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"#$%& Katie Rose

'(#))& Science S
*#+%& Nay 7, 2u14
,(#"#-.# (#/ -%,0-+

,-0/(%$& If tiisecteu, which piece of a planaiian will iegeneiate fiist.

12,0+1%).)& If tiisecteu, then the 34567897 will iegeneiate fiist.


Planaiia aie flatwoims that iepiouuce sexually. Planaiia aie
167:3;<79=856>, meaning that they have the ?943=> (iepiouuction systems) of
both male anu females. To iepiouuce sexually, two flatwoims senu theii speim to
the othei flatwoim thiough the genital poie. The two planaiia then lay the feitilizeu
6??> somewheie. The offspiing have the genetics of both the paients, making them
?64658@3AAB =8C67>6.
When conuitions aie less than iueal, planaiia can iepiouuce 3>6DE3AAB. This
means that a planaiia can iepiouuce without anothei flatwoim. The two ways of
asexual iepiouuction aie 538A =79;;84? anu F73?:64535894. Eveiy planaiian has
silia on theii unueisiues. This silia help them cling onto things such as iocks. When
only the anteiioi anu miu-section silia moves, the posteiioi gets left behinu. Both
pieces giow back theii missing segments. The iesulting offspiing is an exact @A946
of its paient with the same genetic mateiial.
Planaiia iepiouuce asexually by iegeneiation. When a flatwoim tail uiops oi
uoes fiagmentation, the two pieces iegeneiate. That means they giow back theii
missing segments. In eveiy planaiian theie aie 469GA3>5>, anu they make up Su% of
flatwoims. "69GA3>5> aie 5958;95645 >56: @6AA>. This means that these cells can
become any cell type in the bouy. When a planaiian ueciues to iegeneiate by tail
uiopping, the neoblasts migiate to the wounu. Theie, they clustei to become the
GA3>56:3. This blastema becomes ghost tissue, anu then these stem cells
=8FF676458356 to become the new flatwoims. I hypothesizeu that the anteiioi woulu
iegeneiate fiist because the heau usually has the most complicateu pait of the bouy,
anu that the iest of the bouy woulu follow. I was incoiiect, the miu-section
iegeneiateu fiist.

Rose, Kaitlyn Friday, May 23, 2014 10:18:54 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51



In this lab we tiisecteu a planaiian to see which piece woulu iegeneiate fiist.
I hypothesizeu that the anteiioi woulu iegeneiate fiist. Ny uata shows that by uay 8
the miusection hau fully foimeu. It hau ocelli, auiicles, a tail, anu it was the longest
of the gioup. 49% of the miusection pieces iegeneiateu fiist in 7
giaue. Bowevei,
S4% of the Niu Section pieces iegeneiate fiist in S
peiiou. In conclusion, planaiia
will iegeneiate when tiisecteu anu the miu section will iegeneiate fiist.


I think oui iesults fiom this lab aie valiu because oui iesult was aligneu with
the iest of the 7
giaue aveiage as well as oui class'. Also, we cut oui planaiian
pietty evenly anu maue suie to take caieful notes anu sketches. Something that may
have causeu an inconsistency is that oui planaiia kept on moving, so it was haiu to
uiaw an accuiate pictuie of them. Also, as we got faithei into this lab, all of the
pieces staiteu to iegeneiate. It staiteu to get haiu to see which piece was which. I
think it woulu have helpeu to put each segment into a uiffeient petii uish to cleaily
be able to sketch anu see which one iegeneiateu fiist. It also coulu have helpeu to
tiisect the planaiian evenly, so they each woulu have the same amount of bouy to
iegeneiate. Nany things can contiibute to the outcome being false. Foi example,
people coulu have sketcheu the wiong segment anu saiu that the miu section
iegeneiateu when the posteiioi actually uiu.
Anteiioi Niu Section Posteiioi



KLMN -6?646735894 *353
Siu Peiiou
7th uiaue
Rose, Kaitlyn Friday, May 23, 2014 10:18:54 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51
Stem cell aie neeueu anu useu thioughout youi lifetime. Stem cells aie useu
to ieplace anu iepaii ueau cells that make up youi tissue. Planaiia have neoblasts in
theii bouies. These neoblasts aie totipotent stem cells, which means that they can
become any cell type in theii bouy at any time. Buman stem cells aie totipotent in
the fiist few cell uivisions aftei feitilization. Bowevei, these stem cells aie given
signals that limit the potential of the cell becoming otheis cell types. This is the stait
of uiffeientiation, anu all of the cells aie now pluiipotent. This means that the stem
cells can only become a ceitain numbei of types of cells, anu these cells will cieate
the tissue that foim humans. The stem cells foim a blastocyst, wheie the outei layei
of cells becomes the placenta anu the innei cell mass foims the human. This innei
cell mass foims thiee layeis. The outei layei, oi ectoueim, becomes the skin, neives
anu pait of the face anu neck. The miuule layei, oi the mesoueim, becomes the
muscle, bloou, vessels, anu the beginning of bones anu connective tissue. The innei
layei, also calleu the enuoueim, becomes the uigestive anu iespiiatoiy tiacts. As we
giow fiom an embiyo to an auult, these stem cells iemain in pockets aiounu oui
bouy. These "Auult" stem cells have in impoitant iole in giowth, maintenance anu
iepaii, anu can be founu in the biain, bloou, bloou vessels, muscles, teeth, heait, gut,
livei, anu skin.
Theie is less contioveisy ovei stem cell ieseaich because theie aie othei
options than just hES. IPS, oi inuuceu pluiipotent stem cells, aie cieateu aitificially
in labs by ""iepiogiamming" a patient's own cells. iPS cells can be maue fiom
ieauily available cells incluuing fat, skin, anu fibioblasts (cells that piouuce
connective tissue)." (Stem Cell Quick Refeience) STAP cells aie anothei option they
can use. Scientists cieate these aitificial stem cells by stiessing them out. The iesults
aie usable stem cells that can become any cell in the embiyo, incluuing the placenta.
Also, people aie uonating theii embiyos foi ieseaich, which helps when people look
at how scientists aie basically uestioying human embiyos.


"The Natuie of Stem Cells." The Natuie of Stem Cells. N.p., 2u1u. Web. 12 Nay 2u14.

"Reveising Cell Biffeientiation." Reveising Cell Biffeientiation. N.p., n.u. Web. u9
Nay 2u14.

"The Stem Cell Bebate: Is It 0vei." The Stem Cell Bebate: Is It 0vei. N.p., n.u. Web.
1u Nay 2u14.

"Stem Cell Quick Refeience." Stem Cell Quick Refeience. N.p., n.u. Web. 12 Nay 2u14.

"Stem Cells." Stem Cells. N.p., n.u. Web. 12 Nay 2u14.

Rose, Kaitlyn Friday, May 23, 2014 10:18:54 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51

Rose, Kaitlyn Friday, May 23, 2014 10:18:54 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:b0:03:51

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