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Course Outline

A detailed descriptive summary of all topics covered. All historical knowledge is

expected to be empirically based, give examples. Show examples of how the text
is incorporated into the topics covered. A mere listing of topics in outline form is
not sufficient (i.e. textbook table of contents or California State Standards).

UNIT 1 Expressions

Unit Focus This first unit is an opportunity for students to access prior knowledge about numbers and
variables and their properties over addition and multiplication. Pattern analysis and the idea of doing and
undoing is used to emphasize the structure and organization of how terms operate over these operations,
with a special focus on the distributive property and combining like terms. These ideas are extended and
deepened through work with simplifying radicals (2sqrt3 + 5sqrt5 7sqrt3) and finally through the application
of finding the perimeter and area of figures using the distance formula. As well as creating a strong foundation
for the year ahead, this unit is meant to review and pull all students up to a level of understanding that
prepares them for the level of rigor in the following unit and also to assess problem areas in number
properties before delving into equality and inequality.

Common Core standards Math I standards: N Q1, N Q2, N Q3, A SSE1, G GPE7

By the end of this unit, students will be able to identify and use different number properties to simplify and
evaluate different expressions, including those with variables, exponents, and radicals. They should also be
able to explain and give numerical examples of why certain properties work (e.g. distributive property). Lastly,
students will be able to find the area and perimeter of rectangles and triangles given coordinates of their
vertices on a coordinate plane.

UNIT 2 Equations
Unit Focus In this unit, students will investigate the idea behind equality and apply their knowledge of
operations with expressions to solve for unknowns in a variety equations ranging from simple to complex.
Students will be expected to justify and explain their thinking and logic by using properties of numbers and
their understanding of equality. The concept of having no solution and infinitely many solutions will be
discussed to further cement the ideas behind equality in an equation. Throughout the unit, students will be
given word problems that provide opportunities for them to not only write their own equations with
unknowns, but also to solve them and make meaningful conclusions from those solutions. Some of these word
problems will bring up the need for more than one unknown and the necessity of solving for the more
desirable variable. Word Problems from local media, the Pearson textbook and from Module 1: Getting Ready,
and Module 2: Systems of Equations and Inequalities from the Mathematics Vision Project are sampled,
adapted, and extended by teachers to create sets of rich problems for students to discuss and puzzle over for
this section.

Common Core standards Math I standards: A SSE1, A CED1, A CED3, A CED4, A REI1, A REI3, A REI3.1

By the end of this unit, students will be able to explain their logic in solving multi-step equations using
number properties and their understanding of equality. They will also be able to generate their own equations
from word problem applications, solve them, and draw conclusions from the meaning of the solution in the
context of the problem. Students will be able to isolate specific variables in multi-variable equations and
understand the purpose (and perhaps ease) of solving for one variable over another.

UNIT 3 Inequalities and Absolute Value
Unit Focus In this unit, students continue to refine and deepen their ability to read a scenario and develop
an equation to solve a problem in it. Here students are given more complex questions where equality may not
always be appropriate. Instead, students use their understanding of inequality to create boundaries for
solutions and use those ideas to form conclusions about a situation. The structure and organization of solving
equations and its foundation from number properties will be emphasized and extended to solving inequalities,
compound inequalities, absolute value equations, and absolute value inequalities with one variable. Students
will be able to describe solution boundaries in words, graphically, and symbolically. Word Problems from the
Pearson textbook and from Module 1: Getting Ready, and Module 2: Systems of Equations and Inequalities
from the Mathematics Vision Project are sampled, adapted, and extended by teachers to create sets of rich
problems for students to discuss and puzzle over for this section.

Common Core standards Math I standards: A SSE1, A CED1, A CED3, A CED4, A REI1, A REI3, A REI3.1

By the end of this unit, students will be able to solve and write inequalities and absolute value equations
and inequalities to represent real world problems. Students will be able to draw reasonable conclusions from
their solutions and understand the key differences between equations, inequalities, and absolute value
equations, especially relating to solution sets.

