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My Day In The Media Center As A Reserver

I use the media center to check out books, movies etc I learnd,
to work as a reserver. An organization is a group of people that work in
the same thing. In our society our organization is educational because
is a school that makes students learn. The purpose/ misin of the medi
center is, to help students, Read books, check things, be responsable of
the role you have and achieve getting a lot of books on the media
center. The media center is considered an organization because, there
are many groups of people and roles they have to form that

In the media center, people that work there have different roles
and responsabilities to achieve the goal or misin of the media center.
There are four kinds of Jobs in the media center, 1: Reserver/ 2:
Librarian/ 3: Circulation desk/ 4: Shelver. If theres not 1 of this Jobs
in the media center the community cant form. All Jobs are inportant,
because if 1 is not here there wouldnt be library. Reserver because
he/she reserves books for people if not another person checks the
book, and the person that wanted dont find the book. Librarian teaches
clases, and helps children. Circulation desk knows who checks the
book if not knobody would know who returs and who dont return the
book. Shelvers puts all books in correct position so that it could be
easier to find the book. My job was Reserver my responsability was to
reserve books to other people thaat wanted them. My job helped a lot
in the media center because if not the people that reserve a book
wouldnt get time to read the book. The media center is a great place to
check books, movies and learn new things and skills, they also teach

If 1 job makes a mistake, it can affect other Jobs. Like if shelvers
Dont putt he book in the correct position reservers cant find the book
and reserve it for people that want t oread the book. If this happens the
circulation desk is going to get bored doing nothing because nobody
would check books, because they wouldnt find it. If this happens the
librarian wouldnt find the books and show them to classes. If the
person of an organization makes a decision, all the organization would
be affected in a positive or negative way depends on the decision
made. On most organizations most jobs depend on each other.
Example1: If a leader of a company makes a bad decision on buying a
machine or something It affects all the company because the machine
would not work, and they will loose money.
Example 2: In a library a shelver misses 1 day or does something bad
all the organizations is affected because, every job depend on each
others job.

An organization would be success when, workers that work
there do all there job in a good way. But If people dont good on their
job the organization cant work good and the organization would not
get to complete there mission. Yes, the media center is success because
all the workers do there job very good. Its important to have a
purpose/mission/goal on an organization because if you want to do
something good or have a good organization you have to have a
goal/mission/purpose clear. This is what I learned when I visited the
media center.

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