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Week #11

Your Money Your Emotions

Overview of Week #11
How did you go?
Objective of Module #11 - Your Money Your Emotions
The ifference !etween "eelings# Emotions $nd Thoughts
%t is worth noticing
"e$r of "eeling
&ome feelings $re 'not o($y)?
Money is $ 'trigger) subject
How Our Emotions *$n +uide ,s
The Emotion$l +uid$nce &c$le
The - *ommon .e$ctions
Emotion$l re$ctions $round money
Emotion$l *onnection to Money
Emotions $round wor( $nd c$reer
Emotion$l s/ending
Emotions $round s$vings $nd investments
"eeling good# /ur/ose $nd suffering
Overem/h$sis on thin(ing?
Emotions $nd m$nifesting - why not t$(e money out of the
!ringing 1w$reness to Our "eelings
Money H$rmony 2ourn$l /r$ctice
He$rt *ircle 3uestions
The glow of one warm thought is to me worth more than money.
- Thom$s 2efferson
Copyright 2013-4 Susan Broughton, Journey to Abundance
Week #11
Your Money Your Emotions
How did you go?
Exercise #1 - How did you go with im/lementing $ny commitments th$t you
wrote down in the l$st module reg$rding your money $nd your rel$tionshi/s?
Exercise #2 - How do you feel $bout the $ctions you too(? How do you feel
$bout the $ctions you didn4t t$(e 5if $//lic$ble6?
Copyright 2013-4 Susan Broughton, Journey to Abundance
Week #11
Your Money Your Emotions
Objective of Module #11 - Your Money Your
The objective of module #11 - Your Money Your
Emotions is to show you how you c$n tr$nsform the w$y
you feel $bout money# interru/t emotion$l s/ending
/$tterns# $nd feel good $bout your fin$nci$l future7
8e st$rt by differenti$ting feelings# emotions $nd
thoughts $nd how it is worth noticing when you $re $nd
$re not in 'r$//ort) with your feelings7
9e:t there is $ discussion $round how one m$y h$ve $
fe$r of feelings $nd how this m$y be rel$ted to $n ide$ or
belief th$t cert$in feelings $re not 'o($y)7
Whats the
%nform$tion is /resented $bout how emotions c$n guide us $nd how we c$n
move ourselves consciously u/ the emotion$l guid$nce sc$le7
9e:t we loo( $t common re$ctions $round money before loo(ing $t the
emotion$l connection to money /$rticul$rly in the $re$s of s/ending# wor( or
c$reer# $s well $s s$vings $nd investments7
8e loo( $t the /ur/ose# in terms of our life4s /ur/ose# in feeling good $nd how
there m$y be $n overem/h$sis on thin(ing $nd $n under-$c(nowledgment of
the v$lue of feelings in our society7
8e $lso loo( $t how money c$n be t$(en out of the e0u$tion when it comes to
m$nifesting $nd how this might m$(e things e$sier $nd o/en u/ more
8e re-visit $t the Money H$rmony 2ourn$l /r$ctice $nd go dee/er into how
this /r$ctice hel/s bring $w$reness to our feelings7
This module closes with $ brief /resent$tion of the He$rt *ircle 3uestions $nd
how using them c$n $ssist in moving to $ better feeling st$te by t$//ing into
our desires in $ny given moment7
Copyright 2013-4 Susan Broughton, Journey to Abundance
Week #11
Your Money Your Emotions
The Difference Between Feelings, Emotions
and Thoughts
Emotions $nd feelings $re often thought to be 0uite simil$r $nd s/o(en of in $
simil$r w$y7 They both c$n be felt in the body7
"or the /ur/ose of this module we will not m$(e much differenti$tion
between the two e:ce/t to s$y th$t feelings tend to be lower in intensity $nd
sust$in$ble $cross different situ$tions - for e:$m/le '% h$ve feelings of love
for my husb$nd)7
1nd emotions tend to be higher in intensity $nd more tem/or$ry - for
e:$m/le 'right now % $m $ngry $t my husb$nd)7
Thoughts $re wh$t h$//en in our he$d7 8e m$y s$y '% $m feeling li(e it is
time for bed)7 8h$t we m$y be $ctu$lly feeling is tired# bored or even
/hysic$lly unwell7 Or we m$y h$ve $ thought th$t it is time for bed $s we need
