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In aligning with the mission of oui uistiict to, "Impiove Stuuent Achievement", oui puipose becomes veiy cleai:

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As we woik towaiu accomplishing oui mission anu puipose, instiuctional leaueis shoulu be piepaieu to answei the
following questions as we assist you in youi PLC jouiney.

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618/9/9: ;<=> ?=@0=>1 *Boes youi school view stuuents as 00RS oi youis anu mine.
AWhat is the funuamental P0RP0SE foi youi school.
*What is youi school KN0WN foi.
*What is the most INP0RTANT W0RK of youi school.
*What uo you uo to C0NTRIB0TE to this.
*What is youi team's BRANB. uoou anu bau
*What aie youi school's SNART u0ALS ielateu to stuuent leaining.
*School puipose
*Collective commitments
*SNART goals ielateu to leaining
%@B>/8;/9: B9C
D<9/0<>/9: -0=C190
*What is the u0ARANTEEB anu vIABLE C0RRIC0L0N foi each
coie aiea.
*Bow uo teams systematically N0NIT0R stuuent leaining.
*Bow uoes Y00R SCB00L monitoi the woik of stuuent leaining.
*Bow aie C0NN0N F0RNATIvE ASSESSNENTS being useu.
*uuaianteeu anu viable cuiiiculum by
content aiea
*Sample uata sheets fiom common
foimative assessments
*Analysis of stuuent leaining uata
#EE1C/B01F -G1?/8/?F
B9C 6/>1?0/H1
*Bow aie teacheis anu teams RESP0NBINu to stuuents who uiun't
uemonstiate pioficiency in a concept.
*Bow is Y00R SCB00L iesponuing to stuuents who stiuggle.
*Inteivention plan
*School-wiue inteivention pyiamiu

%<@@BI<>B0/H1 ?=@0=>1 *Bow aie teacheis oiganizeu into TEANS.
*Bow aie teams given TINE to collaboiate.
*Bow uo you N0NIT0R the woik of teams.
*0utline uetailing collaboiative teams
*Collaboiation scheuule
*Knowleuge of high-leveiage questions

Questions auapteu fiom: !"#$%&%' )* +,&%', Bufoui et al., 2u1u, Solution Tiee Piess, Bloomington, IN

Would you agree that every student does not learn it the first time?
Would you agree that an individual teacher, no matter how talented, does not have ALL of the skills and talents to reach the
individual and varied needs of every student?
Would you agree that student learning is so critical that it should not be left up to luck, chance, or hope?
Mike Mattos

Indi cator
Embedded Developing Limited No
We collectively believe that LEARNING is the fundamental purpose of our SCHOOL
There is agreement by teams on the GUARANTEED and VIABLE curriculum in each
content area

Teams are using common formative assessment DATA to identify individual students
requiring intervention or enrichment in specific skills or concepts

Our team/school RESPONDS to students who have not demonstrated proficiency in
identified skills and concepts

Our team/school interventions are IMMEDIATE, SPECIFIC and NOT OPTIONAL
Our team/school collectively takes RESPONSIBILITY for ALL student learning
Our team/school can guarantee high levels of learning for ALL students regardless of
which teacher they have

Each teams COLLABORATION is focused on learning, individual students, data,
intervention, and/or extensions

If my own child were struggling, our team/school response would be good enough for

We can provide evidence that ALL kids WILL learn at our school
PLC Culture Fundamentals - Starting the Conversation

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