UNIT 4 Function Introduction and Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
Unit Focus In this unit, students are introduced to basic function notation by learning about arithmetic and
geometric sequences. The knowledge of function notation is designed to be very basic to allow students to
become more familiar with simple, but imperative aspects of a function such as f(x) = y and being able to find
a specific value of a function, like f(3) or when f(x) = g(x). Students learn about arithmetic and geometric
sequences through pattern analysis of number sequences, image sequences, and word problem
representations of sequences and are asked to identify the type of sequence, its common difference/ratio,
find specific value of nth term, and build functions both recursively and using an explicit formula. After
extensive practice, students are given increasingly more complicated sequences and use tools like DESMOS
(an online graphing calculator that is introduced this unit) to evaluate very large or small values and analyze
tabular and graphical data when modeling situations. While this unit includes analysis of graphing, the
emphasis of this unit is more on calculation and equation manipulation than on graphing, as most, if not all
graphing is done using graphing tools. Practice problems are taken from the Pearson textbook and problems
from Module 4: Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences (the Mathematics Vision Project) are sampled, adapted,
and extended by teachers to create sets of rich problems for students to discuss and puzzle over for this

Common Core standards Math I standards: A CED2, F IF1, F IF 2, F IF3, F IF4, F IF6, F IF 9, F BF 1, F BF 2, F LE2

By the end of this unit, students will be able to identify and create arithmetic and geometric sequences
using numbers and also within a context. Students will be able to model a complex sequence with the use of
tools and provide a written and/or verbal description of how the sequence works, by using key academic
language like common difference/ratio, nth term, and use appropriate and correct function notation
throughout. Students understand that a sequence can be studied and organized in a table and on a coordinate
plane. Students understand that arithmetic sequences have a common difference that is constant and
produce a linear function, while geometric sequences have a common ratio that is constant and create an
exponential function. Students should be able to easily navigate and use features of DESMOS (or a graphing
calculator) by the end of this unit in order to use it in the following unit.

UNIT 5 Functions and Lines
Unit Focus This extensive unit continues with function notation, where the previous unit left off. Students
use their knowledge of sequences and function-building to write relationships using function notation and
have their understanding of functions extended to include domain and range. Students are encouraged daily
to analyze different functions (mostly linear, but including exponential, quadratic, and absolute value) to find
different features like: maximum/minimum, increasing/decreasing within specific ranges, identifying special
points of interest like intercepts and vertices, etc. Use of DESMOS is a key component to this section of the
unit and these skills connect directly to their function analysis project this unit. Then there is a transition to
focus specifically on linear functions and more concretely discussing and formalizing constant rate of change
and slope. Students learn how to find the slope of a line given a table, a graph, and a set of points and are also
asked to analyze linear and exponential written models regularly and note whether a function is linear or
exponential. Finally, students perform analysis on pairs of parallel and also perpendicular lines and compare
them to identify features of the functions that are similar or different. Module 4: Linear and Exponential
Functions and Module 5: Features of functions from the Mathematics Vision Project is used heavily as well as
graphs created by the teachers in this unit. The Mathematics Vision Projects Modules here are a great
resource as they put a variety of different functions side by side, giving students more of a range of exposure.
The teacher created materials are also an important feature as the formatting of the information and use of
vocabulary in the activities/worksheets/projects for identifying key features of functions is used again in Math
II when this same standard is revisited and deepened. The goal of this unit is to have a balance between
student observations of the structure and behavior of linear functions and the connection between linear
models and applications.

Common Core standards Math I standards: A CED1, A CED2, A CED3, A CED 4, A REI 1, A REI 3, A REI 3.1, A
REI 10, A REI 11, A REI12, F IF1, F IF2, F IF3, FIF4, F IF5, F IF6, FIF7, F IF9, FBF 3, F LE1, F LE3, F LE5

By the end of this unit, students will be able to identify and describe key features of a variety of functions
using academic vocabulary that includes maximum/minimum, vertex, intercept, rate of change,
increasing/decreasing, domain, range, linear, and exponential. Students should be able to fill in missing
information about a function if given a table, a graph, and a function by connecting the information from one
organizing tool to another (for example, if given a table with points, be able to write a function and graph that
function on a coordinate plane). Students should be able to demonstrate mastery of function notation and be
able to transfer from y = f(x) to meet desired purposes. Furthermore, students should understand that graphs
are not always linear and demonstrate a level of comfort when given graphs of any curve because they
possess tools in which to describe it, even if the function is unknown. The expectation is that students be able
to explain verbally or in written format a comparison between any two functions. Specifically addressing linear
functions, students will be able to find the rate of change given two points, a table, a graph, or a function and
also be able to use their knowledge of rates of change to write functions of lines parallel or perpendicular to
another given a point.

