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University of Scranton

Education Department
Lesson Plan Format
Student teacher Chris Wasnetsky School ___________________________________
Co-operatin teacher ________________________________________________Date! "#"$#%$
Lesson plan title! &istorical 'nformation on (imelines )%* min+, Class! &istory -rade! "
./0ective! Students 1ill /e a/le to locate events on a timeline /ased on the order the events occur+
State standard met! 2+%+"+3! 4ead and interpret information on simple timelines+
Se5uence of activities 6otes7 directions7 5uestions7 and procedures E8amples7 illustrations7
and resources
9ein /y askin the class
to raise their hand if they
have ever seen a timeline
/efore )sho1 a picture of
timeline to /e handed out
3s a class activity7
construct a timeline on the
/oard 1ith student input+
E8plain to students that
1hat is on the /oard is an
e8ample of a timeline+
&and out the timeline 1ith
Students 1ill /e a/le to locate events
on a timeline /ased on the order the
events occur+
)optional, 'f a student raises his#her
hand7 ask the student to descri/e
1hat he#she thinks a timeline is+
)optional, 'f no student kno1s7 e8plain
that a timeline is :a list of thins that
happened in the order that they
happened+; )(his happened /efore
this7 etc+, E8plain that :the tick marks
sho1 1here on the timeline the thin
&and out /lank timelines+
3sk students 1hat they do in the
mornin to et ready for school7
startin 1ith 1hen they 1ake up )first
part on timeline is Wake Up,+ Students
can all ans1er and participation is
encouraed+ 'deas to help them if they
et stuck! Wake Up7 Eat7 (ake Sho1er7
-et Dressed7 9rush (eeth7 -et on
9us7 etc< have them fill in the /lank
:3 list of thins that happened in the
order that they happened+; -o over
the events aain 1ith the class in
3sk the students 1hich thin
&andouts of a
timeline 1ith a small
amount of data
points )$-*, 1hich
include pictures+
&andouts of a t1o
/lank timelines to /e
filled in+
pictures on it to the class+
For home1ork have
students list 1hat they do
/efore they o to /ed on
the other /lank timeline+
happened first and last+ (hen ask 1hat
thins happened /efore the )middle
&ave them use the handouts and the
outline they filled out as a reference to
1ork off of+
Post-lesson notes or reflections!
Co-operatin teacher=s sinature
Add estimation of how long each step will take within the table. For example Approx. 2 mins to hand out
What exactly is the first time line for, the one with the pictures? When is it used in class?
would also add why timelines are important for social studies class?

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