to be u/ e$rly in the morning7
8hen we don4t h$ve $ lot of 'r$//ort) with
our emotions# in other words when we $re
not $ble to e$sily identify wh$t our
emotion$l st$te is in $ny given moment# we
m$y# for e:$m/le# s$y things li(e '% feel li(e
it is time for you to le$ve)7 8h$t we re$lly
m$y me$n is 'you being here m$(es me
Or we m$y h$ve $ thought th$t the /erson
needs to be on their w$y bec$use it is getting
l$te $nd we need to be u/ in the morning or
bec$use we h$ve $ belief th$t we should only
s/end $ cert$in $mount of time with th$t
It is worth noticing
%t is worth noticing# $s you wor( through this module# if there $re times when
wh$t you believe to be $ feeling or $n emotion is $ctu$lly $ thought7 This will
bring you more into 'r$//ort) with your emotions7
%t is $lso worthwhile noticing wh$t is $ feeling th$t /ersists in different
conte:ts $nd wh$t is $ emotion th$t e:ists in moments of time# which comes
$nd goes7
Copyright 2013-4 Susan Broughton, Journey to Abundance
Week #11
Your Money Your Emotions
Fear of Feeling
"e$r of feeling is common7 <1ffect =hobi$<# or fe$r of
feelings is $ recognised $nd tre$t$ble condition7
1lthough one m$y not h$ve $ full blown c$se of $ffect
/hobi$# there m$y be situ$tions where fe$r of feelings c$n
be overwhelming7
'...let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear
- "r$n(lin 7 .oosevelt4s "irst %n$ugur$l 1ddress
Exercise #3 - 8h$t beliefs do you h$ve $bout feelings? Their usefulness? How
$cce/t$ble or not it is to e:/ress them?
Some feelings are not okay?
One of the m$ntr$4s of the /erson$l develo/ment;counseling fields is '$ll
feelings $re o($y)7 This m$y be $ necess$ry m$ntr$ $s so m$ny of us hum$ns
resist cert$in feelings7
1t times we hum$ns h$ve 0uite $ lot of
judgement $round our feelings $nd $s $
conse0uence we resist them7
8e resist the very wisdom th$t our feelings
$nd emotions could very well sh$re with us7
The longer we resist our feelings or emotions
the longer it t$(es for them to move through
us $nd the more li(ely they will cre$te dise$se
in our bodies7
Copyright 2013-4 Susan Broughton, Journey to Abundance
Week #11
Your Money Your Emotions
Exercise #4 - 1re there $ny feelings th$t $re $w$re you m$y resist bec$use you
thin( they $re 'not o($y)?
Money is a trigger subject
8or(ing through $ money /rogr$m# or even
t$l(ing $bout money c$n stir u/ $ lot of
emotions for /eo/le7
% even h$ve /eo/le who $void me bec$use % $m
'the money chic() $nd just being $round me
disturbs them>
% $c(nowledge th$t in wor(ing through the /$st
1? modules m$ny emotions $nd feelings m$y
h$ve very well h$ve been stirred u/ for you7 1nd
% honour you for being so br$ve $nd cour$geous
to do the wor(7
Exercise #5 - .eflect on how wor(ing through the first ten modules of this
/rogr$m m$y h$ve been different for you if you were in tot$l $cce/t$nce of
$ny feelings or emotions th$t c$me u/ $s you wor(ed through it7
o you thin( you might h$ve been $ble to get more insight $nd $w$reness if
you were $w$re of $nd in tot$l $cce/t$nce of wh$t you were feeling?
Copyright 2013-4 Susan Broughton, Journey to Abundance
Week #11
Your Money Your Emotions
How Our Emotions Can Guide Us
Our emotions give us feedb$c( $bout where we currently $re7 How we $re
currently re$cting to life7
!eing /resent to our feelings $bout our life in
gener$l or $bout our emotions in $ /$rticul$r
situ$tion c$n /rovide us with inform$tion to
$ssist us in moving tow$rds wh$t we truly
Our feelings $nd emotions c$n just $s e$sily
motiv$te us to do he$lthy# cre$tive things $s
they c$n to do unhe$lthy# uncre$tive things7
The Emotional Guidance Scale
%t is /ossible to liter$lly move ourselves u/ to $ better feeling st$te by thin(ing
