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Gramtica da
Lngua Inglesa
Present Continuous

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1 O tempo verbal present continuous (ou present progressive) tem as seguintes

na afirmativa:

Full Form Short Form Significado
I am doing I'm doing eu estou a fazer
you are doing you're doing tu ests a fazer
he is
she is
it is
doing ele(a) est a fazer
we are doing we're doing ns estamos a fazer
you are doing you're doing vs estais a fazer
they are doing they're doing eles(as) esto a fazer

A traduo (para a lngua portuguesa) da conjugao deste tempo verbal present
continuous apenas um dos exemplos possveis entre vrios, estando este tempo
verbal dependente do contexto de uma frase.

na negativa:

Full Form Short Form Short Form
I am not doing I'm not doing
you are not doing you're not doing you aren't doing
he is not
she is not
it is not
he's not
she's not
it's not
he isn't
she isn't
it isn't
we are not doing we're not doing we aren't doing
you are not doing you're not doing you aren't doing
they are not doing they're not doing they aren't doing

na interrogativa: na interrogativa negativa:

Full Form Full Form Short Form
1/6/2014 GrammarNet - ED' s Website / Present Continuous 2/3
am I doing?
are you doing?
is he
is she
is it
are we doing?
are you doing?
are they doing?
am I not doing? aren't I doing?
are you not doing? aren't you doing?
is he not
is she not
is it not
isn't he
isn't she
isn't it
are we not doing? aren't we doing?
are you not doing? aren't you doing?
are they not doing? aren't they doing?

nas respostas breves:

Full Form
I am.
you are.
he/she/it is.
we are.
you are.
they are.
Full Form / Short Form
I am not / 'm not.
you are not / 're not / aren't.
he/she/it is not / 's not / isn't.
we are not / 're not / aren't.
you are not / 're not / aren't.
they are not / 're not / aren't.

2 Como podemos verificar no ponto anterior, o tempo verbal present continuous
forma-se da seguinte maneira:


onde BE = verbo auxiliar be no present tense (ex. am, is, are)
e -ING = verbo principal terminado em -ing (ex. doing, reading)

3 Veja as regras ortogrficas dos verbos terminados em -ing.

4 Emprega-se o tempo verbal present continuous para descrever:

(a) aces que decorrem no momento em que se fala:

Example Significado
Don't disturb her. She is studying at the
No a incomode. Ela est a estudar
neste momento.
I can't go out now. It's raining a lot.
No posso sair agora. Est a chover
1/6/2014 GrammarNet - ED' s Website / Present Continuous 3/3

(b) situaes temporrias que decorrem nesta altura mas no necessariamente no
momento em que se fala:

Example Significado
John is teaching in Portugal this year.
O Joo est a dar aulas em Portugal este
Where are you staying this week? In a
Onde que ests hospedado esta
semana? Num hotel.
I'm working for them for the time being. Estou a trabalhar para eles por agora.

(c) planos pessoais num futuro prximo:

Example Significado
He's going to England next month. Ele vai para a Inglaterra no prximo ms.
I'm seeing the doctor on Thursday. Vou ao mdico na quinta-feira.
Mary is coming round to see me this
A Maria vem ver-me esta tarde.

(d) hbitos ou aces repetidas (com um tom crtico):

Example Significado
Why are you always shouting at me? Porque que ests sempre a gritar
He is constantly harassing her. Ele est constantemente a importun-la.

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