UNIT 6 Systems
Unit Focus In this unit, students demonstrate their understanding of linear functions by analyzing the
interaction between two or more linear functions together. Students begin by learning about linear
inequalities and systems of linear inequalities and an emphasis is drawn upon the necessity of considering the
boundaries of the both linear inequalities to find the correct solution region (polygon of constraints). This sets
up the groundwork for looking at linear functions graphically and the understanding behind a system having
one solution, no solution, or infinitely many solutions. Later, larger or more complicated values are introduced
to create the necessity for other methods of solving a system, leading to solving by substitution and linear
combinations. The foundation created in Unit 2 is reinforced and revisited here as students are again asked to
explain and justify their thinking in these operation heavy solution paths. Through coin problems, cost and
spending problems, sum and difference problems, distance, rate, and time problems, etc, students use
mathematics as a tool to find solutions to scenarios that include two unknowns (and on few occasions three
unknowns). Through a range of problems, students are also asked to consider why theyve chosen a specific
method for a specific problem and to describe their reasoning for that choice, as well. A combination of
problems from the Pearson textbook and Module 4: Linear and Exponential Functions and Module 5: Features
of functions from the Mathematics Vision Project are used for this unit.

Common Core standards Math I standards: A CED2, A CED3, A REI5, A REI6, A REI11, A REI12

By the end of this unit, students will be able to graph linear inequalities and systems of linear inequalities
and identify solution points and points that are not in the solution set. Students will also be able to generate a
system of linear equations from a word problem and model it graphically and be able to find a solution using a
best-fit method for them. In a context, students understand what the solution point represents to the model
and they also can describe what it means within the context if there is no solution.

UNIT 7 Descriptive statistics
Unit Focus In this unit, students will continue the study of data representation and different ways to
describe data (measures of dispersion and central tendency). They will also look at the effects of extreme
data (outliers) on a data set and be able to choose the most appropriate summary statistic to describe asset of
data. Students will explore bivariate data and the use of scatter plots to represent them. They will calculate
the correlation coefficient and understand it as a measure of the strength of a relationship as opposed to
implying causation. Students will apply what they have been using in recent units to fit a line to data and use
residuals to determine its appropriateness. They will interpret the slope and intercepts in the context of the

Common Core standards Math I standards: S.I.1 through S.I.9

By the end of this unit, students will be able to represent data on a number line using dot plots, box plots
and histograms. They will be able to describe the center and the spread of data, taking into account outliers.
Students will be able to create scatterplots from set of bivariate data and fit a curve to the data (mostly lines).
They will calculate, using technology, the correlation coefficient and interpret the strength of the relationship
they have found using this coefficient. Students will be able to describe how a relationship between variables
may exist without implying that a change in one variable caused a change in the other. They will also be able
to interpret key features of their models (e.g. slope, intercepts) in the context of the situation.

UNIT 8 Geometry Fundamentals
Unit Focus The beginning of this unit is first spent on vocabulary and symbol development for Geometry.
This foundation of understanding of the language of geometry is the main focus for this unit and is reinforced
through applications. For example, students learn about supplementary and complementary angles, the angle
addition postulate, the segment addition postulate, and graph coordinates to reveal shapes that they identify
and then describe (angles, segments, etc.). The language of Geometry is further explored and reinforced
through geometric constructions: copying a segment, copying an angle, bisecting an angle, bisecting a
segment, constructing perpendicular lines, constructing parallel line through a point not on the line, and
constructing a perpendicular bisector. Students are then assessed on these construction tools when given a
task that requires them to construct something not taught, like a square or an equilateral triangle. Students
problem solve through this construction by reasoning through what features the shape has and how that
relates to the circles used to construct the tools they have acquired. Throughout, students are regularly
identifying angles, segments, lines, rays, planes, and using symbolic language as well. The unit ends with a
series of discovery lessons on transformations. Students consider the functions that move one pre-image to
its image and develop their own definitions for translations, rotations, and reflections. Module 6: Congruence,
Constructions, and Proof and Module 7: Connecting Algebra and Geometry from the Mathematics Vision
Project are primarily used for constructions and transformations, but most of the beginning of the unit
materials come directly from the Pearson textbook.

Common Core standards Math I standards: G CO1, G CO2, G CO3, G CO4, G CO5, G CO12, G CO13

By the end of this unit, students will be able to identify and correctly name using symbols angles, segments,
lines, rays, and planes, and understand how points, lines, and planes intersect in simple and also dynamic
ways. Students accurately use geometric language to describe two-dimensional figures in a coordinate plane
and can develop functions to translate, rotate, and reflect those figures. Students can also demonstrate basic
constructions and critically think to build more complex constructions by piecing together those basic
constructions in meaningful and logical sequences.

