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Three Year Professional Development Plan

Dover School District

"Charting the Course for Improved Teaching and Learning"

Name ___Jo-Ann Gardella______
Teaching Assignment Area of Certification: __
K-12 Art Education
Certification Cycle ________3______ Areas of Additional Certification:
Year 1 2 3 (please circle)

Objective: Collaborative discussions and collegial conversations surrounding the quality of instruction
How does this increase student learning?
District Mission: Strengthening our community by educating every child, every day!
District Vision:
Teachers and students will be held accountable to a standard of excellence,
emphasizing collaboration, innovation and best practices in teaching and
District Goals:
I. Curriculum: All students will be provided with aligned, rigorous, and
research-based instruction materials to prepare them for the 21st century
learning and post-secondary opportunities.
II. Instruction: All educators will partner with colleagues to create an
instructional climate that values coaching, modeling, and a collaborative
culture to improve teaching practices.
III. Assessment: All educators will use assessment information to improve
achievement of all students.
IV. Environment: Educators, students and parents will partner to create a
positive, engaging, and safe school environment.
V. Technology: Teachers and students will use technology to enhance

___Art Focus group______________________________________

_________All Dover School K-12 Art Educators _______________

____Music and Art Focus Group_____________________________________

___________All DMS Art and Music Teachers_____________________________



















Three Year Professional Development Plan
Activity Log
Year 1 2 3 (Please circle)
How Does the Visual and Performing Framework inform our practice and help meet the needs of the 21
Century Learner?
Development Goal/Area
of Inquiry (Link to District
How do I link the creative process and thinking to various areas of student learning motivating them to be
global learners in the 21

Approved by:__________________________________________________Date______________
Date Activity Description
Outcome(s): How did this impact
teacher and student learning?
may not be applicable for all
professional learning opportunities
September 19, 2013 Met after school with Music and Art
Teachers to discuss using common
language to link learning concepts and

Teachers reflect on teaching to
create professional growth;
individually and with colleagues.
Continued to develop common
Professional discussion
October 10, 2012 Met with district wide focus group as
well as small DMS music/art group to
continue to understand the Focus area
of Inquiry, develop a better statement
and develop the focus areas for
professional growth.
Teachers reflect on teaching to
create professional growth;
individually and with colleagues.
Professional Day 10-10-13
December 2, 2013 Professional day to observe Chris
Strickland at the high school.
Observation of teaching style,
student teacher interactions,
teaching philosophy gives insight
into your own strengths and
weaknesses. Reflection about the

Appendix B
day led me to have insight on the
future requirements for our middle
school students as the y transition
into high school.
January 17, 2014 Professional Workshop Day
Staff Meeting/Critical Focus Group
Creating/Presenting Learning
Experiences for other Professionals
Understanding PBIS model
Developing Weebly
website/working with other district
Art Educators to build school art
website showcasing student
achievement and community
Professional Day 1-17-14
Weebly website:

December 2013 Link a performance of Visual art
making with the Music Performance
during the Winter Concert.
Performing Art linking a DMS
musical performance with art
students drawing in sand.
Russian music inspired students
to draw Russian folk images as
music was performed.
Video of Performance

2013-2014 Develop new yearly themes for Visual
Art Lessons. Themes will be
developed to include and link learning
and vocabulary to various core/ subject
areas of the 21
Century learner.
Included Lesson Specific Assessment
focused on learning objectives and
District Common Core Assessments.
Developed 12 new art themes to
include projects which focused on
learning NH State Standards
learning objectives to include
drawing, painting and sculpture
and vocabulary. Lesson Specific
Assessment also developed
See Artwork
August 2013 Museum visit of Antoni Gaudi. His
work has inspired me to continue to
challenge students to think outside of
the lesson. Would like to include an
art lesson based on his thoughts and
Understanding motivating factors
and personal psyche of
accomplished artisans helps to
facilitate student creative thought
and manipulation of medias.

practices of including oceanic
elements and no straight lines to
challenge creative thinking in the 21

2013-2014 Develop web page showcasing student
individuality and provide a statement
to learning objectives of the visual art
Developed Website to include
2013-2014 Student Themed
based art. Showcases student
thought and creative response to
question and objectives.