'better feeling thoughts)7 This conce/t is introduced by Esther $nd 2erry
Hic(s in the boo( '1s( @ %t is +iven)7
The first ste/ is to identify where we $re on the sc$le currently by feeling into
ourselves in $ny given moment7 5You c$n see the Emotion$l +uid$nce &c$le
on the ne:t /$ge76
Then we c$n shift our feelings u/ the sc$le by thin(ing of $ thought th$t
reson$tes with the feeling which is on the ne:t level u/ on the sc$le7
The first ste/ is to identify where we $re on the sc$le currently
by feeling into ourselves in $ny given moment7 Then we c$n
shift our feelings u/ the sc$le by thin(ing of $ thought th$t
reson$tes with the feeling which is on the ne:t level u/ on the
"or e:$m/le if % $m feeling worry $bout my money % could
thin( $ thought $bout how % doubt this situ$tion will ever get
Or if % doubt the situ$tion would get better % could thin( $bout how
disappointed % $m with how things $re currently7
Copyright 2013-4 Susan Broughton, Journey to Abundance
Week #11
Your Money Your Emotions
The Emotion$l +uid$nce &c$le
17 2oy;1//reci$tion;Em/owered;"reedom;Aove
B7 =$ssion
-7 Enthusi$sm;E$gerness;H$//iness
C7 =ositive E:/ect$tion;!elief
D7 O/timism
E7 Ho/efulness
F7 *ontentment
G7 !oredom
H7 =essimism
1?7 "rustr$tion;%rrit$tion;%m/$tience
117 Overwhelment
1B7 is$//ointment
1-7 oubt
1C7 8orry
1D7 !l$me
1E7 iscour$gement
1F7 1nger
1G7 .evenge
1H7 H$tred;.$ge
B?7 2e$lousy
B17 %nsecurity;+uilt;,nworthiness
BB7 "e$r;+rief;e/ression;es/$ir;=owerlessness
"rom the boo( '1s( $nd %t is +iven)# /g7 11C
Exercise #6 - =ic( $n $re$ of your /erson$l fin$nces7 %t could be your income
5money coming in from $ /$rticul$r source6# yours s/ending 5money going
out to $ /$rticul$r source6 or your we$lth building;debt re/$yment7
%dentify where on the sc$le you would /ut yourself7
Copyright 2013-4 Susan Broughton, Journey to Abundance
Week #11
Your Money Your Emotions
Exercise #7 - ,sing Ester Hic(s4 techni0ue of 'thin(ing $ better feeling
thought) identify $ thought th$t would consciously move you u/ the sc$le
reg$rding this $re$ of your /erson$l fin$nce7
Three Common Reactions
There $ three common w$ys we re$ct# three w$ys th$t we $re most li(ely to
res/ond when we $re e:/osed to the truth of horrific events outside of our
control 5for e:$m/le the sl$yings $s $ result of 'ethnic cle$nsing) in .w$nd$6I
- we deny or ignore
- we bl$me# get $ngry# $nd see( revenge or retribution
- we feel dee/ s$dness
=erh$/s the h$rdest of the emotions to sit with is the s$dness $nd feelings of
&ourceI +regg !r$den# The +ift of the !lessing# B??F
Emotional reactions around money
8hen it comes to our money# which is $n $s/ect th$t m$y
or m$y not be much more within our control# we c$n $lso
re$ct in one of the three w$ysI
- we deny which $lso loo(s li(e ignoring# not /$ying
sufficient $ttention to# not /utting sufficient em/h$sis
on our money $nd fin$nces#
- we get $ngry with life# $ situ$tion# $nother /erson or
- we feel s$d# overwhelmed $nd ho/eless
Copyright 2013-4 Susan Broughton, Journey to Abundance
Week #11
Your Money Your Emotions
Exercise #8 - %s there $ny $re$ of your /erson$l fin$nces th$t you now w$nt to
$c(nowledge th$t you $re or h$ve been denying# feeling $ngry# s$d
overwhelmed or ho/eless $bout?
Emotional Connection to Money
8e hum$ns c$n cre$te $n emotion$l connection to our money# l$c( of money
or identific$tion with money7
Our money situ$tion m$y c$use us to feel secure# h$//y# useful# successful#
/owerful# etc7 Our money situ$tion m$y $lso c$use us to feel neg$tive
emotions such $s worry# fe$r# doubt# or je$lousy7
8e e:/erience emotion$l re$ctions in the $re$s ofI
- our income#
- our s/ending# $nd
- our s$vings;investments7
'Money is a great servant but a bad master.)
