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Running Head: WEEK 5 FINAL PAPER 1

Week 5 Final Paper

Eileen Stafford
SI!"# $ependen%e of &an on t'e En(iron)ent
In*tru%tor Erin Poliakon
Week 5 Final Paper
.e*ting of 'o/ ground /ater i* affe%ted 01 different %onta)inant* /a* t'e 0a*e* of t'e
e2peri)ent3 .'e re*ult* /ere intere*ting in t'at /'en (inegar i* filtered t'roug' dirt it %a)e out
fairl1 %lean3 .'i* i* *urpri*ing 0e%au*e I did not t'ink t'at an1 of t'e %onta)inant* u*ed /ould
affe%t t'e /ater t'e /a1 it did /it' (inegar3 I figured all t'e /ater /ould 'a(e dirt )i2ed in /it'
t'e /ater t'at /a* filtered3 .'i* *'o/* t'at )a10e /e %an find a /a1 to find a *afer %'oi%e on
'o/ /e filter and purif1 /ater3
In t'i* La0 /e /ill e2plore 'o/ %onta)inant* affe%t t'e /ater *uppl13 onta)inant* %an
0e an1t'ing fro) 'u)an /a*te4 %'e)i%al* u*ed in far)ing and indu*trial fa%torie* to t'e laundr1
detergent and %ooking oil t'at 1ou u*e at 'o)e3 We are going to a*king 'o/ and /'1 t'i* affe%t*
u* /'en /e drink /ater fro) t'e fau%et3
5ne %onta)inant t'at i* found in /ater i* lead3 Studie* 'a(e *'o/n t'at lead %an led to
de(elop)ental dela1* in kid* and %an %au*e %an%er in adult*3 A%%ording to 6ru%e Lanp'ear a
pediatri% epide)iologi*t4 7Lead in /ater i* an underappre%iated *er(i%e of lead intake8 9Renner4
!"":3 A5;;< It i* e*ti)ated t'at 1"=!"> of %'ildren are e2po*ed to lead t'roug' t'e drinking
/ater a%%ording to t'e enter* for $i*ea*e ontrol and Pre(ention3
Anot'er %onta)inant t'at i* in our /ater *uppl1 i* p'ar)a%euti%al %'e)i%al*3 .'i* i* one
%onta)inant t'at people do not t'ink i* in t'eir drinking /ater3 So)e of t'e drug* t'at 'a(e 0een
found are antidepre**ant*4 'eart )edi%ation* and *teroid* to na)e a fe/3 W'ile t'ere 'a(e 0een
(er1 little *tudie* done to *'o/ /'at t'e affe%t* t'i* /ill 'a?(e- on t'e 'u)an 'ealt' t'ere i*
*o)e argu)ent* t'at long=ter) e2po*ure to t'e lo/ do*e* of t'e*e drug* /ill 'a(e an effe%t on
our 'ealt'3 .'e %'e)i%al* are al*o affe%ting t'e /ildlife like fi*'3 5ne effe%t t'at 'a* 0een
o0*er(ed i* t'at fi*' are 0e%o)ing )ore fe)ale like 0e%au*e of t'e 'or)onal drug* found in t'e
W'ile *tep* 'a(e 0een taken 01 t'e go(ern)ent to 'elp 0ring *tandard* to /ater
treat)ent and /a*te/ater treat)ent plant* *o)e of t'e %onta)inant* *eep into t'e /ater *uppl1
after it 'a* 0een filtered3 .'e @S En(iron)ental Prote%tion Agen%1 'a* i**ued *tandard* for
drinking /ater /it' poli%ie* like t'e Safe $rinking Water A%t of 1:#;4 0ut t'e *tandard* are not
foolproof and *o)e )uni%ipalitie* are not in %o)plian%e /it' t'e *tandard*3 Anot'er pro0le) i*
t'e %o*t of *etting up 0etter filtration *1*te)* to %at%' *o)e of t'e %onta)inant* t'at are not
0eing filtered at t'e pre*ent ti)e3
.'e rea*on for doing t'e follo/ing e2peri)ent i* to *ee 'o/ t'e %onta)inant* /ill affe%t
t'e ground /ater3 I '1pot'e*iAed t'at /'en t'e different 0eaker* are poured t'roug' t'e *oil
filter t'en /ater /ould Bu*t %o)e out /it' dirt )i2ed into t'e /ater3
In t'i* e2peri)ent /e te*ted ground /ater %onta)inant*3 .'e )aterial* t'at /ere u*ed
/a* eig't !5")L 0eaker*4 t'ree /ooden *tir *ti%k*4 1"")L graduated %1linder4 1")L of
(egeta0le oil4 1")L of (inegar4 1")L of li?uid laundr1 detergent4 1"")L 0eaker4 !;")L of *oil4
funnel4 %'ee*e%lot'4 and /ater3
Wit' a )arker t'e eig't !5")L 0eaker* /ere la0eled nu)0er one t'roug' eig't3 Putting
fi(e t'roug' eig't to t'e *ide4 fill /it' 0eaker* one t'roug' four /it' 1"")L of /ater u*ing t'e
1"")L graduated %1linder to 'elp )ea*ure t'e /ater3 In 0eaker nu)0er t/o 1")L of (egeta0le
oil /a* put in and /it' a /ooded *tir *ti%k /a* *tirred t'oroug'l13 In 0eaker nu)0er t'ree 1")L
of (inegar /a* added and /it' a /ooded *tir *ti%k /a* *tirred t'oroug'l13 In 0eaker nu)0er four
