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Effects of Shark Finning

Decrease Sharks Populations

o Extinction
Decreases in types of species
Unable to mate and reproduce

o Changes in genetic
Lack of variations
Smaller in size
Lower life span

Affecting the aquatic ecosystem
o No ecological stabilizers
Eg. Shellfish populations will decrease because they depend on sharks to live
Shellfish purify water hence will cause pollutions
Eg. Remora Fish decrease in populations (mutualism)
Other predators will eat them

o Hard to control the population of the prey
If predator decreases, prey will increases
Cause abundance of prey affect ecosystem
Loss of income
o Lack of ecotourism
No tourist hence no income to the country
Nothing to see
o Fishermen will face problem
Fishes will concentrate on deep sea since no predator sharks
Lack of fishes in the shore, less catches

Killing the sharks
o Without fin, they cannot swim properly
Cant hunt for prey, no food and die slowly
o Need to swim to get oxygen
No oxygen and die of suffocations
o Bleed to death
Blood vessel opened

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