UNIT 9 Congruent Shapes
Unit Focus This unit begins with a look at radicals in a more in depth way. Students learn to simplify radicals
and are asked again to apply perform operations with those simplified radicals, as addressed in unit 1. This
knowledge is applied and connected to this geometric unit as students are asked to go through more complex
area and perimeter problems on figures on a coordinate plane. Students then complete a project where they
are given two identical shapes on a coordinate plane and are asked to find the transformations done to move
the pre-image to the image. After writing those functions, students verify using a protractor and the distance
formula that the pre-image and images are identical, from which the definition of congruent figures is built.
Students delve into triangle congruence (ASA, SSS, SAS) from the definitions of rigid motion and prove their
truth in paragraph form.

Common Core standards Math I standards: G CO1, G CO2, G CO3, G CO4, G CO5, G CO6, G CO7, G CO8, G
CO12, G CO13, G GPE1, G GPE3

By the end of this unit, students will be able to define congruence in their own words and understand that
if two figures are congruent, all of their corresponding parts are also congruent. Students can use their
knowledge of transformations to justify this statement and can develop their own examples using figures they
have uniquely created. Students are also able to prove the minimum requirements for triangle congruency.

UNIT 10 Factoring
Unit Focus In preparation for Math II, students return to expressions, this time looking at the distributive
property and the structure and organization of the product of a binomial with another binomial to develop
understanding of factoring different expressions, specifically factoring patterns of trinomials, difference of
squares, and use of greatest common factor. Emphasis on the pattern of products through doing and
undoing is a focus of this unit.

Common Core standards Math II standards: A SSE2

By the end of this unit, students will be able to look at different expressions and identify patterns that allow
them to accurately rewrite them by factoring them into products. Specifically, students will be able to factor
trinomials with leading coefficients of 1 and greater than 1, difference of squares, and use the greatest
common factor. Students will also understand language including factor, binomial, trinomial, product, and
extend their understanding of the commutative property to binomial products, ex. (2x + 1)(x 3) = (x 3)(2x +
1). Students will also be able to explain their thought process when they begin the factoring process, as they
navigate through the options and factoring methods they can use.

Key Assignments
Detailed descriptions of all Key Assignments which should incorporate
activities and projects, as well as, short answers and essay questions. How
do assignments incorporate topics? Include all assignments that students
will be required to complete. Assignments should be linked to components
mentioned in the course outline and in the discussion of accomplishing the
course goals. Explicitly indicate how the assignments support the eight
Standards of Mathematical Practice in the Common Core State Standards.
Courses must address them all in a balanced fashion. It is not appropriate
or necessary to include instructions given to students regarding the
execution of assignments (formatting, timeliness, etc.). Do not include
exams or assessments in this section.

Expressions Scrapbook
Unit of instruction UNIT 1: Expressions
Project/Activity Description Mathematical modeling begins with being able to translate a situation into
mathematical language or symbols. In order to practice this at the earliest possible stage, students are asked
to find 10 examples of advertisements or articles that contain information that can be written mathematically.
(e.g. Geicos savings of 15% on car insurance can be written as 0.15C or even as 0.85C, depending on
whether the student is modeling the savings or the new price). Examples should include all of the
mathematical operations with half of them containing two or more operations.

Constellations Mini-Project
Unit of instruction UNIT 1: Expressions
Project/Activity Description Students are given unique coordinates of stars in constellations and are asked
to plot them to reveal a figure and/or series of figures (incl. compound shapes composed of triangles and
rectangles, triangles with external height, etc.). Then, students are asked to find the perimeter and area of
each complete figure, requiring them to also find the distance between coordinates. Because simplifying
radicals is not being emphasized, rather the ability to combine like radicals, students use scientific calculators
to simplify radicals. However, they are required to demonstrate understanding and mastery of the order of
operations while using the distance formula. This project is meant to also set the standard that students will
be required to justify their reasoning using writing, and are therefore asked to catalogue their thinking during
their calculations and process.

