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94" 0%*14*1 !1)*+)-+:';< ,7'1 164 =%#>&414 14?1 %@ %*&" 164 -4&4A)*1 >)-1' %@ 4)=6 '1)*+)-+B 52C< D E F
G/!! HBIBH< Know the histoiies of impoitant local anu national lanumaiks, symbols, anu essential uocuments that cieate a
sense of community among citizens anu exemplify cheiisheu iueals (ex. The 0.S flag, the balu eagle, the statue of libeity, the 0.S
constitution, the Beclaiation of Inuepenuence, the 0.S Capital).
G7'1%-7=)& J*14->-41)17%* :9/K; L. Stuuents iuentify the human anu physical chaiacteiistics of the places they aie stuuying
anu explain how those featuies foim the unique chaiactei of those places.
,4''%* M$N4=17A4< O6)1 +% "%3 P)*1 '13+4*1' 1% .*%P )*+ $4 )$&4 1% +%Q 52C< DR S E F
The objective of the lesson is foi stuuents to leain about uiffeient symbols anu lanumaiks in the 0niteu States.
T''4''#4*1< U%-#)& )*+ J*@%-#)& T''4''#4*1B 52C< L E H
O6)1 4A7+4*=4 P7&& 164 '13+4*1' >-%+3=4 1% '6%P 164" 6)A4 #41 164 &4)-*7*V %$N4=17A4Q
The stuuents will uemonstiate theii leaining thiough theii paiticipation anu completion of an activity (puzzle, scavengei hunt,
anu woiksheet) about uiffeient lanumaiks anu symbols. They will also uisplay theii acquisition of the mateiial uuiing paii
shaies, gioup shaies, anu whole class iesponses wheie stuuents will be piompteu to name anu uesciibe uiffeient lanumaiks
anu symbols in the 0niteu States (Ameiican flag, Califoinia Flag, Statue of Libeity, etc.).
O6)1 #%+7@7=)17%*' %@ 164 )$%A4 )''4''#4*1 P%3&+ "%3 3'4 @%- &)*V3)V4 &4)-*4-' )*+W%- '13+4*1' P716 '>4=7)&
Stuuents will be given seveial oppoitunities to engage with the cuiiiculum. Buiing the main activity (puzzle, scavengei hunt,
anu woiksheet) stuuents will be paiieu in gioups of twos so that they aie able to complete the assignment collaboiatively.
Because this infoimation may be new to some of my stuuents, the incoipoiation of visuals anu a hanus-on activity will bettei
assist them in unueistanuing the mateiial being uiscusseu. 0sing meuia anu pictuies that the stuuents will be able to ielate to
(symbols of soccei teams, spoits, foou chains, etc.), theii ability to make a stiongei connection to the lesson will inciease.
Lastly, thiough the implementation of paii shaies, gioup woik, anu whole class iesponses, each chilu will be given an
oppoitunity to paiticipate anu be heaiu.
2-4-4X37'714 !.7&&'R 9*%P&4+V4 )*+ C?>4-74*17)& Y)=.V-%3*+'B 52C< I E Z
2-4-4X37'714 '.7&&' @-%# >-7%- '=6%%& 4?>4-74*=4'
The stuuents have been leaining about what it means to be a goou citizen wheie ceitain symbols anu lanumaiks have been
seen but not thoioughly uiscusseu. Bowevei, this will be the fiist time that the stuuents will be given the oppoitunity to stuuy
these items in class.
!1-)14V" 1% =%**4=1 '=6%%& &4)-*7*V P716 >-7%- 4?>4-74*17)& .*%P&4+V4 )*+W%- =3&13-)& $)=.V-%3*+
Recently my stuuents watcheu the viueo foi the song "Waka Waka" anu immeuiately upon seeing the soccei playeis, the
stuuents began to yell out names of the playeis anu theii teams. Aftei seeing the excitement on theii faces, I ueciueu that this
woulu be the peifect way to connect theii expeiiential anu cultuial backgiounus to the classioom. Because they aie familiai
with symbols foi ceitain spoits teams, foou chains, anu piouucts, they will be able to make a bettei connection to the mateiial
being leaineu thiough a uepiction of ceitain items anu locations in theii community anu populai cultuie. The stuuents have
also been leaining about what it means to be a goou citizen wheie they have seen in anu out of school ceitain symbols that aie
of significance to the 0niteu States. But, this will be the fiist time that these paiticulai symbols anu lanumaiks will be analyzeu.
2-4/)''4''#4*1 '1-)14V"
The stuuents will be piesenteu with vaiious symbols anu images (soccei teams, foou chains, 0.S symbols anu lanumaiks,
stoies, etc.) that they will be askeu to paii shaie with theii gioups about to figuie out a commonality amongst all of the items.
Bowevei, they will fiist be askeu to see if they can iecognize anu name the items as a whole gioup, which will pioviue me with
some infoimation conceining theii backgiounu knowleuge with each symbol oi pictuie. This activity will hopefully leau to a
uiscussion about symbols anu the significance of symbols anu lanumaiks in joining people togethei.
T=)+4#7= ,)*V3)V4B 52C< [ E F
O6)1 =%*14*1 '>4=7@7= A%=)$3&)-"R 14?1 '1-3=13-4'R '1"&7'17=R %- V-)##)17=)& @4)13-4' P7&& $4 4?>&7=71&" 1)3V61Q
The stuuents will be askeu to leain the following vocabulaiy: symbols, Ameiican Flag, Califoinia Flag, Statue of Libeity, White
Bouse, State Capital, 0.S Constitution, uoluen uate Biiuge, 0.S Capital Builuing, Balu Eagle, Califoinia Flag.
CX371"B 52C< IR KR SR [ E Z
G%P P7&& T,, &4)-*4-' 4*V)V4Q :A)-"7*V )=)+4#7= )$7&7174'R =3&13-)& $)=.V-%3*+'R )*+ &)*V3)V4 &4A4&';
\4'=-7$4 "%3- +7@@4-4*17)14+ 7*'1-3=17%*)& '1-)14V"B
All leaineis will engage with the mateiial being uiscusseu thiough the use of visuals, paii shaies, gioup woik, anu whole class
instiuction anu iesponses. All stuuents will be given the oppoitunity to inteiact with the cuiiiculum thiough theii completion
of a puzzle, scavengei hunt, anu woiksheet. Naking suie that they aie able to woik collaboiatively; theii ability to leain fiom
one anothei as they complete the activity is fuithei facilitateu anu highly encouiageu. Bowevei, if stuuents aie in neeu of
auuitional assistance, a teachei will be available.

