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Mathematics lesson plan

(Adapted from Gervasoni & Parish, ACU Ballarat Campus)

Lesson opic!
Addition Place Value - Open Ended
#ear Level(s)!
Mathematical $ocus! The partitioning o num!ers rom "-2"
Australian Curriculum (AC)!!
#ear level! 1
Content strand! #um!er and Alge!ra
Proficienc% strand(s)! $luenc%& 'easoning
Content description(s)! 'epresent and sol(e simple addition and su!traction pro!lems using a
range o strategies including counting on& partitioning and rearranging parts
Bac&'round to the students( current learnin'!
The students understand)*no+ alread%,
-e(elop conidence +ith num!er se.uences to and rom 1"" !% ones rom an% starting point/
0*ip count !% t+os& i(es and tens starting rom "
The students understand)can do mathematicall%,
'epresent -ata +ith o!1ects and dra+ings +here one o!1ect or dra+ing represents one data
2ount collections to 1"" !% partitioning num!ers using place (alue
Learnin' )*+ectives,)utcomes!
Mathematics content/concept/idea learning outcome
At the end o this lesson& the students +ill demonstrate understanding o,
Place (alue or t+o digit num!ers
Mathematics strategies/processes/ways of working and thinking mathematically outcome
'ecalling pre(ious *no+ledge ) 3se o concrete materials ) s%stematical +or*ing out
Assessment strate'ies!
(Brief description of the strategies you will use to assess student learning. This must link directly to the
objectives/outcomes. What are you going to observe and/or listen for in order to identify understanding? What evidence
of learning (e.g. work samples photos video audio! will be collected by you for further analysis?!
What assessment strategies will you use in this lesson?
O!ser(ation& +or* sample
What will you look for, and analyse, in the evidence found in the assessment?
A range o multiple correct ans+ers& using a pattern to s%stematicall% +or* out all the ans+ers
(Brief description of the resources that are needed to support teaching and learning" include physical and technological
if appropriate!
eacher .tudent
4hite!oard 4or* sheet 5see attached6
7c% pole stic*s
)r'anisation for learnin'!
4hole class discussion - loor
7ndi(idual +or* ta!les
/e% 0uestions to 'uide learnin' and prompt student thin&in'!
(#ist $%& key 'uestions that will be used to support stimulate provoke and probe thinking that helps students to describe
e(plain justify connection%make generalise evaluate etc.!
8o+ did %ou get that9
7s that all the dierent com!inations +e can ma*e9 8o+ do %ou *no+9
Lesson actions!
)n the cells below list the actions that you and the students will do during each phase of the lesson.
e1! 23GAG2, 24PL)-2
Lesson introduction (5hole U363G 63)!
5:uild a+areness o and lin* to prior)current *no+ledge; introduce ne+ learning)acti(it%; <tune= the students into the mathematics; !uild moti(ation and
engagement; stimulate curiosit%; esta!lishing understanding o the pro!lem to !e in(estigated; esta!lishing clear e>pectations on +a%s to +or*
2ounting !ac*+ards !% 1?s rom 1""
@outu!e clip
E>plore place (alue, Tens and units using e>amples e/g 36 is 3 lots o ten and 6 units
e1! 24PL)-2, 24PLA63, 2LAB)-A2
"evelopment,investi'ation (Part 7 6382.6GA63G)!
50tudents engage +ith the mathematical tas*)game)acti(it%)learning e>perience to e>plore)e>plain)ela!orate upon the mathematical
ideas)concepts)strategies)+a%s o +or*ing mathematicall%; engagement +ith class)small group discussions; possi!le (ariations introduced or students
+ho are e>periencing diicult% or re.uiring e>tension; +a%s o ad1usting the lesson or students; teacher ro(ing and collecting assessment inormation
+ith attenti(e listening and o!ser(ation6
E>plore e>amples o .uestion that similar to one the sheet/
7 am thin*ing o a num!er !et+een 1" and 1"" +ith a single 5 in it/ 4hat might m% num!er !e9 2an
%ou list all the dierent possi!le ans+ers9
5& 15& 25& 35& 45& 5"& 51& 52& 53& 54& 55& 56& 5A& 5B& 5C& 65& A5& B5& C5&
4hat num!ers can %ou ma*e 5!et+een 1 and 1""6 that ha(e a 3 in the tens place9
3" - 3C
Ad+ustin' the lesson 5strategies %ou +ill use to ad1ust the lesson6!
2na*lin' prompt! Use o ic% pole stic*s
e1! 24PLA63, 2LAB)-A2, 28ALUA2
Plenar% and conclusion (5hole -2$L2C63G and G232-AL6.63G)!
50tudents discuss)e>plain)ela!orate upon strategies)products)mathematical thin*ing; teacher leads a discussion to highlight and summarise the important
mathematical idea5s6; encourage student e(aluation o their learning)strateg% use)+a%s o +or*ing mathematicall%; .uestions to pose to students should
support relection on the important ideas and strategies learned6
-iscussion o their +or*, pic* out a e+ e>amples
- -id people choose the same partition com!ination or each num!er
4hat did %ou learn9
Post7lesson revie9 and evaluation (to *e completed once the lesson is tau'ht)!
Student Achievement
(Brief description of what students achieved as a result of your lesson. This should link directly to the
objectives/outcomes of the lesson and link back to the evidence that was collected during the lesson. *(pected and
une(pected achievements should be described here!
Teacher Effectiveness
(Brief description of elements that were successful in relation to the teacher+s practice. This should link directly to
evidence of student learning. ,eflection on teaching should focus on what will be further refined in teaching practices or
ideas for improving teaching strategies!

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