- "r$ncis !$con
Our emotion$l connection to money $nd our emotion$l re$ctions to money
result in us being motiv$ted in two m$in w$ysI
- moving $w$y from emotions th$t we don4t w$nt# $nd
- moving tow$rds emotions th$t we do w$nt7
%f# for e:$m/le# $s(ing for $ r$ise m$(es us uncomfort$ble we m$y $void
$s(ing for it7 !ut if $s(ing for $ r$ise e:cites us bec$use we thin( $bout wh$t
we could do with the money we m$y $s( for it7
Copyright 2013-4 Susan Broughton, Journey to Abundance
Week #11
Your Money Your Emotions
%f# for e:$m/le# buying $ /$ir of shoes m$(es us feel b$d bec$use we (now we
h$ve too much debt we m$y $void buying them7 !ut if buying $nd then h$ving
the shoes m$(es us feel good we m$y buy them7
Emotions around work and career
%t is e$sy to see the /hysic$l m$nifest$tion of not
enjoying wor(7 The cultur$l $cce/t$nce of
sic(ies;ment$l he$lth d$ys for inst$nce7
%t is common for /eo/le in our culture to w$(e u/
$nd s$y '% don4t w$nt to go to wor( tod$y) $s if wor(
is some (ind of /unishment im/osed u/on us r$ther
th$n something th$t we choose for ourselves7
Often /eo/le e:/ress to me their fe$rs of success or fe$rs of f$ilure within
their wor( or business7
There is $lso the emotions stirred u/ $round how we feel $bout the $mount of
money we do e$rn or c$n e$rn within our chosen voc$tion7
'Consider the value of doing what you love and being paid for it!)
- Aorii Myers
Exercise #9 - How do you currently feel $bout your wor(? How do you
currently feel $bout the $mount of money you e$rn?
Emotional spending
M$ny of my clients h$ve confessed to me
/roblems with 'emotion$l) s/ending7
&ome s/end to feel good or to feel /owerful7
&ome s/end on others out of $ sense of
oblig$tion or to $void feeling guilty7
Copyright 2013-4 Susan Broughton, Journey to Abundance
Week #11
Your Money Your Emotions
Others s/end bec$use of $ fe$r of not w$nting to miss out on wh$t their
friends or f$mily $re doing or $ fe$r of wh$t /eo/le will thin( if they s$y no7
'Money will buy you a fine dog, but only love can make it wag its tail.)
- .ich$rd "riedm$n
Exercise #10 - 8h$t emotions do you often feel when you s/end in different
conte:ts? 8h$t $re your feelings $bout s/ending in gener$l?
Emotions about savings and investments
1 whole lot of emotion c$n $lso be dredged u/ $round s$vings $nd
investments $s well $s home ownershi/ $nd debt re/$yment7
1bility to s$ve is directly lin(ed to h$ving
s/ending 'under control)7 &o often these two
$re interrel$ted in terms of the feelings $nd
emotions stirred u/7
There is $lso the emotions $round investing
'h$rd e$rned) money into $ home or other
investment str$tegy7 The fe$r th$t money could
be lost or th$t $ 'b$d) investment might be
M$ny /eo/le lin( feeling secure or successful with h$ving their own home#
investment str$tegy or /$ssive income7
Copyright 2013-4 Susan Broughton, Journey to Abundance
Week #11
Your Money Your Emotions
Exercise #11 - o you currently h$ve $ s$vings# debt re/$yment# or
investment go$l? 8h$t $re the feelings $nd emotions $tt$ched to meeting this
Feeling Good, Purpose and Suffering
This discussion ties into wh$t h$s $lre$dy been covered in /revious modules#
m$inly in 8ee( #B - Your =ur/ose Your *l$rity discussion of our inner $nd
outer /ur/ose7
%t is our inner /ur/ose to feel joy7 To enjoy7 8hen we enjoy we $re in-joy7 The
best /l$ce to st$rt $ll $ction if from there7
8e c$n h$ve# do $nd be $nything without first st$rting with joy but $nything
we cre$te from th$t s/$ce will end in suffering7
Overemphasis on Thinking?
These two 'slog$ns)
re/resent the em/h$sis our
society /uts on thin(ing7
'&TO=> Thin( before you
'on4t b$se $ /erm$nent
decision on $ tem/or$ry
%nste$d of /l$cing so much em/h$sis on
thin(ing# /erh$/s the time h$s come to
consider this?
'"eel before you $ct)
Copyright 2013-4 Susan Broughton, Journey to Abundance
Week #11
Your Money Your Emotions
!y feeling before we $ct we m$y t$/ into right $ction7 8e c$n $lso bring
ourselves into 'vibr$tion$l) $lignment with wh$t we w$nt7 %f we t$(e $ction
from fe$r# stress# $nger or oblig$tion we tend to cre$te more of the s$me7
%f we w$nt something th$t will feel good $nd t$(e $ction from $ /l$ce of fe$r#
stress# $nger or oblig$tion wh$t is the li(ely result?
Exercise #12 - How im/ort$nt do you thin( it is to eng$ge your feelings $nd
emotions before m$(ing $ decision? oes this differ for you when m$(ing
decisions $bout money?
Emotions and manifesting - why not take money out of the equation?