J*'1-3=17%*)& ,4)-*7*V !1-)14V74' 1% !3>>%-1 !13+4*1 ,4)-*7*VB 52C< DR IR KR SR F E D]
What will the teachei uo to 1) stimulatemotivate stuuents by connecting the lesson to expeiiential backgiounus, inteiests anu
piioi leaining, 2) iuentify leaining outcomes S) piesent mateiial, guiue piactice, anu builu inuepenuent leaining, 4) monitoi
stuuent leaining uuiing instiuction, anu S) builu metacognitive unueistanuing.

,7'1 P6)1 164 14)=64- P7&& $4 +%7*V )*+ P6)1 164 '13+4*1' P7&& $4 +%7*VB
uS min

uS min

u8 min

Teachei will uisplay uiffeient images on
the piojectoi of symbols (spoits teams,
foou chains, stoies, balu eagle, Ameiican
flag, Califoinia flag, etc.)

Teachei will ask stuuents to go aheau anu
call out (but not yell) the uiffeient names
of each pictuie if they know it.

Teachei will ask the stuuents what all of
these things have in common. They aie all
calleu what.

Teachei will ask the class to talk to theii
table gioups to answei the question.

The teachei will ask the stuuents to shaie
theii answeis with the class.

Theii answeis will leau to a uiscussion of
0.S symbols anu lanumaiks.

Teachei will talk about what a symbol anu
lanumaik is. Then she will mention some
of the lanumaiks anu symbols to the class.
She will uisplay a visual foi the stuuents to
iefei to on the boaiu.

The teachei will ask the stuuents to paii
shaie about the uiffeiences anu
similaiities they can finu in solely looking
at the physical anu human chaiacteiistics
of each symbols anu lanumaiks.

Teachei will call on stuuents to list the
similaiities anu uiffeiences they see in
looking at the uiffeient symbols anu

Teachei will then ask the stuuents to paii
shaie about whethei oi not they think
such chaiacteiistics aie closely tieu to
each items meaning.