Equation Word Problems and Tasks
Unit of instruction UNIT 2: Equations

Initial Project/Activity Description Students will take their Expression Scrapbook from the first unit and
create a word problem out of each example that requires solving an equation. They may decide to add other
relevant information, such as a maximum budget or required amount of participants, in order to complete the
formulation of the problem. These problems will then be used in class and on quizzes and the unit test.
(e.g. Jasmins Dad is planning a surprise birthday party for her. He will hire The Bouncy Castle, and will
provide party food for all the guests. The Bouncy Castle costs $150 for the afternoon, and the food will cost $3
per person. Andrew, Jasmins Dad, has a budget of $300. Write an equation and use it to determine the
maximum number of guests he can invite.)

Summative Project/Activity Description A Cafeteria Facelift
Adapted from Module 1: Getting Ready (Mathematics Vision Project)
In preparation for back to school, the school administration has planned to replace the tile in the cafeteria.
Students initially look at multi-colored tiling patterns and discern a mathematical pattern for the number of
tiles of each color as the pattern is repeated. They are then asked to consider a wide range of tiling options, to
describe them mathematically and to make decisions as to which would be the least expensive, most
expensive and how specific requirements could be met (e.g. budget, having a checkerboard pattern of red and
white tiles two rows wide to surround the tables, etc.). Student work is in the form of diagrams and equations
with worked out solutions.

Target Heart Rate
Unit of instruction UNIT 3: Inequalities

Project/Activity Description In this interdisciplinary project with Exercise and Health Science, students will
look at, analyze and represent heart rate data related to exercise and healthy living. Depending on their age,
every person has a target heart rate for either burning fat or cardiovascular fitness (or both). These are
generally expressed as 50% to 80% of your maximum heart rate (compound inequality) or at least 80% of
your maximum heart rate. Students will determine their maximum heart rate, calculate the ranges for a
variety of activity and ages (the percentage changes as you age) and then represent them algebraically as well
as graphically. They will be also given a variety of scenarios which will then translate into solving for a target
rate, which they will have to represent algebraically and on a number line.

Is Pluto a Planet?
Unit of instruction UNIT 4: Intro to Functions and Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences

Students are asked to research Bodes law, a law that predicts the placement of planets in the solar
system. (With the Earths distance taken as 1 astronomical unit, each of the planets distances from the Sun is
given in the same unit.) Bodes law was developed by manipulating 3 sequences and then the terms were
compared to the distances of the planets to the Sun. Students are asked to analyze each sequence, describe
each as geometric, arithmetic or neither, and then represent the sequence using an explicit formula, recursive
formula and/or using function notation, depending on which is most appropriate. Students need to
demonstrate how the formulas generate the terms in the sequence and compare them to the distances of the
planets to the Sun in astronomical units. Students will then discuss whether Pluto should have been demoted
to a dwarf planet based on their findings. (Interestingly, other planets orbiting other stars also seem to
follow this law!!)

Patterns All Around Us
Unit of instruction UNIT 4: Intro to Functions and Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
Students will be asked to find arithmetic and geometric sequences in the world around them, be it in nature,
the media, etc. They will need to find 5 examples of geometric sequences and 5 examples of arithmetic
sequences. They need to represent them visually, algebraically (explicit and recursive relationship, function
notation) and numerically. Students will need to interpret the common ratio and common difference in the
context of the problem and demonstrate how the formulas generate the sequence.

Function Analysis Project
Unit of Instruction UNIT 5: Functions and Lines
Project/Activity Description Students are given a packet with 4 functions to analyze, each with a specific
parent function. Students are asked to find data points for that parent function and to graph it to reveal the
behavior of the graph. They are then asked to evaluate by hand two variations of that parent graph, like f(x)
+k or k(f(x)), again making a table of points and graphing the function. For each graph they are asked to write
about the behavior of the function using language like maximum/minimum, rate of change,
increasing/decreasing, intercepts, to name a few. For Math I, the parent functions are linear and exponential.

The Olympics
Unit of Instruction UNIT 5: Functions and Lines
Project/Activity Description Students are given the data for the winners of the mens and womens 100m
races at the Olympics since 1896. They are asked to draw a line of best fit and an equation to represent the
linear pattern of change for each group. Students are then prompted to predict missing times, such as in
the next Olympics or for Olympics that were not held (during WWII, etc.). The patterns of change are
compared to see if/when women should catch up to the men (literally) and students are asked to predict the
future of the winning times in each race. The meaning of intercepts is also analyzed. Students are then asked
to find data from the Olympics that has a more exponential pattern of change and to explain their choice.

