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Teacher Candidate: Grace Creech Lesson # 5

Subject/Grade: Montessori 3-6 Date and Time of Lesson: 11-14-13

Learning Objective: Students will be able to correctly categorize 3 foods into each of 5
food groups.

Alignment with Standards:
South Carolina Health Standards
N-K.7.1 Demonstrate the ability to select healthy foods.

National Curriculum Standards and Indicators
Standard 6 Student understands essential concepts about nutrition and diet.
Indicator Classifies foods and food combinations according to the food groups.

Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections:
Students will have previously completed numerous activities involving sorting.

Assessment(s) of the Objectives:
Pre Assessment The children will be asked the question, How many food groups are
During Assessment During the lesson, I will show children a few different food items
and call on them to tell me which food group it would be a part of. I will ask students to
give thumbs up if they agree and thumbs down if they disagree.
Post Assessment Children will complete a lesson about the food groups. Children will
place three cards from each of the five categories into the correct food group. This will
be done as an individual lesson during work time. Teacher observation will determine

When following the Montessori method, each child works at their own pace and are
given lessons based on individual need. There will be no early or late finishers because
each child moves to another lesson whenever they are finished with the current lesson.

Materials: tray, basket, control card with the 5 food groups, 15 pictures of food items,
and 5 real food items (apple, broccoli, cheese, whole-wheat bread, and turkey)

1. Students will be sitting at the carpet for line time.
2. I will begin by reading the book, D.W. the Picky Eater! by Marc Brown.
3. I will tell students the five food groups. There are 5 food groups: Protein, Grains,
Vegetables, Fruits, and Dairy.
4. I will then show the children 5 real food items and call on students to tell me
which category they think that food would be a part of. Once a student has
answered, I will ask the rest of the class to agree or disagree by doing thumbs up
or thumbs down.
5. I will then ask a student to get me a work mat and lay it out.
6. I will then go retrieve the material from the shelf.
7. The lesson will then be presented to children.
8. Students will be talking with me throughout the lesson as we categorize the
15 cards (3 from each group) into the 5 food groups.
9. Once the lesson has been completed, I will place the lesson on the shelf.
10. The work mat will be rolled up.
11. I will then dismiss the children to work.

Activity Analysis:
Students will be given this lesson as a whole group; however, each student will
complete it on an individual basis during work time. There will be no technology used
in this lesson because the beauty of the Montessori materials is sufficient without

D.W. the Picky Eater and

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