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Scientific Method

1. Statement of Purpose or Question:

[What do you want to know?]
2. Hypothesis :
[What do you predict, in the form of an If, then statement]
3. Variables:
. Independent !aria"#e
[$actor "ein% manipu#ated]
&. 'ependent !aria"#e
[$actor Which (esponds ) the one you measure]
*. *onstants or *ontro#s
[$actors that are he#d constant]
+. Standards of Comparison: [,-perimenta# *ontro#]
.. Materials and Procedure:
. /ateria#s: [#ist e0erythin% used to comp#ete the e-periment]
&. 1rocedures
[2tep "y step 'irections ) num"er each step #ike a recipe]
3. Qualitative Observations & Results:
[$actors in the e-perimentation area that cou#d ha0e an affect on the e-periment]
4. Quantitative Results:
. (aw 'ata
[(ecord in a ta"#e]
&. (esu#ts
['isp#ay data usin% %raphs. 0era%es or 5ine of &est)$it6
7. Analysis & nterpretation of Results :
['escri"e in words the resu#ts]
8. Possible !"perimental !rrors:
[5ist thin%s that cou#d ha0e "een done incorrect#y]
19. Conclusion:
[Inc#ude why your resu#ts did, or did not, support the :ypothesis]
11. Recommendations for further e"perimentation based on your data & practical

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