Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2


Evolution of Components ------------------ups --------------- | ?

Assemblers -------------------------------------------------- | ?
Loaders ----------------------------------------------------- | ?
Linkers ----------------------------------------------------- | ?
Macros -----------------------------------meaning ----------- | ?
Compilers --------------------------------------------------- | ?
Software tools ---------------------------------------------- | ?
Text editors ------------------------------------------------ | ?
Interpreters -----------------------------contents --------- | ?
Program generators -----------------------thnames ----------- | ?
Debug Monitors ---------------------------d files ----------- | ?
Programming environment ------------------ents -------------- | ?
Compiler ---------------------------------------------------- | ?
Incremental compiler ----------------------------------- | ?
Assembler --------------------------------s ----------------- | ?
1 and 2 phase assembler --------------------------------- | ?
Symbol table ------------------------------------------------ | ?
Loader schemes ---------------------------------------------- | ?
Compile and go Loader --------------------------------------- | ?
General loader schemes -------------------------------------- | ?
Absolute loader --------------------------------------------- | ?
Subroutine linkage -----------------------statistics -------- | ?
Reallocating loader ----------------------------------------- | ?
Direct linkage Loader --------------------Files ------------- | ?
Binders ----------------------------------iles -------------- | ?
Linking loader ---------------------------------------------- | ?
Overlays ----------------------------------

| ?

Unix: User names and gro

| ?

Logging in -------------

| ?

Format of Unix commands

| ?

Changing your password -

| ?

Characters with special

| ?

Unix documentation -----

| ?

Files and directories --

| ?

Current directory ------

| ?

Looking at the directory

| ?

Absolute and relative pa

| ?

Some Unix directories an

| ?

Looking at the file cont

| ?

File permissions -------

| ?

Basic operation on files

| ?

Changing permission mode

| ?

Standard files ---------

| ?

stdin stdout stderr ----

| ?

Filters and Pipelines --

| ?

Processes --------------

| ?

Ps and Kill ------------

| ?

Unix editor vi ---------

| ?

Inspecting Files & File

| ?

Searching for patterns -

| ?

Compare, Operate, Print

| ?

Rearrange, Sort, Split F

| ?

Tr and Awk Utility -----

| ?

Macro language and macro-processor -------- | ?
------------------- | ?
Macro instructions ------------------------ | ?

Borne and C-Shell -----Wild cards -------------

------------------- | ?
Features of macro facility ---------------------------------- | ?
Macro instruction arguments --------------------------------- | ?
Conditional macro expansion --------------ucts -------------- | ?
Macro calls ------------------------------s ----------------- | ?
Macro defining Macros --------------------------------------- | ?
Basic features of Unix operating system --efinition --------- | ?
File structure: CPU scheduling ------------------------------ | ?
Memory management: swapping --------------s ----------------- | ?
Demand paging ----------------------------files ------------ | ?
File system: block and fragments ---------------------------- | ?
iNodes -----------------------------------system manager ---- | ?
Directory structure ----------------------------------------- | ?
User to user communication ---------------------------------- | ?

| ?

Simple shell programs --

| ?

Shell variables --------

| ?

Shell programming constr

| ?

Interactive shell script

| ?

Advanced features ------

| ?

System Administration: D

| ?

Booting the system -----

| ?

Maintaining user account

| ?

File systems and special

| ?

Backups and restoration

| ?

Role and functions of a

| ?

Overview of the linux --

| ?

Operating system -------

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