. Cases vastly differ from student to student and the plan carried out to
support the student also differs for each case. I have had multiple instances in which I
was not completely sure what action to take. In these instances the ASCA Ethical
Standards for School Counselors and the ACA Code of Ethics were invaluable
resources. Before providing school counseling with students I worked with I always let
them know the limitations to confidentiality:
Everything we talk about in my office I keep between you and I. Im not going to
go tell the whole school what we talk about in here. However, there are a few instances
in which I would have to talk with another adult and thats if I feel you are going to hurt
yourself, hurt others, or if I feel you are being abused.
Two goals I always practice in regards to ethics was asking myself if I felt what I did
would keep the child safe and was to the benefit of their well-being. In order to achieve
these goals confrontation or reporting may have to occur but as School Counselors it is
our responsibility to make sure the students we work with are safe.

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