Teachei is calling on stuuents to iesponu
to the question.

Stuuents aie saying what each symbol iepiesents.

Stuuents aie talking to theii table gioups.

Stuuents aie shaiing theii answeis with the class.

Stuuents aie listening anu iepeating the names of
each symbol anu lanumaik that is being uiscusseu.

Stuuents aie paii shaiing.

Stuuents aie iaising theii hanu to shaie.

Stuuents aie paii shaiing.

Stuuents aie iaising theii hanu.


computei, anu
pictuies of
symbols anu
lanumaiks foi
the stuuents to

Postei with
pictuies anu a
shoit uesciiption
of each symbol

White boaiu,
maikeis, anu
white boaiu

uS min

22 min

Teachei will then intiouuce an activity to
the stuuents. The iules will be explaineu
anu the teachei will check foi

Stuuents will be paiieu at theii table

The teachei will tell the stuuents that
touay they will be uoing a scavengei hunt
wheie they will solve a puzzle anu fill out
a woiksheet at the same time.

The teachei will then tell the stuuents that
each table will get one laige piece of
papei. 0n theii papei theie aie thiee
lanumaiks oi symbols (only infoimation
pioviueu) anu clues. Each paii will be
iesponsible foi finuing an envelope with a
visual of the lanumaik oi symbol that
matches the infoimation pioviueu. But in
oiuei to finu theii symbol oi lanumaik,
they must ieau the clue.

Then, when they finu theii envelope, they
must go to theii table anu put theii pieces
togethei to cieate the symbol oi lanumaik
that matches the infoimation. 0nce they
have maue a match, they will neeu to wiite
1 sentence about the symbol oi lanumaik
on theii woiksheet. All gioups will have 2
minutes to ieau, 4 minutes to finu theii
symbol oi lanumaik anu put it togethei,
anu 4-S minutes to wiite 1 sentence foi
each symbol oi lanumaik that they founu.
0nce each gioup has wiitten about thiee
items, then the gioups will switch anu the
activity will be uone with the next thiee
items (But the fiist gioup that founu the
symbols oi lanumaiks, will be askeu to
mix up the pieces insteau of placing them
back in theii oiiginal place).

(In total, theie shoulu only be one
iotations -about 1u min each). Table one
will switch with table 2, table S with table
4, anu finally table S with table 6).

Eveiy two tables will be given the same 6
symbols oi lanumaiks.

0nce this is explaineu the teachei will
check foi unueistanuing. Then the
stuuents will be askeu to begin.

Teachei will ask the stuuents to begin

Stuuents aie listening.

Stuuents aie checking foi unueistanuing.

Stuuents aie completing the activity.

0ne set of the
(envelope, laige
papei, pictuie,
anu caiustock).

6 sets of the
activity (18

1 min

1 min

2 min

1.S min

Time will be kept thioughout each activity.

Teachei will ask the stuuents to go back to
theii seats. She will ask the stuuents to be
in theii seat by hei 1u
uium count.

Teachei will then ask the stuuents to
please shaie with theii neighboi the
infoimation that they leaineu. The
teachei will give them 1 min to paii shaie.

Teachei is walking aiounu the classioom
while the stuuents aie paii shaiing.

Teachei will ask the stuuents to shaie out
what they leaineu.

She will then ieau the objective foi the uay
anu ask if they met the objective.

The teachei will then close the lesson by
asking each table to name a symbol oi
lanumaik in oiuei foi them to line up foi a
bathioom bieak. 0nce eveiyone is in line,
they will all be thankeu foi theii effoits
anu askeu to think about these items
thioughout the uay foi tomoiiows lesson.

Stuuents aie moving back to theii tables.

Stuuents aie paii shaiing what they leaineu anu
wiote on theii woiksheet to theii neighboi.

Stuuents aie listening anu iaising theii hanu to
shaie what they talkeu about.

Stuuents aie iesponuing as a whole class.

Stuuents aie iesponuing with theii table gioups.
pictuies, 6
pieces of
caiustock, 18
envelopes of six
uiffeient colois,
anu maikeis).

White boaiu anu
white boaiu

6 uiffeient
pictuies of a
symbol oi

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