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BTEC Health and Social Care: Diploma/Extended Diploma:

Unit 22: Research Methods for Health and Social Care

P: Plan a research project
M2: Justify the research methodologies chosen for the project
D!: Assess research methodologies with regard to ensuring the validity of finings (partial)
Section !: STUDE"T details
1. Project participants m#st not be contacted or approached until the proposal has been
approved. Once the project has been approved no changes can be made to the project
unless your teacher has signed it off.
!. "ou should #eep a signed copy of the form and confirmation of approval to submit with
your research project.
$ame% &orm
$ppro%ed &es "o
$ppro%ed '(: ))))))))))))))))))))))))) Date: )))))))))))))))
Details of amendments that need to 'e addressed 'efore the research can ta*e place+
Please note: ,f (o#r plan re-#ires si.nificant amendments d#e to ethics or
proced#res/ (o# m#st s#'mit a ne0 proposal+
Section 2: Research Proposal
Preliminar( Chec*list 1please tic* 'oxes 2
"es $o
1. )oes the study involve participants who are particularly vulnerable
(e.g. young children victims of crime homeless mental illness etc.)*
!. )oes the study involve participants would find it difficult to give
informed consent (e.g. young children people with learning
+. ,ill the study re-uire the co.operation of a gate#eeper for initial access
to the groups or individuals to be recruited*
/. ,ill it be necessary for participants to ta#e part in the study without
their #nowledge or consent at the time*
0. ,ill the study involve discussion of topics that the participants may find
sensitive* (e.g. sexual activity, personal drug use, income etc.)
1. ,ill the study involve invasive intrusive or potentially harmful
procedures of any #ind* (e.g. fitness testing)
2. 3ould the study induce psychological distress or an4iety or cause harm
or negative conse-uences beyond the ris#s encountered in normal
5. ,ill the study involve prolonged or repetitive testing*
6. ,ill the study re-uire any deception of participants*
17. )oes the study involve $89 patients staff or premises*
,f (o# ha%e ans0ered (es to an( of the a'o%e/ ho0 do (o# plan to o%ercome an(
Pro4ect Details
!+ Pro4ect Title:
2+ "ames of other
researchers or st#dent
in%esti.ators in%ol%ed:
5+ 6ocation1s2 at 0hich
pro4ect is to 'e carried o#t:
+ Bac*.ro#nd and
rationale for st#d(:
(This must demonstrate
background reading and
secondary research)
$pprox+ !07 words
7+ $ims and o'4ecti%es of
the research and/or the
research -#estions:
$pprox+ 177 words
8+ $pproach to and
Methods of data collection:
Clearly outline what data
will be collected and why.
(M) !lso how data will be
collected. (copies of
"uestionnaires interview
schedules, observation etc
must be appended).
#ustify why a particular
approach is being favoured
and adopted.
$pprox. /77 words
9+ Recr#itment of
$iscuss approach to, and
rationale behind the
sampling methodology.
%ive number of participants
involved& how they will be
identified and invited to
participate and how
voluntary informed consent
will be obtained. #ustify
your choice of sampling
method (M)
:+ Ethics
)iscuss the ethical issues
involved that are relevant to
your research your
research. )escribe any
potential ris#s to
participants e.g. outline
any potential psychological
distress an4iety or upset or
any harm or negative
conse-uences that may be
induced by the study. (P!)
)escribe the steps you will
ta#e to minimise the ris#s to
participants% (:!)
$pprox+ 577 words
;+ Potential 'enefits of
proposed research:
'utline the potential
benefits of the research for
participants involved and
more generally.
$pprox+ 177 words
Research Tools Chec*list
Please go through the chec#list below to ma#e sure you have produced and attached
all research tools to your application.
Research Tools
'esearch Advertisement :aterials
Participant ;nvitation <etter
Participant ;nformation 9heets
Participant 3onsent &orms
=ate#eeper ;nformation 9heets><etters>3onsent &orms
?uestionnaires or other measurement instruments
;nterview 9chedules or (opic =uides
Si.ned% @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. ($pplicant)
)ate% @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.
Unit 22: $ction Plan
$ction "eeded Timescale 1Date/Time

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