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TOPIC: Classical Voice The Italian Open Throat

TEACHER: Janine Gierus
TERM: 3/2014 YEAR LEVEL: 7
1 !ee" Ter#
1 $ %#i& 'ess(& )ee"'*
+AND , -TRAND: Ye.r 7,/
In Music, students e!ploration and understandin" o# the ele$ents o# $usic,
$usical con%entions, st&les and #or$s e!pands 'ith their continued acti%e
en"a"e$ent 'ith $usic(
The knowledge and skills that students need to develop in Music include:
The elements of music
Music is learned throu"h de%elopin" s)ills and )no'led"e associated 'ith the
ele$ents o# $usic( Musical ideas are concei%ed, or"anised and shaped *& aspects
and co$*inations o# rh&th$, pitch, d&na$ics and e!pression, #or$ and structure,
ti$*re and te!ture(
In *oth Ma)in" and +espondin", students learn that $eanin"s can *e "enerated
#ro$ di##erent %ie'points and that these shi#t accordin" to di##erent 'orld
Types of music
In each *and, students learn a*out increasin"l& co$ple! #or$s o# $usic as the&
$a)e and respond to di##erent $usical st&les and "enres, #ro$ a ran"e o# historical
and cultural conte!ts(
Skills, techniques and processes
Listening is the process throu"h 'hich $usic is e!perienced and learnt includin"
,e%elopin" aural s)ills(
Composing is a *road ter$ #or creatin" ori"inal $usic(
Performing in%ol%es pla&in" instru$ents, sin"in" or $anipulatin" sound usin"
technolo"&, either as an indi%idual or ense$*le $e$*er(
The initial $aterials o# $usic are the %oice and *od&, instru$ents and other sound
sources( -dditional $aterials include recorded $usic and scores, technolo"ies
such as recordin" and pla&*ac) e.uip$ent and so#t'are, and spaces #or creatin",
practisin" and per#or$in"(
Learning in Music
/tudents learnin" $usic listen, per#or$ and co$pose( The& learn a*out the
ele$ents o# $usic co$prisin" rh&th$, pitch, d&na$ics and e!pression, #or$ and
structure, ti$*re and te!ture( -ural s)ills, or ear trainin", are the particular
listenin" s)ills students de%elop to identi#& and interpret the ele$ents o# $usic(
-ural s)ills de%elop$ent is essential #or $a)in" and respondin" to a ran"e o#
$usic 'hile listenin", co$posin", and per#or$in"( 0earnin" throu"h Music is a
continuous and se.uential process, ena*lin" the ac.uisition, de%elop$ent and
re%isitin" o# s)ills and )no'led"e 'ith increasin" depth and co$ple!it&
Making in Music in%ol%es acti%e listenin", i$itatin", i$pro%isin", co$posin",
arran"in", conductin", sin"in", pla&in", co$parin" and contrastin", re#inin",
interpretin", recordin" and notatin", practisin", rehearsin", presentin" and
Responding in Music in%ol%es students *ein" audience $e$*ers listenin" to,
en1o&in", re#lectin", anal&sin", appreciatin" and e%aluatin" their o'n and others
$usical 'or)s(
This is a unit of work designed to introduce students to the techniques and skills of classical singing using the Italian Open Throat
Method. This method covers the first 4 vocal exercises designed to teach students different techniques to produce sound. Each
week will build on prior knowledge and allow students to practise what the have learned so far.
The term cultivates in a recording of the student!s performing a classical vocal piece as part of learning in Music.
This unit of work is designed to be taught in "# minute sessions and can be taught to an individual student or class and covers an
$# week period.
%lease note& 'lassical vocal instruction is not suitable for children ounger than $$ or $( ears as prior to this the will not be
phsicall read for this instruction.
$ In )esson $* students will be learning about the correct phsical posture for singing. and introduced to the vocal
scale as teacher demonstrates b plaing on the piano.
Introduction to Exercise $ + The Open ,ack ,reath. In this exercise students will use " fingers in a vertical position
and place them in their mouth to form an -O. shape. The point of this exercise is to experience the coolness of
breath at the back of their throat as it opens up. Once the feel this* the teacher will pla a basic /ocal 0cale in '
Ma1or and with mouth in 2O. position sing 34 up and down the scale.
( )esson ( will commence with Exercise $ and vocal scale. 5e will then progress to Exercise (.
