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Taylor Bryant

Mr. Janosch

Shakespeare Blame Essay

Can fate change a families feud? Can two forbidden loves ever last? The
characters to blame for Romeo, and Juliet death is Romeo, and Lord Capulet. The
reason why is because Romeo caused this tragedy by not only killed himself, but he
was the main to start the problem. Lord Capulet also caused this tragedy because he is
forcing Juliet to marry someone that she doesnt want to marry.

Romeo is a sentimental, native, gullible kind of character. He is one person to
blame because he is the one who started the whole problem. By showing up at Capulet
party ( a party that he shouldve attend) to find a girl named Roseline that he has been
rejected by but still seem to forget. In the article The Brain on Love it explains that
the same area of brain that register physical pain are active when someone feels
socially rejected. This is the same feeling that Romeo was going thru before he meet
Juliet. Once he meet Juliet that all changed. Then move not while my prayer's effect I
take. Thus from my lips, by thine my sins is plugged. (kiss her) he tells Juliet. This also
connects to a quote in the article The Brain on Love it says But a loving touch is
enough to change everything. That kiss changed everything between them like there
families feud. This demonstrates why Romeo is a sentimental character.

Lord Capulet is a critical, and ambitious kind of character. He is another to
blame because pushed Juliet into marrying Paris. Doing that he moved the wedding one
day earlier than expected, and that messed up the timing of Juliets death to meet
Romeo, and run away. Mistress minion you, Thank me no thankings, nor proud, but
fettle you fine joints gainst thursday next to go with Paris to saint Peters church, or I will
drag thee on a hurdle thither. This supports my claim because it shows how, and why
Lord Capulet push Juliet into to marrying Paris. That what made her want to drink the
poison even more.

Some people suggest that Benvolio is to blame, however this is why he isnt. He
was only telling the truth. Only telling what really happened, why this all started. And
twixt them rushes- underneath whose arm. An envious thrust from Tybalt hit the life of
stout Mercutio But by and by comes back to Romeo,Who had but newly entertained
revenge, And to t they go like lightning, for ere I could draw to part them was stout
Tybalt slain. This supports my claim because shows that Benvolio was only telling the
truth, and that he has nothing to do with their feud.

The people who were the most to blame were basically instigators. The evidence
that I have provided explains why they did what they did, and why they did it. Also how
their actions affected what will happen later on. What should happen to the people who
to blame is they should get what is coming to them. Like life

Reference page

Ackerman,D. (2012,March). The brain is love. The New York Times.
Shakespeare, W. (2000). Romeo and Juliet. New York: Penguin Book.

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