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Cumulative Test

Multiple Choice
1. Clouds are made out of ______ and ______.
A. water droplets; wind
B. ice crystals; water droplets
C. sun; water droplets
D. water droplets; dust
2. Burning wood for fire is an example of
A. Physical Change
B. Chemical Change
C. Biological Change
D. Transformation Change
3. What place does global warming affect the most
A. Oceans
B. Atmosphere
C. Continents
D. Ice caps
!. What is the most dense form of water
A. ater !apor
B. Ice cu"es
C. ater in a "ottle
D. #team from a $ettle
". What element is our atmosphere mostl# consisted of
A. O%ygen
B. &itrogen
C. 'ydrogen
D. Car"on
$. %n the following answers provided& what organisms would be considered part
of the biosphere
A. Oa$ Tree
B. (ittens and puppies
C. Mushrooms
D. All of the a"o)e
'. %n the answers provided& choose the list that correctl# names all four
spheres of the (arth.
A. *ithosphere+ geosphere+ hydrosphere+ e%osphere
B. 'ydrosphere+ geosphere+ thermosphere+ stratosphere
C. #tratosphere+ lithosphere+ e%osphere+ "iosphere
D. ,eosphere+ "iosphere+ hydrosphere+ atmosphere
). Which of the following most drasticall# affects the ecos#stem
*. +uman activit#
B. Animal acti)ity
C. &atural disasters
D. -%treme weather conditions
,. * -ingle celled organism is called _______.
a. uno.cell
". "icellular
c. multicellular
d. /nicellular
1.. /ou can rec#cle all of the following except
A. Plastics
B. Chemicals
C. Paper
D. ,lass
A. Boiling BD. A"iotic
B. 0ree1ing B-. Prey
C. 2ecycle CD. Pollution
D. -cosystem C-. O1one
-. Melting ABC. Troposphere
AB. Ice Caps BCD. Thermosphere
AC. Producers CD-. Clear 2i)ers Act of 3456
AD. Decomposers ABCD. ater
A-. Clean ater Act of 3456 ABCD-. Mesosphere
BC. Biotic BCD-. Deforestation
33. hen li7uid water turns to gas
36. &
38. Comple% system of a"iotic and "iotic organisms and their relationship with each
39. The organism that is attac$ed "y the predator.
3:. Place where there used to "e a growing hole due to pollution.
3;. hen li7uid water turns to solid water.
35. 2educe+ 2euse+ and <<<<<.
3=. hen solid water turns to li7uid water.
34. The layer closest to the -arth.
6>. The layer farthest from the -arth.
63. here most of -arth?s freshwater is located.
66. Increased use of cars and factories causes <<<<<
68. 'as a p' of 5+ the uni)ersal sol)ent.
69. #et limits on what can "e put in our ri)ers+ la$es+ etc.
6:. Bottom of a food we"+ ma$es food for first consumers.
0ill in the Blan$s
Word Ban01 Water& producers& endangered& condensation& deforestation&
precipitation& invasive species& (ndangered -pecies *ct& photic&
6;. Cutting down trees is called <<<<<<<<<<.
65. -)aporation+ condensation+ and precipitation are part of the <<<<<<<< cycle.
6=. <<<<<<<<<< species are animals that are a"out to go e%tinct.
64. Plants are often $nown as <<<<<<<<<<<
8>. <<<<< 1one is the top layer of the ocean.
83. #now+ rain+ and hail are forms of <<<<<<<<.
86. The <<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<< <<<<<< was passed to sa)e certain animals
from going e%tinct.
88. A species that in)ades another species?s nati)e area is called <<<<<<<<
True or 0alse
89. 'uman acti)ities such as de)elopment or ur"ani1ation do not ha)e an impact on
the ecosystem or the en)ironment.
8:. -arth has 9 spheres called the geosphere+ hydrosphere+ atmosphere+ and
8;. The geosphere includes all of -arth?s oceans as well as all the land from -arth?s
core to its crust.
85. The lithosphere consists of the crust and the upper mantle.
8=. The e%osphere is the outermost layer of the atmosphere.
84. The stratosphere is located on top of the thermosphere.
9>. The "iosphere is limited to only organisms li)ing on land.
Multiple Choice
!1. What is 23T an example of a single celled organism
a. Bacteria
". pro$aryotes
c. eu$aryotes
d. amoe"a
!2. Water ta0es up _____ percent on earth.
a. 8>
". :>
c. 5>
d. 4>
!3. Which of the following is not included in landforms
a. Mountains
". 2i)ers
c. #and
d. Desert
!!. Where is most of (arth4s freshwater located
A. Ice caps@ ,laciers
B. ,roundwater
C. #ewers
D. Oceans
!". *n organism that lives b# pre#ing on other animals is ________.
a. Producer
". Consumer
c. Predator
d. Decomposer
!$. What is the process called for water moving up a plant stem in the
process of transpiration
A. Osmosis
B. Condensation
C. Capillary Action
D. Photosynthesis
!'.Which of the following are shapes of landforms
a. Mountain
". Desert
c. *a$e
d. 2i)er
e. All of the a"o)e
!). Wind is a movement of ____.
a. air
". population
c. rain
d. sun light
c. none of the a"o)e
#hort Answers
94. &ame two ways that you can sa)e energy. A0or -%ampleB /nplugging electronic
de)ices when not in use.C
:>. -%plain the greenhouse effect and name the most plentiful greenhouse gas
that e%ists today.

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