Introduction to Exercise ( + The 4ori6ontal Mouth %osition. 7uring this exercise* students will learn about the head
voice or top voice and the techniques to produce musical notes in the hori6ontal position or smile position. In this
exercise* students will discover how the bod is used in this technique and the use of hand positions in the exercise
to help correct vocal placement as the sing the sounds EE4 334 344 and then 34 E4 EE O4 OO to the vocal
scale remaining in hori6ontal position.
" )esson " will commence with Exercises $ 8 (. 5e will then progress to Exercise ".
Introduction to Exercise " + The /ertical %osition. 7uring this lesson* students will learn about the %assaggio or
chest voice. 9sing the -O. mouth shape* students will learn hand positions and how these can help with breath and
vocal control b activating the pelvic floor muscles. 9sing the lower end of the /ocal 0cale students will explore
positioning and sound b singing the sounds 34 E4 EE O44 OOO. It is important in )esson " that the teacher
ensures that each student is using the technique correctl and ad1ust if necessar.
4 )esson 4. In lesson 4* students will complete the first " exercises twice. It is important at this stage to consolidate
the first " exercises before going on to exercise 4.
: )esson : commences with students completing all " exercises. Introduction to exercise 4 + /ieni. Exercise voice
introduces students to lifting the high palate in order to reach the ver high notes with clarit and resonance. This
exercise teaches students the important aspects of singing such as pro1ection and resonance. 0tudents can do this
exercise singularl with the teacher in a circle. This wa the teacher can assess correct placement and help student to
make ad1ustments if necessar.
; )esson ;. In this lesson* students will complete the first 4 exercises. This will now be their regular warm<up. The
importance of warming up to be discussed with students and practised prior to an performance or practice.
It is now time to show the student!s the selected performance piece. The teacher will pla!sing the piece to the
students and give them a cop of the sheet music.
= )esson =. 0tudents will now look at the music* with the teacher!class* students will go through the entire song and
make notations. 5e will look at the different musical components and what these mean* mark out breathing spots*
parts etc.
> )esson > commences with the vocal warm up + exercises $<4. The teacher will pla the musical piece and students
will first be asked to hum along to get a feel for the song and determine how the will place their voice for the
different parts of the song. The teacher will look for difficult sections of the song and pla these parts several times
for the students while the hum. Teacher will then ask the student!s to sing the song gentl as the site read how
the think the song should be sung and following the notes up and down. Teacher will give the student!s a cd of the
? )esson ? starts with the full vocal warm up + exercises $<4. 7uring this lesson* the students have the opportunit to
sing the song several times with the teacher plaing. Teacher to stop and assist as required and help students to make
vocal ad1ustments based on the techniques learned through the exercises. This will re<enforce the link between the
exercises and techniques that are present in each one as the appl to singing a classical song.
$# )esson $#. 7uring this lesson* students will be recorded performing their vocal piece. 'lassical voice techniques are
refined and learned over man ears. 0tudents are not expected to be perfect but to demonstrate what the have
learned over the $# week term.
%iano* 0heet Music* '7 recordings for each student* Music Theor Text ,ook* 5hite board to visuall demonstrate
exercises if necessar* i%ad or camera to record.
-C-M2M032 4 5!peri$ent 'ith te!ture and ti$*re in sound sources usin"
aural s)ills
-C-M2M036 4 /tructure co$positions *& co$*inin" and $anipulatin" the
ele$ents o# $usic usin" notation
-C-M2M037 4 8er#or$ and present a ran"e o# $usic, usin" techni.ues and
e!pression appropriate to st&le
'ritical 8 'reative Thinking
9& the end o# :ear ;, students identi#& and anal&se ho' the ele$ents o#
$usic are used in di##erent st&les and appl& this )no'led"e in their
per#or$ances and co$positions( The& e%aluate $usical choices the& and
others #ro$ di##erent cultures, ti$es and places $a)e to co$$unicate
$eanin" as per#or$ers and co$posers(
/tudents manipulate the ele$ents o# $usic and st&listic con%entions to
co$pose $usic( The& interpret, rehearse and per#or$ son"s and
instru$ental pieces in unison and in parts, de$onstratin" technical and
e!pressi%e s)ills( The& use aural s)ills, $usic ter$inolo"& and s&$*ols to
reco"nise, $e$orise and notate #eatures, such as $elodic patterns in $usic
the& per#or$ and co$pose(
Teacher lead class discussion and reflection.
0elf and %eer Evaluation and 'ritique
Te.cher Assess#e&t 0 E5.'u.ti(&:
Teacher evaluates student understanding through observation and keeping of anecdotal
records* completion of individual evaluation form and critique for each student during
performance. 0tudent evaluation for self and peers.

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