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MKS-2842 Pengolahan Limbah B3 (2 SKS)
Prasyarat: MKS-2841 Kimia Lingkungan
Pengertian dan Proses penyebaran, Metoda flokulasi, Metoda
koagulasi, Metoda flotasi, Metoda termal, Metoda elektrokimia,
Metoda sorpsi, Metoda oksidasi-reduksi, Metoda fotokatalis
Buku Pegangan:
The Fu Yen, 1999, Environmental Chemistry: Chemical principles for
environmental processes,Volume 4B, Prentice Hall PTR, New Jersey
Narven, G. F., 1996, The Environmental: Air, water and soil,
American Institute of Chemical Engineers,New York.
Jain, R. K., Aurelle, Y., Cabasud, C., Roustan, M., and Shelton, 1997,
Environmental Technology and Trends, Springer, New York.

Rencana Kuliah
No. Date Topics
1 19-Feb Introduction: HW vs Green Chem
2 26-Feb Hazardous Waste
3 5-Mar Hazardous Waste
4 12-Mar Holiday
5 19-Mar Technology for HW Treatment
6 26-Mar Technology for HW Treatment
7 2-Apr Technology for HW Treatment
8 9-Apr UTS
9 16-Apr UTS
Rencana Kuliah
No. Date Topics
1 23-Apr Technology for HW Treatment
2 30-Apr Technology for HW Treatment
3 7-May HW Management
4 14-May HW Management
5 21-May Case Study 1: Industrial HW
6 28-May Case Study 2: Hospital HW
7 3-Jun Case Study 3: Municipal HW
8 17-Jun UAS
9 24-Jun UAS

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