8hen it comes to m$nifest$tion# sometimes we don4t need money to get the
things th$t we w$nt or need7
"or e:$m/leI
- we w$nt $ /l$ce to live# we c$n housesit r$ther th$n
- we w$nt $ /l$ce to st$y on holid$y# we c$n house-sw$/
r$ther th$n st$y in hotels#
- we w$nt to re$d $ boo(# we c$n borrow it from $ friend or
the libr$ry r$ther th$n buying it# or
- we need something for our house# we c$n tr$de or fi: our
bro(en one7
8e often loo( $t wh$t we w$nt# $nd our consumer /rogr$mmed minds thin(I
- 'where c$n % buy one?)# $nd
- 'how much will it cost?)7
Copyright 2013-4 Susan Broughton, Journey to Abundance
Week #11
Your Money Your Emotions
% h$ve he$rd of some /retty $m$Jing w$ys th$t /eo/le h$ve m$nifested wh$t
they w$nt or need7
%f money is $n emotion$lly driven subject for you or if ever you get get stuc(
in $ /l$ce of '% don4t h$ve enough money) why not t$(e money com/letely out
of the e0u$tion $nd focus on wh$t you w$nt?
%t goes b$c( to the discussion we in Module F - Your Money Your =ower $bout
focusing on the what th$t it is you w$nt $nd not on the how it is th$t you $re
going to get it7 Most of the time money is $ how not $ what7 Money is $ me$ns
to $nd end $nd often not $n end in itself7
Bringing Awareness to Our Feelings
There is $ need to bring $w$reness to our emotions7 ,nless $nd until we $re
$w$re of our true emotions we will not be $ble to move forw$rd to $ better
feeling thought7
8hen we $re $w$re of our emotions# $nd underst$nd the mess$ge these
emotions $re giving us# we will be $ble to m$(e $ better feeling decision7
59oteI $ better feeling decision m$y re0uire $ction th$t feels uncomfort$ble76
Money Harmony Journal practice
%n the Money H$rmony 2ourn$l /r$ctice we
first bring $w$reness to our thoughts7 8e first
honour the inform$tion or the 'f$cts) $bout
the decision we $re m$(ing or h$ve m$de7
Once the f$ctu$l# $nd inform$tive 0uestions
$re $s(ed# then the 0uestion 'how do you feel)
is $s(ed7
This /r$ctice eng$ges both our logic$l
thin(ing br$in $s well $s our emotions7 !y
eng$ging the 'f$cts) first we $re more free to
connect to our emotions - how those f$cts
truly m$(e us feel in the moment7
Copyright 2013-4 Susan Broughton, Journey to Abundance
Week #11
Your Money Your Emotions
Exercise #13 - How h$s the Money H$rmony 2ourn$l e:ercise hel/ed you to
bring $w$reness to your decisions?
Heart Circle Questions
% w$s introduced to the conce/t of the He$rt *ircle 3uestions from my
Te$cher $nd Mentor .$ch$el 2$yne +roover7 The He$rt *ircle 3uestions $re
cre$ted by Tej &teiner7
Tej &teiner s$ys 'to sust$in joy re0uires th$t
we focus on wh$t brings us joyK on wh$t we
truly w$nt in $ny given moment# on wh$t
feels right to us7)
1nother one of my te$chers# +$ry e
.odri0ueJ# em/h$sises the need to focus on
th$t which we w$nt being# wh$t he c$lls#
'ecologic$l)7 %n other words# focusing on th$t
which we w$nt th$t is within our control $nd
does not re0uire something# or someone# th$t
we do not h$ve control over to ch$nge7
The two He$rt *ircle 3uestionsI
1. How do % really feel $bout this?
B7 +iven how % $m feeling# wh$t do % w$nt?
,sing the He$rt *ircle 3uestions is $lso $ good w$y to t$/ into our desires in
$ny given moment7
"eeling into our true desires lifts our emotions even though we don4t yet h$ve
the thing th$t we desire7
8e don4t need to yet h$ve the thing th$t we desire# sim/ly feeling into it lifts
our vibr$tion $nd emotion in the moment so long $s we c$n hold onto the
feeling $nd not be sw$yed by thoughts of '% don4t h$ve it) or '% c$n4t h$ve it)7
Copyright 2013-4 Susan Broughton, Journey to Abundance
Week #11
Your Money Your Emotions
Exercise #14 - "ollowing your intuition# wh$t things did you discover or
become $w$re of in this module th$t might be the most im/ort$nt for you to
/$y $ttention to right now reg$rding your money $nd emotions?
Exercise #15 - 8h$t commitment would you li(e to m$(e tod$y reg$rding
your money $nd your emotions?
Copyright 2013-4 Susan Broughton, Journey to Abundance

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