Sept 2013-May 2014 Art Club; Providing extra-curricular
challenges for students wanting to
develop their creative thought,
techniques and enjoyment for the
Art Club provides extracurricular
artistic challenges to 35 students
after school. Fall and Spring
sessions provided opportunity for
students which may have had time
conflicts. Art club provides
opportunities to demonstrate ,
challenge and explore their
individuality and creative thought.
Art Club meets every
Thursday afternoon
March 2014-May 2014 Facilitated 15 Art Club students to
work with artist Nate Walker.
Students will design bike racks to
be built by Nate Walker in steel and
recycled materials for the Dover
Childrens Museum.
Students designed bike racks
after meeting with artist Nate
Walker. Student teams will
collaborate and design bike
racks which one or two of the
designs will be chosen to be
built by Nate Walker.
See photos
March 14, 2014 Teacher Workshop
Teacher meetings as a faculty
Teacher Team meetings
Teacher work on inquiry work.
Collaborative effort to displayed
student work with other DMS
educators. Student art, writing
and math concepts are
showcased for a SelectionTeam
visiting DMS. DMS is being
considered and is a finalist in
the selection process to be A
School of Excellence.
Professional Day 3-14-14

May 12, 2013 Facilitated visiting Artist Pablo
Paredes from Mexico to perform
and lecture on his artistic ideals and
Worked to bring free artist in
residence program with funding
from Margueritas Restaurant.
Spanish classes and Art students
will be introduced to Pablo
Paredes and his ancient Mexican
ceramics techniques. Students
will be introduced to ethnic
diversity providing an
educational opportunity to
develop global understanding
and acceptance of others
cultural pride.

March 19, 2014 Dover Art Teachers collaborate to
facilitate web based sites
showcasing of art and the art
process in our schools.
Continued to teach and learn
from others on website
development. Continued
development of the weebly
website. Conversation using
Professional Development Day.
technology to showcase
Common Core assessment.

Three Year Professional Development Plan
Annual Review and Reflection Form (Revise questions as needed to suit your goal/area of inquiry)
What did I learn?
I continue to learn, collaborate and teach concepts which engage students in creative thought and reflectivity.
Collaborating with colleagues and students has provided opportunities for reflective thought and understanding of
best practice for our learning community. I will continue to challenge myself to learn, manipulate and understand
the every changing and challenging technology has become a tool to showcase student thought, creative ingenuity
and effort.

How have I used what I learned? I have changed or enhanced my personal responses to be more open ended. This
engages student responses to be more reflective thus challenging them to continue and advance their personal
thoughts while building, manipulating and experimenting with artistic mediums and creative effort. I have
continued to challenge my teaching of creative thought to include technology; continually using technology to
showcase student work in our learning community.

How have the changes I made impacted students? I have really been focused on strengthening student self-worth
and challenging their artistic effort and creative thought. Showcasing student effort through the use of
technology, art shows, art displays and linking the artistic response with music continues to link the importance of
creative thought throughout our community.

What are my next steps? I would like to continue linking art with technology. Using technology as a tool will link
and challenge many students into the new millennium. I will continue to seek out opportunities which will make
learning connections and facilitate collaboration with peers and students.

Administrator/supervisor comments:

Peer comments: (Optional)

Educators Signature________________________ Date:__________________

Administrator or Designee________________________

Administrator____________________ Date:__________________
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Title or Name of Item___________________________________________________________

I saved this item because.

From this activity, I have learned

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Name___________________________________________ Date____________________

Title or Name of Item___________________________________________________________

I saved this item because.

From this activity, I have learned

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