Systems Party Budget Analysis Project
Unit of instruction UNIT 6: Systems

Project/Activity Description Students are presented with the responsibility of planning a student dinner
dance with a variety of choices to make, including band choice, catering options, and venue. Students are not
given any pre-made graphs or scaffolding, which forces students to generate their own tools needed to
make their analysis. This produces a variety of graphs with student-chosen intervals and data points. Students
determine whether equations or inequalities are necessary and if they are one or two variable systems. As
options are open, some students use technology to present their findings and others present their work from
handmade graphs. They are also asked to provide written explanations as well as be prepared to defend their
choices in an oral presentation.

Choice 1: The Band
The band, Four Republic, charges $600 to play for the evening. The band, Two Directions, charges $350 plus $1.25 for
each ticket sold.
Choice 2: Catering
A caterer charges a fixed cost for preparing a dinner plus an additional cost for each person served. You know that the
cost for 100 students will be $750 and the cost for 150 students will be $1050. Find the caterers fixed cost and the cost
per served.
Choice 3: Venue
The Hillton is available for $1000 plus $5 for each person. The Highat is available for $1600.
Students are asked which choices will lead to the lowest cost per ticket (regardless of whether they lose money or not)
and which choices lead to them breaking even, knowing they can expect between 200 and 300 students to attend.
Finishing the Project
Students produce a report that includes an analysis of the cost for dinner and each band, depending on how many
people buy tickets. The analysis also includes finding the sales level for which each option costs the same. They should
recommend a ticket price and note any conditions under which this ticket price leads to a loss for the event. Student
reasoning should be illustrated with graphs of linear equations and inequalities.

Media Literacy Mini-project
Unit of instruction UNIT 7: Descriptive Statistics
Students are asked to find authentic data and write two newspaper articles about the data. In one article, they must
choose an appropriate summary statistic to describe the data and summarize key ideas/elements found in the data. In
the second article, students choose an inappropriate summary statistics and try to convince the reader of an incredible
finding that can be made based on the data. These are then used as case studies in class to see if students can
differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate use of statistics.

Where Do Babies Come From? Assessment
Unit of instruction UNIT 7: Descriptive Statistics
Students are given real-life data on the number of pairs of nesting storks and the number of babies born in a
city in Germany. They must create a scatterplot, fit a curve to the data and describe the strength of the
relationship through the use of the correlation coefficient. They must then respond to questions on whether
or not more storks causes more babies and differentiate between correlation and causation. Each student
will then get an extra data point (or two) that is an outlier of some kind. They will have to indicate how it
affects their model as well as the confidence they have in any new model that they must create.

Geometric Constructions Booklet
Unit of instruction UNIT 8: Geometry Fundamentals and UNIT 9: Congruent Shapes.

Instructional Project/Activity Description Students are applying what they have learned about basic
geometric shapes and their properties in order to construct, replicate, and precisely identify how to construct
an angle, line, segment, perpendicular line, parallel line, and basic geometric shapes from only a straight edge
and compass. In addition to actually constructing these shapes, the students are required to give specific
instructions on how to construct the given shape. These directions must be explicit with no room for
vagueness. By requiring the students to construct and give detailed instructions on how to draw the geometric
shape, this allows the students to understand the fundamentals of why certain shapes, angles, and lines have
their respective properties and why that enables more advanced shapes to be easily deconstructed into the
most basic of shapes.

Geometry and Art
Unit of instruction UNIT 8: Geometry Fundamentals and UNIT 9: Congruent Shapes.

Instructional Project/Activity Description Throughout the unit, students are shown the work of Wassily
Kandinsky, an artist who used lines and shapes in his abstract paintings. In them, they are asked to recognize
many of the geometry elements that they are learning. The summative task is for students to create their own
abstract drawing/painting using these same elements (e.g. parallel lines, perpendicular lines, transformed
shapes, etc.) or to copy one of Kandinskys. Students must leave the traces of their geometric constructions
(arcs, etc.) which will add to the piece, as well as provide a key to show where each of the required elements
is, how it was constructed and the geometric transformation involved where appropriate.

Factoring Project
Unit of instruction UNIT 10: Factoring

Project/Activity Description Students are given the task of creating educational materials for next years
Integrated I Factoring unit. The materials must include practice exercises in both multiplying and factoring
(with worked out solutions), as well as areas where students can learn to factor independently. Students also
need to include tips or clues for students to use while factoring as well as assessments. Methods must
include factoring trinomials, difference of squares and common factor. A flowchart must be included to
demonstrate the process students use to factor an algebraic expression completely.

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