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Social Services

Capitalism is an excellent system due to the fact it allows individuals to thrive to be the best.
It enables the dream idea of giving people the freedom. Things such as the free trade system,
freedom of speech, and freedom of religion help the community grow. A key factor in all these is
uality over uantity.
As a delegate of social services in the capitalist, I would like to draw your attention to health
care. !aving a good health is very important and to get a good health you need good services of
health care. In the capitalist countries, each individual has to pay for what they want because it"s
the individual responsibility and most of the hospital in the capitalist countries are owned by private
owners but it gives out better uality. They have more advanced technical treatment for the patients
even though it costs more. It is human nature that everyone wants to be the best, which is why
capitalist is full of competition. Competition leads to greater achievement and since most of the
hospitals are privately owned, there is a lot competition that will eventually serve better uality for
the patients. In communist countries such as China, they wants to provide the same free health care
for everyone but the uality is inconsiderable. #hich country provides the best health care$
According to the #orld !ealth organi%ation, &rance is the top best in heath care compared to the
rest of the world and it is in one of the capitalist countries. 'orth (orea is ranked in )*+
place for
health care system. So would you do a surgery in &rance or 'orth (orea$ ,ven though communist
countries offer free medical care but life expentancy in 'orth (orea is lower than Singapore by )-
Capitalist is not only better in health care than communist but in education also. Students in
the capitalist have more freedom to choose what they want to study and with their passionate, they
would learn better than what they are forced to learn in the communist side. In the .nited State, the
amount international enrollments increased by /)0 as most of the students come from China. #hy$
1ecause In the .S, students have the rights to choose what they are interested in. Top )2
universities around the world are from capitalist countries but it"s more expensive to gain education
in those places. !owever the uality of education is much more precise than the education in
communist countries because there is competition also. The .nited 'ations !uman 3evelopment
Index stated that the top /2 countries with better measured in education are from the capitalist. This
is because professors are paid with higher salaries and students have their own potential interests
that they want to learn. #hy do we always here people saying that they want to go to the .S or
,ngland or Australia for universities and not China or 'orth (orea $ Capitalist is known to be best
and the best outcomes are always from the capitalist.

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