1")L of li?uid laundr1 detergent /a* added and /it' a /ooden *tir *ti%k /a* *tirred t'oroug'l13
At t'i* ti)e I /rote do/n )1 o0*er(ation* of 0eaker* one t'roug' four in .a0le 13 For t'e
*e%ond part of t'e e2peri)ent I %ut t'e %'ee*e%lot' into four pie%e* and folded t'e) *o t'at it
/a* four la1er* t'i%k3 I pla%ed one pie%e of %'ee*e%lot' into t'e funnel and )ea*ured C")L of
*oil u*ing t'e 1"")L to 'elp )ea*ure t'e *oil and poured t'at into t'e funnel3 .aking 0eaker
nu)0er one I poured t'e %ontent* into t'e funnel and let t'at filter into 0eaker nu)0er fi(e3
@*ing t'e *a)e te%'ni?ue a* a0o(e I repeated t'e *a)e t'ing to 0eaker* nu)0er t/o t'roug' four
and poured t'e) into 0eaker* nu)0er *i2 t'roug' eig't3 5n%e t'i* /a* done I o0*er(ed 0eaker*
fi(e t'roug' eig't and /rote do/n )1 o0*er(ation* in .a0le 13
Table 1: Water Observations (Smell, Color, Etc!
"ea#er Observations
1 Water i* %lear4 no *)ell
$ No *)ell4 /ater i* %lear4 oil i* floating on top
% an *)ell t'e (inegar4 /ater i* %lear
Faint *)ell4 /ater i* %loud14 t'ere i* a fil) on
top of t'e /ater
Water i* dirt14 dark 0ro/n in %olor4 0it* of dirt
floating on top4 *)ell* like dirt and 1ou %an *ee
t'e 0otto)
Water i* dirt1 and a dark 0ro/n4 no *)ell4 0it*
of dirt floating
Water i* %lear 0ut %loud1 looking4 (inegar
*)ell4 dirt i* floating on top or i* at 0otto)
Water i* (er1 dirt1 and a dark 0ro/n4 no *)ell4
1ou %anDt *ee t'e 0otto)3
I found it intere*ting t'at t'e (inegar /'en poured t'roug' t'e *oil %a)e out %loud1 /it'
(er1 little dirt in t'e /ater %o)pared to t'e ot'er 0eaker*3 .'e ot'er 0eaker* /ere all %loud1
/it' dirt and *o)e of t'e 0eaker* 'ad %'u%k* of de0ri* floating in t'e)3
I found t'at putting %onta)inant* into t'e /ater /ill affe%t t'e /ater *uppl1 and %ould
'a(e potential to 0e 'ar)ful if t'e /ater i* not treated to drink3 A%%ording to t'e re*ult* onl1
0eaker nu)0er *e(en /it' t'e (inegar %a)e out to /'ere 1ou )ig't 0e a0le to potential drink t'e
/ater3 Sin%e it appeared t'at /'en filtered t'roug' t'e *oil and t'e %'ee*e%lot' it pi%ked up (er1
little dirt /'i%' t'e tell* )e t'at t'ere i* *o)et'ing in t'e %'e)i%al *tru%ture of (inegar 'elp* t'e
dirt not 7*ti%kE and allo/* /ater and (inegar to go *traig't t'roug' and %o)e out %lean3 Anot'er
e2peri)ent t'at %ould 0e done i* *eeing /'at i* in (inegar t'at 'elp* purif1 t'e /ater3
W'at I found to 0e t'e )o*t intere*ting t'ing in t'i* e2peri)ent i* t'at (inegar 'elped
purif1 t'e /ater *o t'at it %ould 0e drinka0le3 All t'e %onta)inant* t'at /ere u*ed /ere found to
)ake t'e filtered /ater dirt1 and did not 'elp in purif1ing t'e /ater3 I %a)e to t'e %on%lu*ion
t'at /e need to find a /a1 to get t'e %onta)inant* out of t'e /ater *o t'at our %'ildren do not
'a(e to deal /it' t'e 'ealt' pro0le)* t'at %ould 0e a**o%iated /it' drinking %onta)inated /ater3
6en*k14 F3 9!"""<3 ItG* .'e Water4 Stupid: Effe%ti(e filtration i* para)ount for )aintaining 0ot'
*afet1 and ?ualit1 *tandard*3 NationG* Re*taurant Ne/*4 -;9-"<4 1:=1:4-+3 Retrie(ed fro)
6erg4 R3 9!""+<3 6riefing*3 $rug* in t'e drinking /ater: in fier1 'earing4 Senator* urge @3S3
EPA to *'ift it* paradig)3 Journal of Environmental Health3 #191<4 CC=C+3
6ott%'er4 A34 J Re24 A3 9!"1!<3 En(iron)ental *%ien%e *tudent )anual3 S'eridan4 5: eS%ien%e
rane4 3 9!"114 No(<3 6ottled (*3 tap3 S%'ola*ti% 'oi%e*4 !#4 1"=1!4.#3 Retrie(ed fro)
Renner4 R3 9!"":<3 5ut of Plu)03 Environmental Health Perspectives3 11#91!<4 A5;!=A5;#3
.urk4 K3 J 6en*el4 .3 9!""1<3 Contemporary Environmental Issues. San $iego4 A: 6ridgepoint
Edu%ation4 In%3
EPA to Re(i*e Rule for Lead in $rinking Water3 9!""C<3 Professional Safety4 519:<4 #53

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