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By Laurie Saloman Reviewed by QualityHealth's

Minor aches and pains are a part of life—a tension headache here, an upset stomach there.
But when is pain a sign that something might be seriously wrong? Here, four pains you should
never shrug off
Minor aches and pains are part of life for most of us-a tension headache here, an upset
stomach there. But when is pain a signal that something might really be wrong? And how do
you tell the difference between a mere annoyance and a warning sign? Below, four pains not
to ignore:
• Ankle pain. Most sprains and twists respond well to a couple of days of ice and rest.
But if your sprained ankle continues to hurt, it's a signal that you need to see a doctor.
Don't continue to exercise through the pain, thinking it will go away. According to the
Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City, many people underestimate the severity
of their sprain and end up making things worse. The result? Cartilage and bone damage
and, eventually, arthritis. Surgery may also be necessary.
• Abdominal pain. Abdominal pain can be difficult to figure out because its causes range
from the benign (too much rich food) to the dangerous (cancer). And because there are
so many organs packed into the abdominal cavity, the source is not always obvious. In
fact, abdominal pain doesn't even have to be caused by abdominal problems.
Sometimes it's caused by heart attack or lung infection. While it's not necessary to call
your doctor for mild pain that comes and goes, the American College of
Gastroenterology recommends that you definitely alert him or her if your pain is severe,
chronic, or accompanied by diarrhea, unrelenting constipation, vomiting, abdominal
tenderness or abdominal swelling.
• Knee pain. It's not uncommon for new or out-of-condition exercisers to hurt their knees.
Resting the knee, icing it, wrapping it in a compression bandage and keeping it elevated
will go a long way toward calming any minor injuries. But if after three to seven days
there's no improvement in your knee, see a doctor. And call sooner if you can't put
weight on your knee, have obvious swelling or deformity, experience severe pain, or are
running a fever.
• Headache. Headaches, usually caused by tension or stress, can be eased by lifestyle
changes as well as over-the-counter pain relievers. But if you're suddenly getting
headaches after a history of not having them, or they come on intensely and are
excruciating, definitely speak with your doctor. Other warning signs: progressively worse
headache, memory loss, fever, or headache following a head injury.
Sources: Hospital for Special Surgery,, American College of
Gastroenterology,, Mayo Clinic,, National Institutes of
Updated: ?? 23, 2009
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