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To: Mrs. Renee Pay

From: Brysan Hammer

Date: October 22, 2013

Re: Professional Speaker Analysis

I had the opportunity to attend the 14th Annual Leadership Conference at Utah Valley University
on Monday, October 21, 2013. The title of this speech was "STEP UP: Fighting the Fear;
Finding Your Voice." Matt Townsend was the keynote speaker in the conference. He was an
excellent speaker with many good insights on what you can do as a leader.


Matt Townsend demonstrated how to become a better leader through being able to find your
voice. Matt Townsend showed a picture of a dolphin and a cow jumping out of the water to
demonstrate how people have different views. He told about a time where he was in a spelling
bee and he spelled lion wrong. He spelled it like loin. This resulted in him being called loin
boy in eighth grade. On a campout he was told by his leaders that Craig, a scout in his troop,
had a disorder that caused him to have seizures. Matt Townsend felt like he should visit Craig so
he did. He talked about how you need to just be there for people. It doesn't matter what you say.
He told us a story about taking a special needs girl to a dance. He was nervous for pictures
because he felt as if he ruined them all. He shifted his thinking that his special needs date wants
the pictures not to get messed up by him. This picture was the best picture that he has ever taken.
Matt Townsend said The power is in you, in the thought of who you are." He talked about the
power of working as a team. The power that we have as a leader is the space in between. He
talked about the seven different ways to have healthier relationships. The first one was, make
people feel safe around you. Make them feel mentally, physically, and socially safe around you.
The second one is build trust. Be honest enough to do it. The third one says to appreciate people
and what they do. Fourth he said to respect people. Fifth he said to have validation. Sixth he said
to encourage people in what they do. Seventh is that you must show dedication to the
relationship. Matt Townsend told us, "Have confidence in yourself that you can bring light to the
world and not your titles." He also told us quote You are a being of ultimate worth."

The organizational pattern that Matt Townsend used was, a Topical Pattern because he told us
stories about his life then tied it all together and related it to leadership. A Topical Pattern is
ordering ideas in such a way that they make sense. Matt Townsend told us stories about him and
his mistakes but also his successes then he tied those into being a leader. Matt Townsend used
deductive reasoning in his speech. He used deductive reasoning by stating a problem then talking
about how that helped him become a better leader.


Supporting Material


Ethos is defined as a person's credibility as a speaker or anything else. Matt Townsend
demonstrated Ethos by having a person introduce him to his audience by reading his bio. Matt
Townsend teaches the leaders of the 21st century to lead without the fears of normal people.
Matt trained with the leader, Franklin Covey, for nine years. He is the president and the founder
of Townsend Relationship. This organization concentrates on building relationship skills. He
earned his Bachelors and also his Masters Degree in Communications. He also earned another
Masters Degree but this time in Human Development. Not too long ago he earned his Ph.D in
Human Development. He hosts his own radio show, on KSL, called "The Matt Townsend Show".


Pathos is defined as you appealing to someone's emotions. This helps move people to action.
Matt Townsend demonstrated Pathos through discussing the divorce of his parents and how hard
that was for him to handle because no one else's parents got divorced when he was in school.
This could relate to a lot of people now though. He talked about his hatred towards math and
almost everyone can relate to that. He also shared stories about going camping most people can
relate going on a camping trip.


Logos is defined as a logical appeal. This helps you understand what he is saying and how he
thinks of the quality of leadership. Matt Townsend had many instances where he used Logos in
his speech such as when he talked to us about this quote, it is the silence between the notes that
makes the music; it is the space between the bars that holds the tiger in." These appeal to logic
because of his story when he talked about visiting the boy with a disorder. He said that it didn't
matter what he said just that he was there. He tied this in that we need to be a leader just by being
in the room and not to restrict the light that we can be in other peoples life's.


Matt Townsend was a very prepared public speaker because he had his speech completely
memorized and delivered it almost perfectly. Mr. Townsend used his nonverbal in a very
effective way. He walked up and down the stage while he was speaking. His facial expressions
were noticeable. You could tell that we had passion in what he was talking about. When he
moved his hands it was for emphasis on what he was saying.

He used a PowerPoint during his speech but he didn't use it like an outline of his speech. He
used it for emphasis in important points and to show us the picture of a dolphin and a cow
swimming next to each other. His speech was well prepared and was rehearsed but he still had
feeling behind his words. This helped with the audience and there attentiveness in his speech.


Motivation is a critical element of any speech. You have to be able to move your audience or
your speech wasn't worth the time you spent on it. Matt Townsend was very motivational in his
speech. His motivation came from a variety of things. Such as the way he spoke or the way he
moved. You could tell when something was important because of the way he spoke. He added
emphasis on what was important. His eye contact was great he always was looking at his
audience which made us pay attention more. He moved us to action because of his preparation.

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